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Felix's POV

Somewhere we only knew...

The bar was on a terrace overlooking the city centre. Despite the late hour, the streets were bustling with life. People were coming and going, alcohol fueling flirtation and desire alike. It was a glorious summer night. We were together, strangers among strangers. No one recognized us. We were carefree and happy.

So, what came over me?

I went to get us drinks from the bar. A girl eyed me all the way and started talking to me as I waited for our drinks. I managed to let her down politely and she graciously let me be. But that wasn't the end of it. A guy who stood behind her came to me. "Not your type?" He asked, not beating around the bush. I smiled. "Are you here alone?" he continued. "No, I have company." "Shame. I would love to buy you a drink." I smiled again. He was very good looking and he was also very confident and bold, reaching for - but never actually touching - my hand on the marble bar countertop as we made small talk. My eye caught you looking my way questioningly. I shook my head subtly and continued to talking to the handsome boy in front of me. You stood up and started walking towards me. Thankfully, the bartender handed me our drinks. 

As I was leaving the boy touched my hand lightly and gave me a napkin with his phone number on it. He leaned slightly towards me. "We could go sightseeing together." He whispered in my ear suggestively. He pulled away and smiled again. The look you gave me when I handed you your drink was anything but friendly. "Who was that?" "Just someone." I replied indifferent. You pursed your lips trying very hard to suppress the jealousy that obviously bubbled just beneath the surface. Yes, you didn't want strangers to touch me. "He seemed awfully friendly." Your tone was venomous. I shrugged. "Let's enjoy our drinks." I retorted indifferent. But, the boy came up to me on our way out. He touched my arm very lightly leaning closer and whispered in my ear again: "Call me." I am not sure if you heard him but your expression darkened considerably.

Our way back to the hotel was silent. I could feel you scowling, next to me, irritated. Did I do it on purpose, flirt with that boy so obviously and shamelessly to make you jealous? I don't know.

As soon as we entered the room and the door shut behind us you pushed me against the wall, trapping me with your body. Your eyes were dark and lustful as you stared back at me. You crushed your lips on mine kissing me roughly. I couldn't breathe by the intensity of your kiss. You moved to my jaw, sucking my skin relentlessly, leaving bite marks and hickeys all the way down to my neck. I grunted turned on and already aroused. I tried to bring your lips back to mine but you turned me around to face the wall. You kept your mouth latched on my neck biting between kisses. I moaned harder, feeling heat pooling in my groin, wanting desperately to feel friction and contact there. I tried to turn and face you but you just pushed me against the wall once more. You stopped, breathing heavily onto my neck, your hands travelling down my torso, for a moment, as if to see if I'd object again. But I did not move, letting you do whatever you wanted. I felt your mouth on my neck, latching with force again, sucking the skin, making me moan like a cat in heat. Your hands were rough on my body, under my shirt pushing it up and taking it off. 

Your tongue traveled down my spine I arched my back completely lost in the pleasure of that one electric jolt I felt. I needed more. And you did more. You palmed me, rubbing with pressure. I groaned finally welcoming the friction. Your hand slid inside my boxers, stroking hard, while you grinded against my back. You were as hard as I was by now. I finally managed to turn and face you, trying to rid you of your t-shirt, needing to feel more of you. You took it off throwing it away and without further ado you crushed your lips on mine, not giving me a chance to breathe. Aggressive and rough, you kept grinding your thigh against my length. One hand locked my wrists above my head and the other traveled to my lower back, landing on my butt, kneading the flesh with force. I moaned in your mouth, absolutely turned on by your actions. Your fingers were already working inside me, eliciting more deep moans from me. "Hyun..." I tried to voice my desire. You just pushed your tongue inside my mouth, depriving me of oxygen once more. I was shivering with pleasure, enjoying your roughness probably more than I should.

Should I make you jealous more often? The possessive side of you was always tantalizing to me.

Pausing for a moment I found myself facing the wall again. You kept pressing me against it without mercy, kissing my neck again. Pushing both of our clothes just enough out of the way, you placed your hands firmly on my hips, pulling me closer to you, sliding inside me. I arched my back. I was so turned on. I moaned with each hard deep thrust, bracing myself with my hands against the wall. Pulling out just in time, you leaned on my back and we both came way too quickly, panting. Your breath tickled my ear: "You are mine, baby." You whispered darkly. Your sultry voice made me shiver with unnamed desire again. I leaned back, wanting to connect our bodies again. I turned my head searching for your lips but you never gave in. After a moment you let go of me. "Jinnie?" I was met with your back as you walked to the bathroom. The door closed and I heard the water running in the shower. I blinked in confusion.

Were you still mad?

When you came out, you avoided my gaze and went straight to bed. By now, I felt a tightness in my chest as I thought about everything that happened earlier. I went in to shower fighting back tears. When I came out you were already fast asleep, or pretending to be. It was the first night we went to bed without kissing and cuddling, since we got here. It hurt me. I felt the tears well up in my eyes again. I cursed myself internally. I really did like to play with fire only I got burned this time.

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