Just Your Average Monday

32 1 53

Written: January 4, 2024

"WAKEY, WAKEY, SUNSHINE!" South Korea exclaimed, standing over North Korea, who was startled awake.

"What is wrong with you?" North Korea pushed his brother. South Korea let out a laugh before dashing out of the room. North Korea fumbled with his eyepatch and put it on.

"Damn hooligan." North Korea trudged to the bathroom and aggressively brushed his teeth.

"Do I have to go to school today?" Okinawa whined. A loud sigh could be heard as Japan explained,

"Yes, you have to go to school if you want to be a...what do you want to be?" Japan paused, waiting for an answer.

"A Communist dictator!" Okinawa exclaimed with gusto. "Or maybe a snake veterinarian!"

"You spend way too much time with North." Japan grumbled, brushing Okinawa's hair. South Korea skated across the tiles of the kitchen floor, vocalizing a song.

"Come on, North!" He called out. "We can't afford to redo college!" North Korea, dressed in a gray top and black khakis, followed his brother. He turned to Japan and said in a dead tone,

"South and I can take Oki to school today."

"No, I got it." Japan declined the offer while weaving a braid in Okinawa's hair. "Plus, she just told me she's considering becoming a Communist dictator. Doesn't that say something to you?" North rolled his remaining eye.

"Just because she wants to be a Communist leader, doesn't mean I'm the influence." He walked over to the kitchen to find something edible.

"Come on, Japan!" South picked Okinawa up and spun her around, causing the girl to shriek in laughter. "Let us take her to school!"

"Fine, you can take her to school." Japan gave in. "But I'll be picking her up." South Korea and Okinawa cheered, dragging North to the car.

In the car on the way to school, Okinawa couldn't contain her excitement about snakes. Her tiny feet danced on the car seat as she eagerly began her spirited rant.

"You know what's so cool about snakes?" Okinawa's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "They shed their skin! Can you imagine just peeling off your skin like a jacket and having a brand new one underneath? That's so cool!"

South Korea chuckled at her fervor. "That's pretty amazing, Oki. What else do you like about snakes?"

"They're so sneaky!" Okinawa gestured dramatically, waving her hands in the air. "They can disappear in the grass and wait for their prey. It's like they're playing hide and seek, but they're the masters at it!"

North Korea glanced at his sister through the rearview mirror, amused by her animated expressions. "Yeah, they're pretty good at staying hidden and striking at just the right moment. Like a sniper."

"I wish I could talk to snakes," Okinawa continued wistfully. "Imagine all the secrets they could tell us! They could probably tell us about all the hidden places and adventures they've had."

South grinned at her enthusiasm. "You'd probably be the best snake whisperer, Oki!"

As they pulled up to the school gates, Okinawa paused, looking thoughtful. "Snakes are misunderstood, you know. People are scared of them, but they're just doing their thing in their own way."

"That's true," North nodded in agreement. "Just like people, snakes have their own world."

With a final wave, Okinawa dashed off to join her friends, leaving her brothers smiling at her unwavering love for snakes. South Korea glanced at North.

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