twenty-five | i swear

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My eyes were tired, hands clutched against my chest in a pathetic attempt to comfort the dull pain that thrummed through my ribs. It had been about two days since I was released from the hospital and other than daily visits with Recovery Girl, I was pretty much bedridden.

However, my schedule took quite a turn when I was told that "The Big Four" (as they call us) were meant to introduce themselves to 1-A. Mirio was standing at the forefront of it, a big shit-eating grin on his face as if he had said the world's funniest joke. Tamaki jabbed him gently, not enough to hurt, but enough to alert him that he might've gone too far.

Nejire, on the other hand, innocently smiled at me, glancing at my slightly hunched-over position and then back at the smaller bruises that littered my face. "Really funny," I droned, ignoring Mirio's blue eyes lighting up at my response. He looks like a dog that was just praised. I tried not to laugh, shaking my head as I took my spot beside him.

Tamaki had his own dipped already, his confidence simmered out as the students of 1-A began to file in. "We were waiting on you. I nabbed you a pen," Nejire snuck her hand behind my free one, tapping against it to catch my attention. I glanced at her hand, reaching for the pink pen that rolled in between her fingers.

"Thanks," A small smile etched my lips as I took it, breaking it apart with ease. Having spent years doing this, it was almost like second nature as I pulled the glass of the pen apart, extracting just the tube. It stuck out like a milkweed in my mouth and I watched as 1-A's eyes widened, some of them staring blankly in surprise.

"Don't be surprised! He does this all the time. He's like a human printer," Nejire spoke cheerily, making me choke on the ink. Mirio snickered, hand raised to his palm. "Don't introduce me like that," I hissed, the tube folding in between my teeth. She smiled slyly, arm suddenly raised as she brought me down, hooking it around my neck.

"Oh, my bad! This is our resident emo who can't draw, Y/n!"

At that point, there was no saving myself, my soul practically leaving my body as I turned to Mirio. "You couldn't have given us name tags or something?" The blond simply shrugged, watching as she introduced Tamaki to the class as a "flea". Poor guy. The moon ducked his head into the corner, no longer feeling safe within our orbit.

Aizawa was even slightly amused as Nejire's one-track mind didn't last long (even after her introduction). She moved onto questioning a student named Ashido, a pink-skinned horn-addled girl with acid for hands (if I remember correctly). Then it was Ojiro, a blond at the front who had a tail more muscular than Tamaki's entire figure combined.

It was like she was a rapid-fire gun, each bullet being at least a dozen questions worth as she moved from classmate to classmate to classmate to—well, it seemed like she had gotten the entire class at one point. "Aren't we supposed to be here to talk about work-studies? What happened to that?" I muttered.

Mirio once again shrugged, deciding to let Nejire's unending curiosity to run its course before breaking it up. "Isn't this irrational?" I glanced over, Aizawa's amusement nonexistent. His hair flowed up, red eyes glowing from pure irritation as he stared daggers at Mirio.

Serves you right. "Don't worry, Eraser Head! I'm going last to wrap things up, okay?" Mirio repeatedly threw a thumbs up in the air, almost as if his arm had transformed into a trained robot mechanism. The blond suddenly leaned forward, "The future's gonna be. . . ?" His hand was cupped to his ear expectantly.

I swear you can hear crickets chirp.

Nobody said a thing, leaving the blond frozen in his awkward position. "Grim, right?" I mumbled. Mirio had tried getting us to use this call-and-response before, all because I had viewed my future as such. He liked putting a weird humor to things which was something I'd never really understand, but somehow managed to run along with anyway.

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