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"Hey darling!!" Holly said excitedly as she answered the FaceTime call from her step daughter whilst attempting to cook dinner for her two youngest children. Lily had flown to the island with a group of friends and was staying there for two weeks.
"Hi!! Where's Dad? He's not answering?"
"Oh he's just in the shower!"
"Are you having fun?"
"Tonnes!! Honestly it's so good!!! Everyone loves being here!!"
"That's good. So... how are things with you and Pierre?" Holly asked in a knowing voice.
"Good..." Lily responded blushing bashfully.
"Oh come on there must be more to tell than..... woah.. what is that on your shoulder!!???" Holly said quickly turning her back on the two little girls who were busy colouring at the dining table.
Lily blushed liked a tomato before biting her lip "It's, nothing. It's nothing." She re angled the phone so her step mother couldn't get a good look at the slight mark on her shoulder.
"That doesn't look like nothing to me young lady." Holly said with a smirk. "Is it what I think it is?!"
"Maybe...." Lily said slapping her palm to her face.
"Oh my god, your father would have kittens if he knew!!"
"Well don't tell him."
"Are you mad???!! Of course I'm not going to tell him... in fact I just heard the shower go off. Grab a tee and I'll take you on up."
Lily nodded smiling at Holly, she could always rely on her step mother and loved her very much. She grabbed a nearby tee and pulled it on over the top of her bikini. "Is that his top?!!" Holly asked as she climbed the stairs rolling her eyes. "Well what's the alternative? Lily asked giggling.
"Darling.. it's Lily." Holly rushed into the master bedroom and saw Johnny quickly shov his phone under his pillow, he had a towel wrapped round his waist and not much else on but she handed him the phone anyway and he began conversing with his daughter. None the wiser that she had a hickey on her from a boy named Pierre.

After a quiet evening, Holly was climbing into bed in a satin negligee, when Johnny entered the bedroom. "She's back down. Something about monsters. I assured her there were none." He said with a smile. "How are you feeling today. Any sign?" "Nope... tomorrow will be two weeks. I'll do a test. I can't wait any longer." She said almost giddily, Johnny ditched his sweats and climbed in beside his wife kissing her. "Me neither..." Holly rested her head on Johnny's shoulder as they spoke about expanding their family. "If I am pregnant, that will make Hawaii interesting won't it?" "You'll be still safe to fly won't you, we will just take it easy." Johnny replied counting the months on his fingers. "It will be another winter birthday though... maybe even another January.." Holly smiled at the thought. "Pippa loves being the baby though." "We thought Lottie liked being the baby but she's done amazingly well..." Holly nodded "She is our little bossy pants." "That she is..."

The next morning, Holly awoke and rushed into the bathroom, pulling out a pregnancy test from the cupboard she took the test quickly before sitting down on the edge of the bath tub waiting the long 3 minutes. After 2, there was a gentle knock on the door "Darling, can I come in?" "Sure" Holly replied as Johnny entered dressed in just a pair of lounge pants. He saw the wife held the test in her hand as he joined her on the edge of the tub. "How long left?" He asked excitedly. "30 seconds." She said with a smile.

They both looked down when the 30 seconds passed and saw the blank box. "Oh." Holly said deflated. "It could still be too early." Johnny said trying to reassure her. "I guess but these are meant to be able to tell instantly." Johnny shrugged before Holly stood and disposed of the test and began washing her hands. Johnny stood and wrapped his arms around his wife from behind. "It's ok we can do another in a few days, don't stress." Holly nodded and looked up at the mirror catching his eye. She raised her hand and cupped his cheek. "I love you." "I love you too my darling." "How about I go make us coffee and we climb back into bed and enjoy the peace?" "Sounds heavenly." Holly smiled

Later that day, it was a dull March Saturday, with rain lashing down. "Well this really sucks." Johnny said looking out the back bifolding doors at the soaked garden. "They are going to go insane if we keep them inside all day." "Well what do you suggest?" "Let's get out..." "Where??" Holly asked sipping her mug of tea whilst the girls were playing in the sitting area. "Let's get them bundled up and go splash in some puddles!" Johnny said excitedly. He knew she loved doing normal stuff with the children, knowing the older they got, the more they would realise they were different to most children. Holly raised an eyebrow at her husband but went along with his idea. "Come on..." Johnny said heading into the sitting room, "Lottie go get your rain coat and wellies... Pippa come here so I can get you changed." Holly said. "Better ask Jack if he wants to come?"

The step mother knocked on the teenager's door. "Jacky, it's me, can I come in?" "Sure." She heard back and entered the room. He was lying on the bed throwing a baseball above him and catching it repeatedly. "So your father, and I want to highlight YOUR FATHER, not me, has decided we should take the girls for a rainy walk and splash in some puddles. Wanna come?!! "Do I wanna come? Do I Fuuccc..." Jack began sarcastically before Holly sat on the edge of his bed. "I do share your sentiments exactly Jack, however you know what the girls get like if they are trapped in all day and they do love spending time with their brother." Jack smiled proudly. "That's because I am the best." He said happily. "So is that a yes?" Holly said with a smile. "Are we really doing this for the girls or is it to occupy Dad??" Jack smirked standing off his bed and yanking a jumper out a drawer. Holly raised her eyebrows thinking. "I'll let you decide." She said with a wink leaving the room.

A while later, Johnny, Holly, and Jack were walking through the nearby park with the two youngest Depp girls running ahead and jumping in every puddle they came across. They received lots of encouragement from their father, even though their mother was getting concerned with the amount of water that was ending up on their clothes. "They are fine. It won't hurt them." Johnny said wrapping an arm around his wife. At least the rain had stopped and it was just wet under foot. "So missing Sissy yet?" Holly turned to Jack as she snuggled into her husband. She rolled her eyes at the use of the nickname. It seemed everyone called Lily that these days. "Yeah a tad. It's hard to argue with a five and three year old." Jack smirked. "How's the coursework going bud?" Johnny asked. Jack shrugged kicking a puddle and creating a splash himself. "Smashing music and literature as always. The core subjects are hard." Johnny nodded. Both him and his son shared the same passions in life, and the same approach to academics, if they were interested they excelled, if they weren't then there was no hope. "If you need help son, we can get Hilary back." "No honest I'm good I'll knuckle down this week I promise." Holly reached out and wrapped her arms around the boy who now was slightly taller than her. "Our Jacky all grown up. Graduating High School this year." Holly pretended to pout upset, as she finished her sentence. "I remember when all you wanted was pancakes for breakfast and movie nights." "Hey I still wouldn't say no to your pancakes Hols... never ever forget that." "Yeah right.." the step mother responded. "Yeah... even when I'm older and married. My woman better get the brief.  Nothing beats your pancakes, or Mama's ratatouille..." Holly smiled proudly.

That evening, Jack had gone out to meet his friends and Johnny wandered back out onto the landing after putting his two youngest to bed. "I swear to god, I'm going to kill Lily. Bloody Krakens and Davy Jones. No more Pirates in this house!! Pippa is petrified. I was under her bed twice searching for Kraken tentacles." Johnny smirked as Holly left the master bedroom. She smiled at Johnny's comment but it never reached her eyes. "Is she asleep now?" Holly asked before heading to the stairs. "Yeah just.." Johnny said noticing his wife's behaviour. "Doll? You ok?" He asked tenderly. She nodded and turned to him "I'm not pregnant." She bit her lip and Johnny nodded understanding. "Well that's ok... there's always next month." She knew he was upset and trying not to show it. Holly smiled before kissing him before heading down the stairs.

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