sixteen | collateral damage

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My head tilted to the side, tongue running over my lips as I contemplated. "Do one of the students require extra protection or something?" Aizawa eyed me like I was stupid but instead of commenting on it, he opted to release a heavy sigh instead, shoulders slumping over in disinterest.

"Nezu and I discussed this morning that it's a smarter precaution considering all the recent villain attacks."

The white rodent that sat behind him nodded, paws folded. He still looked at me as if he was trying to pick me apart as if I was part of a larger, more complex equation made to be studied. However, that glimpse was less apparent now, a glint of understanding and authority replacing it instead.

"We believe it'll be safer if you stay as the 'ace up our sleeve', if you understand. With the students unaware of your existence, so will the villains. Albeit, the grounds they'll be on is heavily-staffed and well-protected, we can't risk anything." Nezu grumbled, paws tapping together in irritation.

I guess he was tired of dealing with so many concerned parents. "I'm assuming the staff at least knows I'll be there? Also, some of 3-A do as well; I told Mirio, Nejire, and Tamaki I was forced to be 1-A's teaching assistant." Nezu chuckled softly at the scowl on my lips, the heat returning to my veins as he leaned back, unbothered by my bitterness.

I didn't understand what was wrong with me, couldn't. There was always this stigma around illness; that the less you talked about it, the less apparent it was. And sometimes, with mental illness, it becomes psychosomatic—your body begins to create symptoms for something that isn't there—and you forget you have it entirely.

Ignoring it is easier than acknowledging it because if you do, it either creates an entirely new reality for you or destroys the one you live in.

My reality was being cut apart with metal scissors, shredding to bits with one tear at a time. Even now it was hard to compare my physical state now with how I felt yesterday and it didn't exactly help when Nezu stared at me as if he had already put the puzzle together.

Oddly, the rat was smiling at my confusion.

"Yes, they'll know, of course. Your room will be with the staff as well and for the sake of secrecy, we ask that you remain silent and hidden. Food will be delivered to your room and there'll be a bathroom attached," Nezu supplied, answering all the questions that clouded my brain.

The smile of my confusion diminished, replaced with a seriousness and professionalism that only someone in his position could manage. "You understand the stakes of an actual villain attack. Last I heard, your teacher did make you aware of the League of Villains." I swallowed hard, nodding slowly.

Our teacher had, but only briefly. Although Yuuei was meant to harden younger generations into heroes, they also put an effort to protect the innocence of those who weren't out there yet. Of those who hadn't clawed with blood, sweat, and tears to the top ten or died trying.

Even now, pro-heroes did the same. Glimpses of All Might held the heart of Japan's hope; its mightiest pride. Aizawa's stature always held a protectiveness, a secureness within his form that reassured you that you didn't have to fight as long as he was there. It was seen within every pro-hero whether they wandered the streets or went undercover.

It was a collective reality they were all hoping to create; one that could be easily destroyed if led by the wrong forces. According to Nezu, I was dismissed for the rest of the day to go prepare for the trip that I'd be taking tomorrow. I still had no idea where we were going, but he promised it would be a fairly easy adjustment.

"It's unfair that you get to keep skipping class," The door swung open and I looked over my shoulder, eyes landing on Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire who rushed into my apartment. They were drenched, rain covering them from head to toe. "It's raining?" I blurted instead and Mirio sent me a deadpan look.

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