Home Is Where The Heart Is Pt.I

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Finally, I'm back in Sydney. I managed to do a lot of things I wanted to during my vacation this year but now it's time to go home and relax with my family and friends. So, of course I met up with Stella. We had a lot of catching-up to do. She was the only person - apart from Chris - I could confide in and talk about you, Hyunjin-ah, and anything else involving our 'clandestine' affair.

God, that sounds so dirty!

"Felix! I am so happy for you!" She said hugging me suffocatingly tight when I shared the news of us finally being together. I smiled at her excitement and the very apparent fondness in her eyes. Stella was always so much more than a friend. She was - is - my confidante, my most trusted person. We talked for hours about you and I, Hyunjin-ah. She wanted to know every little detail about how our love blossomed and grew. And I was happy to share my thoughts and feelings, my fears... 

Yes, I still had some doubts and fears, not about you but rather the situation that we were in, the circumstances. It is funny how you were the one who was cautious in the beginning and now, I am the one constantly thinking things over and over again, isn't it?

"You know, I think I am in love too." Stella confessed shyly after a long pause. That was a first for her. I scanned her flustered face. "And who is the lucky guy?" I inquired in a very serious tone. Who could be good enough for my precious Stella? "Just someone I met in college." She smiled. "I think it is serious!" She hid her face with her hands, acting like a schoolgirl. I felt a slight twinge of jealousy. "So, I am not your favourite anymore?" "Oh, Yonbokie! You will always be my favourite!" She hugged  my arm, batting her eyelashes. I laughed. "But, how can I even compare to the Versace Prince?" She added pouting. I rolled my eyes and she laughed.

My Versace Prince... I missed you. And couldn't wait to come back to you, even though it would mean sneaking around and not having enough time to spend with each other, or the privacy I wanted. But first, you had to go to Milan, I had to go to Paris for our respective brands. I walked the runway!  I never thought I would do something like this and I was so nervous, but you and the guys have been incredibly supportive, constant and unwavering even from afar. It was all so exciting and new and I'm glad I did. But most of all I'm glad to be back home, with you.


I wanted to give Hyunjin a special birthday surprise but unfortunately I couldn't. The guys beat me to it. They woke him up just after midnight and wished him happy birthday. Dang... He saw me pouting and hugged me tightly, laughing and kissing my pouty lips gently, just a quick peck, in front of the others. "I wanted to be the first to wish you happy birthday." I stuck my tongue out to Chris who heard me and laughed at my face. "You are mean, hyung!" I whined. "It's not my fault you couldn't be here on time, Lixie." Chris shrugged. "Now, don't bother Hyunne, let him rest." He said going into dad-mode. I side-eyed him. "Do you want me to go?" I asked the man in question. "No... but unfortunately you have to." He said ruefully. Damn schedule! I scowled "I promise I'll arrange for us to spend time tomorrow, just the two of us." He whispered in my ear, kissing my cheek. "Fine..." I pushed him onto his bed again and attacked his lips with the clear intention of leaving him breathless and... wanting more. "See you in the morning, Jinnie." "See you, baby." He smiled as sweetly as ever, his eyes became two crescent moons and dimples appeared on his small cheeks. 

I love him and he is all mine! I thought smiling to myself as I left for my dorm.

In the morning I found a message from him asking me to join him after his birthday live. Nothing more. I was intrigued cause he did promise that we would spend time just the two of us. So, there I was, patiently waiting for him to finish. It was late and I wasn't sure where we could go at this hour. He messaged me to come outside and found him waiting for me in his car. As soon as I got in, he drove away. "Where are we going?" "You'll see." He smiled enigmatically and kept his eyes on the road.

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