twenty-nine | what was i made for?

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HOSU WAS LOUD. It was filled with people that moved like a swarm of fish, to and fro either talking to one another or on their cell phones. Even with my heavy headphones, I could make out their chatter, a frown shaping my lips as I checked my texts. First, one from my work-study's assistant, another from Nezu, and a bunch from Nejire, Mirio, and Tamaki.

All of them mentioned how their work-study experiences were going "smoothly" or how the pro-hero they were working with was "sweet". In Mirio's case, he was a bit rigid, but the blond seemed more than eager to comply with every one of his commands. Mine opted to invite me into a noisy city with half-assed instructions and an ugly letter.

Even now, I was still holding it. It was bright orange, covered in rabbit stickers with one even stuck underneath the stamp. At first, her letter hadn't appealed to me at all, but her rank intrigued me and I couldn't help but pick it from the pile. Plus, every other hero I contacted suddenly happened to "have their hands full" and revoked their invitations.

I massaged my temple, sighing to myself as I swiped the soda that came rolling out of the dinky vending machine. I was tired, hungry, and thirsty all at once. The train ride here was already unbearable enough but having to deal with this once it stopped was somehow much worse.

Searching up the agency online didn't get me very far either; many buildings happened to share the same name. The one that looked most like an agency was even farther away and I wasn't exactly in the mood to travel any more than I already had. I popped open the soda, taking a big sip of it before exhaling.

Should I just go back to Yuuei? I couldn't help but ponder the question, sliding off my headphones as I wandered over to a nearby food stall that was selling some takoyaki. "Two, please," I mumbled, balancing the soda can with one as I reached for my wallet in my other pocket. A voice sounded behind me, "Make that three."

I glanced up at the newcomer. Her white hair flowed behind her, rivering all the way down to her back as she stood strongly under the street lights. Clad in a dark blue jean jacket, black workout pants, and a graphic t-shirt, she looked like any other citizen, but I knew better than to think that.

Her red eyes met mine and she grinned. I looked bitterly back at her, reaching for my soda to take another sip. "Took you long enough," Her grin widened and she ruffled my hair, handing some yen back to the street vendor to pay for our food. "I like you already!" Mirko chimed.

I didn't bother responding, sluggishly following after her as she led us over to a street bench. Despite the filled streets, Hosu did have its corners of peace and luckily, this happened to be one of them. Unfortunately, it was right next to a dingy alley and the smell wasn't that. . . appetizing.

Mirko hardly seemed bothered though, taking a bite of her takoyaki and looking at me quizzically when I didn't do the same. I merely glared at her before reluctantly chomping down on mine. Although the smell certainly didn't make me hungrier, it did feel good to have something in my stomach.

"So, what's with the attitude? I swear you were more reserved at that stupid Yuuei Competition. You looked like you didn't even want the medal!"

"Because I didn't," I snapped. "And maybe, you should consider the fact that I've traveled for hours, barely eaten, slept, or drank, and was honestly considering taking a train back to Yuuei. Your assistant is incompetent, the directions make no sense, and you didn't even bother to contact me yourself."

Formalities didn't exist to me at that point. Not when I was being driven to my limit as it was. Being so deprived of the basic things made me crankier (as it did any person) but since my quirk relies on my wellbeing, it didn't exactly help that I felt weaker than normal. "Wow," She muttered. "Teenagers these days are scary."

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