Thirty Eight

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"It's old hack now isn't it." "Excuse me?!" Holly giggled sipping tea as she lent on the kitchen side. She was stood in the kitchen with her husband, Sean, Travis and Malcolm. "What I mean Hols, is we know what we are doing don't we... and besides this is the boss' 5th child.. pretty sure he could just deliver it himself." Travis chuckled making Johnny wince. "I really would rather not if it's all the same to you lot." "Noted." Sean said with a smirk. "Well with the girls having a sleepover at Adam and Nicola's what will you do with yourselves?" Malcolm jested before Sean and Travis smirked finishing their coffees and heading to the front door. "You don't have to go..." Holly smiled. "They do." Johnny smirked wrapping his arms around his wife kissing her cheek from behind.

"So the house to ourselves... what are we going to do?!" Johnny said turning Holly in his arms. "Oh I can think of a few things." She said leaning into kiss her husband passionately. Johnny quickly pulled back and scooped his wife into his arms bridal style, although she kicked up quite a bit of fuss claiming she was far too heavy to be carried. He silenced her with more intimate kisses as he made his way up the stairs to the master bedroom. As he gently laid her on their bed he lent on his arms above her and said "We might not get another chance... and besides I did promise you I would ravish you." He said with a smirk before leaning into kiss her.

It was well into the evening by the time Johnny and Holly had recovered from multiple love making sessions and mind blowing orgasms. The former was lying completely naked with just a sheet loosely thrown across him from the waist down, he was feeling rather smug but was yet to open his eyes after his last blissful high. Holly was sprawled on his chest her hair fanning out in equal disarray as she tried to catch her breath. The large baby bump between them cocooning their unborn child who was kicking up a storm and making its father smirk. "I'm guessing they don't like the invasion." "Have any of them?!!" Holly giggled as she snuggled as close as she could to him. "I guess not.." he slowly sat up and placed an arm around her running it gently down her bare back. "Are you still in pain?" "No. Just a few aches. But this isn't my first rodeo..." she said leaning up and kissing his soft lips.

Much later, after only leaving the bed for the briefest of showers and some snacks, the couple were back relaxing in one another's arms. "Johnny.." "Hmmm" he said from where his face was in her hair. "We've not discussed names at all..." "my little planner... we've never had a set name for any of them, we've always waited to meet them." Johnny said quietly. "I know but what if we aren't prepared?" "Well let's hear your suggestions." "I don't have any." "What not one?" He asked shocked. "Not really. Do you?" "Well there are the names we didn't use for Pippa... but it's hard not knowing if it's a boy or a girl?" "True... so we wait?" "Yes darling we wait.." he said kissing her head before pulling her close. Holly moved the pregnancy pillow and got comfortable. "I know one thing for sure... I'm burning that fucking thing after the baby is born." "What??!" Holly said shocked. "Well you won't need it again... will you?" He asked questioning. "I umm, I don't know. I guess not." Johnny nodded before Holly laid back in his arms. "So this really is it? This is the last time I'll be pregnant, this the last of many firsts." "That it is my darling, but that's ok right? We don't wanna be popping out babies that I won't be around to see." He said rather emotionally. "Johnny you're not that old!!!" "I'm closing in on 50... another few years another baby, means I'll be 60 before they are 18.... And fucking ancient if I was to walk them down the aisle." "I guess so.." Holly said sadly but understanding.

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