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"You ok doll?" Johnny asked spotting Holly from bottom of the stairs. She had evidently just got back from the school run, and still had her jacket on and was sprawled across the sofa. Clearly she hadn't lost all sense because her small boot clad feet were hanging off the edge as if she was afraid to dirty the couch. "Yeahhh.." she groaned back with her eyes closed. "What happened?" Johnny asked. "Nothing... just got papped looking like shit.. it started raining so Lottie got soaked before we even got to her classroom door and I've got the headache from hell." "Ohh darling.." Johnny said heading to sit beside her. He pulled her legs onto his lap and yanked her boots off throwing them towards the front door area. "Well you don't have much planned today do you?" "A teams call with the company about the next gala but I'll manage. It's not like I've got a busy 9-5 anymore." Johnny smirked. He could never understand why his wife saw that as a bad thing. She loved working for charity, and his privileged position allowed her to do that. He began rubbing her tight clad legs as he whispered "Get some rest. I'll wake you when it's time for the call." "I can't... I've got a shit load to do here. Look at this house." Johnny looked around, granted there were toys on the floor. Some leftover breakfast items on the large dining table but it wasn't exactly dirty. "Can you ever just chill? The whole idea of the kids being in school is that you get a break. We get a break." He added at the end. Holly changed the subject "Did you finish that script?" "Yes I did.." he turned to look at her. "And?!" She asked excitedly. "I really do like it.." "Great!" She said enthusiastically sitting up before grabbing her pounding head and lowering back down again. "So you're gonna accept the role?" "Maybe..." he added. "What's stopping you?" "It's an American shoot... it will take four months at best I reckon." "Okay?" Holly asked curiously before slowly sitting up and looking at her husband. "I can't be away for that long. I'll miss so much and the kids are too young for you to travel to me at weekends.. I couldn't put them through that." "Woahh hang on wait up. What do you mean away?!  Do you or do you not own a house in LA?" "WE own a house in LA." Johnny rolled his eyes, even after all this time Holly never understood what was his was also hers. "So?" She replied as if it was obvious. "So what?" Johnny asked. "We go back to Sweetzer.." "Doll... Lottie has just started school. I can't do that to her." "You did for Lily and Jack? They were home schooled at times. I remember it well...." "they were older when they understood, she will miss all her little friends." "She's young she won't mind, and Pippa is way too young to even know where we are." "I couldn't ask that of all of you." "You're not asking. We are family.. we are doing it for the man we love and how fortunate are we that we already have a home set up for the children. They won't even notice.." "Seriously?! You're happy to do this?" "YES!! Call the director. It's been too long since I saw you on the big screen. Now you've got a taste for directing and music again I rarely get to fawn over you in cinemas." "You're too kind." He said bashfully before kissing her. "One condition Mr Depp...." "name it.." he said pulling back from the kiss. "Let's make sure we are home for Nanna's birthday. I don't know how long she's got left, and you know she adores the children." "Wouldn't miss it my darling. Especially as she always flirts with me..." Holly rolled her eyes. "Who doesn't." She giggled.

Much later in the day, Holly had finished her teams call and reunited with her husband in a small room that was originally a snug but had fast become Johnny and Jack's music room, with a small piano and guitars scattered everywhere. Johnny was tinkering when she walked in rubbing her tummy. "Feeling better?" "No if anything I feel quite nauseous now." "Are you?" His eyes said it all. "No not yet.. but it's due in the next week.." "And there's no chance you're..." "I don't know?" Holly said nervously with wide eyes. "Do a test!" Johnny said excitedly. "No don't be silly! It's way too soon!" "Oh please I doubt it... the other two weren't even planned and look how quick they came. If you're feeling off it's because you're pregnant I know it!" "Johnny it's way too soon to test." Holly giggled. "Fineeee." He said childishly before putting his guitar down. "Jack called.." "Oh is he ok?!" "Yes he wants to bring the girl for dinner.." "the girl? Johnny she has a name...." "Ok... fine. He wants to bring Collete for dinner." "And is that a problem?" Holly asked confused. "Well yes if you're not feeling up to it..." "Oh Johnny!" Holly rolled her eyes bashfully. "It's your boy... not a Bloomin' dinner party.. of course it's fine.." Holly giggled before sitting down on the nearby armchair. "Ok I'll message him.. he seems to be getting fairly serious with this one." Holly shrugged. "He's a romantic like his father. He's smooth, I'm surprised it's taken this long. He is a heartbreaker." Holly said smiling. "I'm not smooth." "Oh please.... Have you seen the new Dior advert? My ovaries pretty much combusted there and then." Holly giggled. "You've seen it?!" "Yep last night.. when you were on the phone to Stephen it came on... prime time too. Now tell me who's cancelled." She giggled with a wink. "It's only taken over 5 years but maybe the message is getting through..." Johnny said before picking up his phone and texting his son.

The Ultimate Gentleman (Part 2) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt