Hurt Pt.II

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Chris' POV

As soon as I get back to the studio, I find all the guys waiting for me. 

Jisung eyes me rather annoyed. "Where were you? We have a lot of work to do and you've been gone for hours!" I'm in no mood for arguments, especially not after the emotional damage I suffered earlier today. But, I have to do what I have to do. "Well, I have some news to share!" I'm trying to sound cheerful. The boys gather around me. "Where is Felix and Hyune?" Jeongin asks curiously. "Felix is still in Sudney." "Again?" Seungmin frowns. "Family matters." I mutter, which is not far from the truth. "He will be back in a few days. Meanwhile, he asked me to share some news with you." I force a smile. "Shouldn't we wait for Hyunjin?" Jeongin asks again. I ignore the question. Better get this 'thing' out there. "We'll soon have another stray kid among us! Felix is going to be a father!"

Do I sound excited or pathetic?

I look at them smiling widely. No one seems to share my enthusiasm. Instead, a heavy silence falls all around. You could hear a pin drop. Seungmin glares at me. "What?" He finally utters in complete disbelief. Jeongin and Jisung stare with their mouths open. Changbin looks at me and then at Minho who seems to be malfunctioning. "I thought that..." It's Jeongin who speaks. "Is this why Hyun isn't here?" Seungmin sounds menacing. "Uh, no Seung. He had some other business to attend to, he will come by later..." No, I sound pathetic... "Does he know?" He asks again. "Yes, of course he knows. He has already sent Felix his wishes." This is getting worse and worse. "Look, guys! This is a joyous occasion! I know that you might be confused but, whatever happened between Hyunjin and Felix is their business and they never wanted it to affect the group..." My voice trails off as Seungmin gives me a murderous look. The others stay silent. "We should congratulate him." Jisung speaks hesitantly. "Maybe prepare something when he comes back, to celebrate..." "Yes, thank you Ji! That's the spirit!" The tension is palpable. "We should get back to work." I change the subject. Seungmin just walks in the recording booth, still looking pretty worked up. Changbin pulls me aside along with Minho who looks at us both with wide eyes full of sorrow. "How did Hyunjin take it?" Changbin asks in a hushed voice, clearly worried. I just stare at him, my lips pressed into a thin line. What could I say? "Not well." I reluctantly admit. "I need to go to him." Minho whispers. "I think he prefers to be alone right now, Min." I try to sound reassuring. "I can't, I ... I am sorry hyung!" He runs out of the studio without a second thought. Changbin and I look at each other. "This could go well or, it could go really, really badly." He ponders out loud, giving me a knowing look. I roll my eyes exasperated. "Thank you Changbin, for this reassuring prediction!" I hiss at him. I can't help the snarky remark.

I frown at the thought of all this mess. Will Minho be able to console Hyunjin? I still don't know what happened between them the other night. Did Minho scold him? Did they have a fight? They are both so stubborn at times and don't communicate their thoughts or feelings well. But, I'm afraid only Minho can get through to him. He is the only one Hyunjin confides in, when he can't bear the burden alone. I sigh again and put an effort to focus on the task at hand: Recordings...


Hyunjin sits on his bed, their bed. The curtains are closed plunging the room into darkness. Somehow the sunlight hurts his eyes. His head is throbbing, he thinks it'll burst open. After the online fan meeting, where he unconsciously or maybe simply out of habit, reached for and held Felix's hand, everything seems to be going downhill. Just as they were ready to leave the studio, Felix dragged him into the dressing room, locking the door behind them, and cornered him. He practically threw himself all over Hyunjin. "I missed you." He whispered against Hyunjin's lips. After months of avoidance and scorn, he had him pinned against the wall and ran his hands all over him while his mouth attacked him hungrily, sucking the skin on his neck. He still had the mark, albeit faded. Hyunjin tried, very weakly truth be told, to push him away but, he craved him so much, he gave in. He hasn't realized how much or just wasn't thinking about it. It was too painful. But eventually he did. "What are you doing, Lix?" He whispered flustered by their heated make-out session. "I missed you." Felix repeated with his heavy lustful voice. "How can you say that?" Hyunjin moaned while Felix kissed him again, shoved his tongue inside Hyunjin's mouth, drowning his protests. He tried to cup his face, pulling him away at last. "You broke up with me. You avoided me. You are about to leave again." Hyunjin prointed out, disappointment creeping into his voice, though he was still panting with need. His heart was pounding uncontrollably, giving away his longing. "Maybe I changed my mind." Felix whispered, biting Hyunjin's bottom lip, his hands still on his body, demanding. "Are you serious?" Hyunjin finally pushed him away, unlocked the door and stepped out, reeling between want and pain. "Are you just going to walk away?" He heard Felix yelling behind him. He was confused. He didn't know what to make of Felix's actions. Months - MONTHS! - of agony, hurting by his indifference, his absense and now this? He stopped for a moment, unsure. Should he just take him back, without a second thought? He got that suffocating feeling again. He went to his apartment. Everything around him still reminds him of Felix, and also the pain he went through, alone, feeling rejected and insignificant.

And then Minho came to find him, accusing him unfairly, attacking him. After what happened last night, he was upset and hurt even more. Another person dear to him, treated him like something to be used, with no regard to his feelings. What was that all about anyway? He was confused. Although, when he and Minho... when his senses were overtaken by Minho, just for a brief moment, he felt alive again, alive and wanting...

He spent the entire night thinking. And sulking. Maybe Felix was right. Maybe Minho was right. Maybe he did give up on their relationship too easily. The morning found him with renewed resolve. He would go after Felix, his Yongbok, as he should have done the first time he ran away, and take him back. Felix always liked the grand gestures, he wanted to feel special and appreciated. Hyunjin was too wrapped up in his bruised ego, to take notice of his lover's need for attention. Yes, he was at fault here and he should fix it. Felix showed him it wasn't too late...

And then, Chris hit him with the news...

And now he is confused, shedding silent tears, although he had promised himself that he would not cry. He's suffocating again. He is... What is he? An idiot, perhaps. A fool, for everyone to mock and laugh at. He failed to interpret Felix's words correctly that night, that's for sure! Felix plainly told him that he wanted kids and family. And apparently he acted on his wishes. But, then why was he playing with Hyunjin? Why was he being cruel? He sobs harder. He feels so betrayed. And the air... The air is not enough. He cannot breathe...

A loud knock startles him. What now? He gets up and walks to the door. "Hyunjin! Hyunjin are you in? Open the door!" It's Minho. Hyunjin stares at the door indecisive as the other continues to bang on it.

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