Let Me In Pt.I

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"What are you doing here, Minho?" Hyunjin's tone is anything but friendly. He is the last person he wants to see right now. He turns his back to him and walks away.

Minho had been knocking on the door for so long, he almost gave up before Hyunjin finally opened it, frowning at the sight of the older. Minho walks in hesitantly, following Hyunjin into the living room. There is a suitcase open in the middle of the floor and clothes are scattered around. On the coffee table he sees a camera, broken.

"Your favourite camera..." Minho points to the object. "It is broken?" Yeah, it is broken like everything else in my life, like me... Hyunjin keeps his back on him. "What do you want?" He spits angrily. "I just... I came to see how you are doing." Minho answers in a small voice. Hyunjin has every right to be mad at him. His behaviour last night was inexcusable. "Are you going to blame me for that too?" He is angry, yes. Minho looks at him pained. "I am sorry about last night, Jin. I was out of line." Hyunjin turns to face him. His eyes are red and puffy and he looks so sad, so heartbroken. Minho feels his heart clench uncomfortably. He tentatively extends his hand to the other but lets it hang in midair. He is not sure if Hyunjin would like to be touched by him again. He watches him ruefully as Hyunjin sits on the couch, leaving the clothes he was holding fall to the floor.

Minho crouches in front of him and their eyes finally meet.

"I am fine." Hyunjin says, trying to sound steady but his voice breaks. "No, you are not." Minho replies calmly. "It doesn't matter." Hyunjin looks away, staring at the wall behind Minho instead. The latter sits next to him on the couch and hesitantly reaches for his hand. Thankfully, Hyunjin lets him. Minutes pass in silence. Hyunjin sighs and entwines their fingers, tightening his grip. "He said we need to find love." His voice is low. "I thought we had found love..." He chokes. "...in each other." He blinks back tears. "He is with someone else... he has... a child?" He sniffles. "Was my love not enough? Didn't he feel it? Did I... did I make him feel unloved?" His voice trails off and Minho's heart tightens in agony again. Hyunjin turns to face Minho. "Was I not enough?" "Of course you were... you are. More than enough." Minho struggles with the lump in his throat. He feels for Hyunjin, he feels for him deeply. His wounded expression tears at Minho's heart. "Sometimes..." He sighs. "Sometimes love is not enough, Jin." He should know. Hyunjin blinks back fresh tears. "When did it become not enough?" He whispers mostly to himself.

They stay like that, silent, Hyunjin fighting back sobs and Minho holding his hand, at loss for what else to do to comfort him, except be there. Moments pass, minutes turn into hours. Minho is wondering what is going on in Hyunjin's mind but he dares not ask. They remain in the suffocating quietness of the disheveled room until darkness falls outside. Hyunjin takes a deep breath. He looks a bit calmer now, on the outside at least. "I need to feel something other than this. This...  it suffocates me." He states to no one in particular. "I'm here, Jin." Minho murmurs gently. "Tell me what I can do to make you feel better." He squeezes his hand offering a small smile. Silence falls again, thick and palpable. Finally, Hyunjin breaks the impasse. He turns to look at him, his eyes are dark and Minho feels something brewing in their depths and between the two of them, something that was not present until now. He watches Hyunjin straddling him, very surprised by the sudden mood change. Minho lets him cup his face looking deep into his brown eyes. He touches Minho's lips with his own, ever so softly. "Help me feel something Min... anything but this." Minho grips him by the waist, to push or keep him closer? This is not the way to go about things, is it? "Jin..." He tries to protest but his defenses are weak. No, he doesn't really want to fight back or object. He wants to surrender to his own yearning. His mouth is slightly open, prime for the other to invade if he so wishes. He closes his eyes and feels Hyunjin's lips ghosting an inch above his face. "I need you Min..." He whispers. He captures his upper lip between his own, causing Minho to grunt. He traces with his tongue their shape before deepening their kiss. Minho sighs and welcomes the Hyunjin's tongue. He lets him play with his, nudging it to engage in a sensual dance. His grip tightens. The man on his lap takes the opportunity to grind his lower body against his crotch, making him groan. Minho's mind is in clear disbelief at what he is currently experiencing.

I am dreaming... is all he can think.

Hyunjin breaks their kiss and stares at Minho. The latter opens his eyes, secretly despairing that this dream may have come to an abrupt end. Neither of them speaks a word. As if they wish to preserve some fragile balance between them. Hyunjin decides to get up and grabs Minho's hand pulling him behind him, leading him into the bedroom. He takes off his t-shirt along the way, tossing it carelessly on the floor and turns to Minho. His hands linger over the latter's chest and then he begins to unbutton his shirt slowly, his fingertips grazing lightly the bare skin underneath the fabric, while Minho watches the ravenette seduce him, taking shaky breaths with each unfastened button. Hyunjin pushes it off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. His gaze travels on Minho's muscular physique, his broad shoulders, defined pectorals and firm abdomen, running his fingertips along the contours of his sculpted body. Minho feels his breathing hitch, watching the other caress him so gently, tracing every line dilligently, while his eyes dart upwards to meet Minho's now and then as if he challenges him to do something. But Minho simply surrenders to him. Finally they lock eyes, always in silence, and Hyunjin wraps his arms around him making their bare skin come in contact as they kiss again, more sensually, more intense. Hyunjin pushes him against the wall and Minho abandons himself to his hunger. He lets him roam his skin with his suddenly eager mouth, marking his flesh with purple colour.

Everyone will know but I don't care! Is all Minho can think while moaning softly, throwing caution, common sense and everything in between to the wind.

Minho feels the other's teeth graze his skin and his hot tongue soothe the sting, from jaw to neck and chest and down to his abdomen. He moans again, desperate for more as Hyunjin kneels in front of him. Minho watches him in awe as he unbuttons his jeans with deft eager fingers, pulling them down along with his underwear to free his throbbing member, all the while his eyes are locked on Minho's. He skillfully envelopes it with his hand and strokes it, making Minho whimper as he feels the other's thumb rubbing against him teasingly. He closes his eyes tightly to hold back the wave of arousal that pushes him to release prematurely. He feels warmth and wetness as Hyunjin takes him in his mouth, his tongue swirling around his erection, tracing every inch of his shaft. Opening his eyes just a fraction, he takes in that sinful sight in front of him and bites his lip hard. His left hand finds its way into Hyunjin's hair, tightening his grip as the teasing progresses, fighting back the urge to thrust hard against the younger's mouth, letting himself enjoy the slow burn instead. But he has his limits. As Hyunjin keeps mouthing him, invading his slit with his tongue and fondles his nether parts with deft hands, Minho finally cums quivering helplessly inside his mouth, grunting softly. When his shuddering subsides, only then does he feel the other withdraw and rise. He opens his eyes and meets Hyunjin's dark gaze. He is looking straight into his soul, licking his lips seductively.

A/N: The second part will be posted tomorrow.

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