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Felix couldn't handle this evident lack of interest from Hyunjin, his polite indifference. The truth is he did not know how much it cost his ex-lover though, to remain calm and neutral, trying his hardest not to bring more drama among the rest of the group members, now that Felix has decided that he wants things to go back to 'normal' between them. Felix only knew his own regrets - did he really have any? - and wants. After yet another futile attempt to lure Hyunjin back into his arms, he ran out of the studio, wiping tears from his eyes, ignoring Chris' huffing and Minho's annoyance. And Hyunjin faltered. He ran after him, one last time.

He shouldn't have.

Minho saw Hyunjin going after Felix and without much thought, he followed them. He walked out the back door of the studio that led to the empty parking lot. Empty, except for Felix who was crossing it hurriedly, walking towards the street. Minho took a step back, hiding in the shadows.

"Yongbok..." Hyunjin called to him softly, standing a few meters behind. He still thought they should talk about everything that led to their break up and be on good terms with each other. Hearing his voice, Felix stopped dead in his tracks. Did it work? He knew Hyunjin couldn't bear to see him cry. He did call him 'Yongbok' just now. He supressed a small smile.

They stood silent for quite a while, one facing the street and the other at his former lover's back. It was getting dark and the heavy clouds gathering made the sky even darker. It could start raining at any moment now. And it did. As the skies opened and poured down upon them, Felix finally turned around. With a couple of long strides he reached Hyunjin, grabbed him by the collar with both hands and pulled him in for a desperate kiss. The rain was falling heavily, soaking their clothes, but they continued to kiss like there was no tomorrow.

There wasn't.

Minho was watching them from behind the half closed door. Sighing, he was about to turn and head back to the studio, when he realized Felix was walking away again, leaving Hyunjin frozen in place. The latter stared blankly in front of him motionless, until he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, you'll catch a cold if you stay out here much longer." Hyunjin followed Minho back inside obediently. He went to the washroom to dry off a bit, wiping the rain mixed with tears from his face. Minho called from outside. "Let's get you home, shall we? You need to change clothes." "Ok..."

The drive to Hyunjin's place was quiet. Hyunjin felt emotionally drained and hadn't uttered a single word since they left the studio, leaving behind a deeply worried Chris. He stared straight ahead, blankly. Minho stole glances at him every now and then, trying to decipher his mood. He stopped the car in front of Hyunjin's apartment building. The raven haired turned and met Minho's worried gaze. "Do you wanna come up?" He asked softly. Minho managed to hide his surprise. "Do you want me too?" Hyunjin nodded. "I could use the company. I don't want to be alone. And... I am hungry. Aren't you hungry? We can order some pizza?" He looked tired, no, discontented? Was this a more accurate description? "Ok." Minho agreed and parked the car. They went to Hyunjin's apartment in silence. "Pizza and beers, what do you think?" Hyunjin asked once inside, smiling weakly at Minho. "Sure..." the latter nodded in agreement. He could be the friend Hyunjin needed right now, just that, despite his own feelings and the urge to hug and comfort him, the longing for more. Their shared night seemed long forgotten... 

They placed their order and Hyunjin went to change into dry clothes. After a while they were sitting on the couch eating and drinking, watching a movie Minho chose. It was like many other nights they have spent during their early years as a group, except now it was just the two of them.

Minho looked at Hyunjin's side profile. He seemed engrossed in the movie, not even blinking. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Minho asked softly. "No, not now..." Hyunjin answered keeping his eyes on the screen. "Ok..." After a few moments of silence, Hyunjin decided to speak. He paused the movie. "It is not like I want to get back together. It is not possible anymore. He moved on, I moved on..." "You did?" Minho was taken aback by these words. He barely managed to hide his surprise and ... pain? Yes, he felt a sudden pang of pain in his heart. "Kinda..." Hyunjin did not elaborate, instead he continued. "I just needed to say some things to him but he didn't give me the chance. We have left things unaddressed between us. I did not expect that... what happened. I would never..." "You don't have to justify yourself, Hyunjin. You are only human, both of you. And what you two had was pretty intense. You just need closure." Hyunjin looked at Minho. His eyes glistened with tears. "It is over... for quite some time, even though I did not want to admit it. There is nothing left between us. In the parking lot, and before in the... I... I didn't feel as I used to." "Jin..." Two tears escaped Hyunjin's eyes and rolled down his cheeks. "That's why I ran after him. I wanted to tell him that he should go on with his life, as he intended. He shouldn't do that to himself,  he should stop trying to get back what is lost. It is over between us. It really is." His voice broke. He wiped away the tears with the back of his hand. "I know I shouldn't give in to him..." Hyunjin was still struggling to keep his emotions under control. "...but sometimes, he makes me feel like all this is all my fault. I am the culprit here, I didn't try hard enough. Maybe I didn't..." He sighed. "When he acts so hurt, like I am the unreasonable one, I..." "He is just being a brat." Minho interjected dryly. Hyunjin couldn't help a light chuckle. "He makes me doubt my decision and then I give in to him in someway, only to be reminded of how broken and betrayed I felt. I still feel..." Hyunjin looked at Minho, seeking understanding. He could only stare back at him, fondness and sorrow mixing in his gaze. "I am sorry. Let's watch the rest of the movie." Hyunjin forced a smile on his lips and turned to the TV screen again.

Minho's mind was racing now and so was his heart. Hyunjin moved on, with whom? He did see some signs. Hyunjin was seen on dates with another female idol but these things were often just PR stunts. He wanted to ask the other about it but, perhaps, now was not the right time.

They finished watching the movie in comfortable silence, drinking beer and eating their pizza. "Well, I should go." Minho left the pillow he'd been hugging all this time on the couch, next to him. "Do you have to?" Hyunjin asked in a slightly whiny tone. "I suppose I can stay a while longer..." "Please." Hyunjin looked at Minho. He looked back, watching him lean in closer and cupping his face before pressing his lips on his. It was soft, chaste. Minho's heart fluttered. Hyunjin pulled back, sitting next to him again. "I'm sorry. I make all these arguments about respecting someone's feelings and not hurting them and then do this, taking advantage of your friendship..." Minho pulled him close silencing him with his lips, a quick soft peck. "You can do whatever you want Jin. I'm here for you." He whispered. Hyunjin stared at him with huge eyes, glistening wet again. Minho offered himself unconditionally. "I'm aware of your need. I'm here for you." He repeated fervently.

The way Hyunjin locked eyes with him! Minho thought his soul left his  body.

There was tension in the air, like electricity buzzing between their bodies. Minho can't say with certainty who initiated the kiss this time, or how and when Hyunjin sat on his lap, there on the couch, kissing him deeply, while caressing his back. He slid his hands under Hyunjin's shirt, touching the warm skin with his cold hands, making the younger shiver. Hyunjin took his shirt off, cupping Minho's face and guiding his mouth down to his neck. His fingers tangled in Minho's soft brown hair, stroking him gently. He sighed and whimpered with each wet kiss the older left on his skin, whispering his name.

But, all that being said, it doesn't mean Minho wasn't losing his mind. How was this happening again? Hyunjin would be the death of him someday, for sure. He would be the first to admit that he had given up on his pride when it came to that handsome sensual raven-haired man sitting on his lap right now. No pride left, none at all. He practically admited it to Hyunjin. And he didn't care.

Laying him down slowly on the couch, Minho removed his shirt and crawled on top of Hyunjin. They were making out passionately, claiming each other as their own territory, heated and wet and desperate, until they both had to stop and catch their breath. Minho sat up. His gaze wandered over Hyunjin's flustered face and stopped at his swollen red lips, then traveled further down to the very visible bulge on his crotch. Hyunjin followed his gaze. Smirking, he got up and walked towards the bedroom.

"Coming?" He asked over his shoulder. "You don't have to ask me twice." Minho muttered to himself and followed.

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