A Stumble Through the Memory Lane

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Written: January 6, 2024
North, following the endless commands to sleep from South, lay on his pillow, his breath even. He had been sleeping for almost five hours, and South hoped he would be able to make up for all the hours he lost working and stressing. In the depths of the warm embrace of sleep, North had several pleasant and unpleasant visions...


"Amma!" South Korea called, dragging a crying, bleeding North by his wrist. "Amma! North got hurt!" Joseon turned to face the twins, bending over to examine them. North was a sobbing mess. His face was streaked with tears, dirt, and blood.

"North?" Joseon took the child from his brother. "What happened?" Joseon's tone lacked empathy, but her eyes glinted with concern. North, a sniffing mess, tried to explain.

"A-amma. I was playing with RSFSR," every other word was interrupted by a sniffle. "a-and we climbed a big tree." Lip quivering, North Korea looked at his mother, his vision blurred with tears. "Th-then we fell and it hurt a lot, and-and that's why-that's why I'm crying." After finishing his explanation, North cried into Joseon's shoulder.

"Where does it hurt?" Joseon held onto her son, stroking his hair.

"E-everywhere." North stammered. Joseon looked over at South Korea, who was awkwardly standing by.

"Go grab a cloth and soak it with water." She ordered. South Korea nodded and scurried off to find a cloth. He came back a minute later and handed the wet cloth to Joseon.

Joseon began wiping North's tear-streaked face and cut limbs. She pressed firmly, but it was comforting for North. The coolness of the wet cloth helped him calm down. When he was clean, Joseon kissed the top of his head.

"Feeling better, my Little Leader?" She asked, stroking his hair. North nodded, hugging his mother.

"Thank you, Amma." He said. Joseon returned the hug. North closed his eyes, taking in his mother's scent. She smelled of the earthy and translucently bitter aroma of green tea. North basked in his mother's warmth, feeling as she gently stroked his hair.

"I love you, North." She said, kissing the top of his head once again.


A curious North Korea stood over a crib, staring at a tiny bundle. Inside the bundle, was a little baby with a white face and red dot with a ring around it.

Joseon had just returned from the hospital, and all she and Imperial Japan were doing was fussing over the baby. Joseon looked tired—more so than usual. That made North suspicious. Was the baby sucking all the energy?

"Amma, who's that?" North asked, pointing at the baby. He was a little disgruntled, as he did not like having people outside his family in his home. Joseon, who was about to cook dinner, looked back, her gaze weary.

"That is your new baby sister." She said, forcing a smile. "Her name is Okinawa."

"Sister?" North asked. "That baby is my sister?" North's eyes narrowed. He looked back at the bundle, who was peacefully asleep. "Why is she shaped like a potato?"

Joseon chuckled. She knelt down by North. "You're a silly boy sometimes, my North." She pinched his cheek. "But I know you will be a great big brother." North Korea nodded firmly.

"Yes, I will, Amma!" He hugged his mother. "I promise I won't let you down!"

Joseon left for the kitchen, leaving North to watch Okinawa in her crib. He bent over, close to her face, and said softly.

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