one | the sun and moon

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I glanced up. Glittering periwinkle eyes stared back at me and every time she moved closer her hair swished with her as if she was trying to show it off. However, the smile on her lips said otherwise. "Talk to someone like me?" I reiterated, pointing at myself with the chewed-out end of my pen.

I could still feel the ink that stuck to my teeth, delving into the cracks of my lips. Yet, she seemed unbothered, briefly looking at the writing utensil and then back at my face. The more I looked at her the more I realized she was less of a show-off and more of a natural beauty.

"You know, the emo, artist, laidback type," She hummed. I blinked, bewildered. I wasn't sure whether to take offense or simply accept her statement as it was. Emo? Do I seriously look emo? I looked down at my clothes briefly, only looking more like an idiot as I had completely forgotten I was clad in the Yuuei uniform.

Guess it was my face that told it all. Damn. "Emo?" I murmured towards her, an eyebrow cocked in her direction. She nodded innocently. I guess she hadn't even realized how insulting she sounded. "Anyway, I'm Hado Nejire, but just call me Nejire! It's nice to meet you," She chimed, cheeks pink with excitement.

Her face only seemed to grow redder when my fingers reached towards hers, my cold hand pressing up against her warm one in a short greeting. Maybe it was selfish to think about the warmth I could steal if I kept our fingers intertwined for a little longer. I chose against it, though, pulling my arm towards my chest as if I was protecting my heart.

"L/n, Y/n. It's nice to meet you too," The words left my mouth like sludge as if all the ink in my mouth had contorted into a heavy blob. Nejire didn't seem to notice though. Well, maybe she had but had chosen to be ignorant as her smile had simply grown and she skipped off to greet other classmates.

I faced back towards my desk, rhythmically clicking my pen as I doodled onto my arm. Every time I got stuck, I'd stop and chew on the pen again, the ink bursting into my mouth. To others, it seemed weird, but because of my quirk, it simply tasted like sweet fruit juice to me.

I saw a few more students file in, two, in particular, sticking out to me. A sun and moon duo that clung onto each other; well, more like the moon held the sun with a vice grip. However, the sun didn't seem to mind. He was clearly more open than the latter, a smile similar to Nejire's shaping his lips.

He was lean, his physique seeming much more muscular once he was closer to me. Golden tufts sprouted from his head, a few locks curling toward his forehead, and every time he laughed, his cheeks would squeeze up towards his blue eyes and shut them. It was like the sun had a constant eye smile.

The moon didn't seem as happy. He was hunched over, shaking, arms and face equally pale. He looked lanky compared to the sun; not weak, just. . . small. As if the sun had outshone him but he admired it while it did. His purple hair formed thick bangs that hung over his face, and his lips thinned into a constantly nervous expression as his eyes faced the floor.

My heart hurt slightly at the sight of him, my eyes flitting to the sun and then to the moon. "Here, you want this?" I offered. I turned towards him, fiddling with the mini Rubiks cube I always carried. I liked fiddling with it in my pocket during assignments, it kept my fingers busy when I was doing math.

The moon seemed hesitant as if I'd shoot him for taking what I was giving him. "It might help," I suggested. He swallowed, eyes flitting to my face briefly as if he could read something off my expression. Maybe he could; I wasn't much of a smiler like the sun, but I always figured that the eye-smile of a person always said enough.

The moon seemed to think so too as he slowly took the toy from me, muttering a quiet "thanks" and leaning back toward his desk again. I nodded in response, not really expecting much else of the nocturne as I went back to stretching the ink across my skin. I wasn't sure what I was creating anymore but found myself etching a mini sun and moon.

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