two | odd birthmarks

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IT HAD BECOME A RITUAL AT THIS POINT. Nejire would try to steal chopsticks, get scolded by Lunch Rush, and then remember that I had told her to stop attempting thievery days ago. She was too bad of a thief apparently; she was better off following the pre-planned hero route.

"After lunch, we'll be practicing with our quirks," Mirio chirped. He seemed more excited than anyone else at the table and I paled at the thought of his quirk. He had explained it to us before and when demonstrating it, I had quickly covered Nejire's eyes but had closed my own a little too late for my liking.

Tamaki glanced at me, seeming to think of the same incident as he turned back toward his noodles. "I know, I'm so excited," Nejire was the only one who seemed to share the blond's elation, beaming at him. Hell, if she had leaned over the table just a bit more she would've climbed the piece of furniture.

She glanced at me next and I didn't say anything, passing over the piece of crab meat that Nejire had snagged for me. She had learned about my affinity for curry and had been attempting to feed me other foods like a nagging mother. However, she always failed and like the other times, a cute pout laced her lips.

I fought my own small grin, nodding at Tamaki. He had told me about his quirk too, not that Mirio knew he did, but it was pretty cool. Literally becoming what you eat? Sounds useful. The moon gratefully took the food from me, inching it to his lips and slowly chewing on it.

Mirio glanced back at him and then at me curiously but I was already avoiding his gaze, digging into my curry per usual. "Y'know," Mirio leaned forward, a clump of rice settled on his chopsticks as he paused. "We know nothing about your quirk, Y/n." I peered over my lunch tray, rubbing my tongue against the back of my ink-stained teeth.

"Hm," I hummed, catching Nejire's excited gaze. She was clearly more invested than the rest of them and I cheekily looked at her. "Guess you'll have to wait and see." Mirio caught my eye, seemingly knowing what I was doing as he chuckled softly to himself and dropped the topic.

"Anyway, do you guys like your hero uniform? They really messed up the color palette of mine," Nejire pouted. I couldn't tell if it was simply from my teasing or the devastation of her uniform not being like she wanted, but I tried not to seem so amused at her cute expression.

I shrugged. "I haven't seen mine yet, but I didn't ask for much anyway. Just something simple," I didn't have much of a reason to need defense upgrades. As long as that uniform had pocket knives and a paintbrush, I was pretty much set. "Yeah, I bet you asked for all black, you emo," Nejire muttered bitterly.

I knew she was just teasing, her mind still reeling over how they had ruined her color preferences anyway. I smiled lightly at her remark, turning my head when the sun eyed me. "That'll probably change in the next few years," He commented, glancing at my art-covered hands and then back up at my face.

"Y-You have curry on your sleeve," Tamaki stuttered. I hummed, peering down at my uniform. There was a brown blot against the cuff of the gray blazer. Now I knew why Mirio was staring down at my wrists in the first place, a sheepish smile on his lips telling me that he was going to say something too if the moon hadn't interjected.

I rolled up the sleeve of my blazer, a curl of ink falling under the light of the lunchroom as I did. "Whoa! Is that another drawing?" Nejire's curiosity seemed to return, her childishness wiping away the remnants of her upsetness. I look at her blankly. "No, it's a birthmark," It was supposed to be sarcasm.

Apparently, I'm bad at it. Nejire took me seriously, mumbling about what shape it was. "How about you see during the training?" I replied, edging my way out of the seat, rolling my shoulders back as I moved to cover part of my exposed skin. Mirio eyed me as if it was an open wound, his eyes flicking to my arm and then back to my face.

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