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"Wait wait wait.." Holly said as Paul held his hand out to her, helping her on board. Her two youngest had been lifted on deck by their father and were running around wildly. "Thank you" she said to Paul as he steadied her. "You're most welcome my darling. Good to see you!" He kissed her cheek before Holly spotted Jennifer tying a cover up around her waist emerging from below deck. "Jenn!!" Holly squealed and rushed over to her. "Sooo good to see you!! Girls come over and say hello to Auntie Jenn." Holly added and the girls did so. 

After getting settled and ditching their luggage in the relevant cabins, the Depp family emerged on deck and Johnny immediately pulled his shirt off, leaving him in just board shorts, and a bandana pushing his hair off his face. His various pieces of jewellery still very much in place. "Right little ladies. You stay where Mummy and Daddy can see you at all times and if you want to go in the water, you tell us ok?" Johnny said bending down to the two little girls. "Let's get some sunscreen on you." Holly joined him bending down before pulling at the girl's little dresses. She couldn't help but noticed how toned her husband looked and it was doing things to her. She was instantly snapped out of her daydream when Lily and Colette arrived on deck donning matching pale pink bikinis with a tropical pattern on. "Surprise!!" Lily said posing making Holly smirk, "Cute girls!" The step mother replied before noticing the two youngest Depp's in matching swimsuits, "is that why you were so hell bent on getting them ready?" Holly smirked and Lily nodded, "Deerrrrr wouldn't be a Depp family vacation if we didn't match would it.. what with Dad having an army of kids you need to keep an eye on us all." Lily said approaching and high-fiving Lottie who looked seriously smug in her matching swimming attire. "I want a bikini like sissy." She said making Johnny roll his eyes. "Yeah maybe in a few years munchkin." He said before ruffling Pippa's hair and joining Paul out in the sun.

"They are seriously cute Lil." Holly said, she was lying on a sunlounger catching some sun with the older girls. Johnny, Paul and the younger children were all in the ocean and their giggles and squeals made for a happy atmosphere. Colette had excused herself to take some photos and Holly leaned into Lily. "I love the way you included Col.. that was sweet darling." "Well Jack seems pretty serious about her doesn't he?" "That he does.." Holly said readjusting her sunglasses as Colette returned to the lounger beside Lily.

"Hols! John wants you..." Kai shouted, he was Jennifer's eldest. "Sure thing.." Holly said standing and heading down the steps to the back of the boat. She stood and held her hand up to her eyes shielding the Mediterranean sun from her face. She noticed Johnny swimming with their two life jacket clad children a little bit away from the boat. "Johnny.." she said loudly, and he waved before tucking the two girls under his arms and attempting to swim back to the boat. "Their faces are looking a little pink.. do we have any hats?" He asked caringly and Holly nodded. He was just below her in the water. "I'll grab them, but Johnny your shoulders are looking quite red too, did you even put lotion on?" He shook his head before his wife rolled her eyes. "The three of you get out and we'll re apply, I'll grab the girl's hats.. JACK!! Do you want a hat?" She yelled at the boy who was snorkelling nearby. He popped up from the water and shook his head before swimming off once more.

Holly was soon rubbing in sunscreen into Johnny's shoulders and back. She heard him groan slightly so whispered "What?" And he turned his head. "You know what.. your hands on my body. You in that fucking skimpy bikini.. I'm struggling." "You're struggling?" Holly smirked in a whisper in his ear. "How do you think I feel, watching you prance round topless showing off that toned chest... where my lips were only hours ago." He groaned again before whining "Stop.... You little tease." She continued rubbing the lotion in before he turned and wrapped his arms around her placing his hands on her rear. "You're fucking incredibly sexy my love." Holly blushed she was never used to his compliments. She lent in to kiss her husband before seeing a boat over his shoulder lingering not far away. "Johnny.. there's a boat." "Well we are on the ocean love.." he smirked before trying to kiss her again. "No.. it's got paps in it..." she said turning him before he spotted the boat and rolling his eyes. "For fuck sake.. do we ever get a break?!!" He kissed Holly hastily before going off to find Paul and the crew.

It had been decided that as long as the boat with Paps kept its distance the families should continue their fun day on board. Holly was a little more wary of her children knowing their photographs would be all over the world within hours but tried to not let it affect her mood, this was the life they led. After lunch, the group of adults were sat relaxing in an open air lounge area whilst Lottie and Pippa napped in the shade on nearby sunloungers and the elder kids were snorkelling once more. "Jesus Holly you were that bikini so well.." Jennifer smirked as Holly had got up and poured some drinks at the bar. "Oh please... two babies later things are not where they should be." "I certainly disagree.." Johnny smirked. "Everything is where it should be..." he added making Paul roll his eyes. "Besides I would kill to look like you." Holly replied to Jennifer. "Oh now you're lying.. I've had three children and i'm older than you!" "Well I'd give my right arm for a body like yours Jenn. Three children or not.." Holly sat back down beside Johnny who threw an arm across the back of the couch they were on. "What about you guys, do you think you'll go for a third?" Holly nodded silently at Paul's question. "We are just seeing what happens..." Johnny said quietly. "You know.. trying not to get hung up on the idea."

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