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"Good god.. I am not as young as I used to be." Johnny chuckled to himself as he wandered down the stairs. He was freshly showered with sweats and a band tee on, rubbing his wet locks with a towel before he turned and realised it was only his youngest sat on the floor in front of the television watching a cartoon. "Hey sweetness. I missed you." He bent down and gave his youngest Eskimo kisses before tenderly pecking her on the head. "Did you miss Dada?" He asked and she nodded soon going back to her cartoon. "Where's Mama and Lottie?" He asked and without looking away from the screen she pointed behind her which usually meant the snug come playroom. He nodded and wandered towards the door which was ajar, he heard his wife "Lottie if I have to tell you again... do not do that.." "but Mama I'm bored." "Well you have plenty of toys to play with and failing that your sister. We can't go out until Mama can get a handle on things." "Okayyy" the five year old whined defeated before heading to the door. She immediately spotted her father lingering and jumped in his arms "Daddy!!!!!" She cheered making Holly startle. She immediately locked eyes with Johnny. "Hey darling. I missed you guys. Have you been a good girl for Mummy?" Lottie nodded proudly knowing it probably wasn't true. "That's good... we can go out if you want? Sorry I slept for so long." Johnny added to his wife and her eyes widened. "Go out??" She replied shocked. Did he seriously think he could shower, wash off the other woman's touch and just act normal? Holly stood and placed her laptop to the side. "I don't want to go out thank you very much." She said sternly. "Oh it's just I heard..." Johnny said as his wife marched past him not even stopping to greet him. "What no kiss?" He half joked. Holly span on the spot. "I should think you got enough action from your sublime little Russian last night." Holly spat before retreating into the kitchen to begin the children's lunch.

Johnny's eyes widened before he felt his phone buzz in his pocket for what felt like the millionth time that day. He pulled it out and saw a message from Stephen.

You are gonna wanna see the news ASAP. People are calling your marriage over... and if I'm not mistaken, it may well be after what Holly text Gina not long ago...

Johnny slammed his phone back into his pocket and chased after his wife. "Why the hell does Gina think our marriage is over???" Holly's jaw dropped at his stupidity but also the fact he raised his voice to her when she had done nothing wrong. She slammed the chopping board that she grabbed to begin the girl's lunches down on the side and said sarcastically "Don't you worry, it's not just Gina who thinks it, the whole world knows it!!! You've played me, played me like an absolute fool and what do you do about it? You fuck off to bed and leave me to deal with the consequences and two young children." She bit her bottom lip she would not break, and turned away from him. "What the fuck are you on about??" He responded completely confused. "I'm talking about you and your little Russian and the blonde and whoever else you've shacked up with over the years. It's done. It's out. No more hiding, so you go, you be with them, and we'll separate and that's that." "Holly for the love of god girl, will you listen to me... I have no idea what you're on about." Johnny said even louder. "No idea??? Really?" Holly scoffed. "You were photographed last night with a mystery blonde who was throwing herself all over you, and if that wasn't enough, later on, whilst I was home alone putting OUR children to bed, and under the impression you were working you were photographed meeting with your ex sublime lady..." Holly said dishing up sandwiches for the two children and calling them to the table. "But...." Johnny began before Holly silenced him. "NOT in front of the children." She said sternly but in hushed tones before rushing off and sitting on the couch taking a deep breath to compose herself. He rushed after her before she turned to him. "The girls missed you last night. You should spend some time with them before we leave." "Leave??" Johnny said in hushed tones to avoid startling the girls but she could hear the panic in his voice. "Yes I thought we would go to my parents for a few days. Until all the press dies down and we can figure out a plan. Don't worry, you can see them whenever you want and come and go whenever. I'm not going to fight you on this." "Holly would you fucking listen to me, we are NOT divorcing." "Oh aren't we??! You expect me to sit around and let you carry on with fucking how many women??" She said loudly making the girls look up. "I'm not carrying on with any other women!! There's nobody but you. Yes there was a blonde there last night. She's the make up artist for the videos we've been shooting, she was over friendly but she's just a kid, Jesus she's only a few years older than Lily... and yes Polina arrived at the bar we were in, we made polite conversation and she moved on shortly afterwards to meet her HUSBAND." Johnny added before Holly rushed to the children and helped Pippa break up her sandwich. "Johnny I don't want to hear it." "Hear what?!! The truth??" He fought back.

The argument went round and round for an hour, with the occasional hushed tones in order to not disturb the young girls who of course knew something was wrong as they rarely witnessed their parents disagreeing so vocally. Eventually Holly gave up, and offered a movie in the playroom for Lottie and Pippa, who agreed providing it was Pirates which although Pippa feared the Kraken and Davy Jones, the mother was happy to put the film on providing it kept them occupied. "Now Lottie you come get me the minute they find the chest ok?! I need to make sure Pippa doesn't get scared again." "Ok Mama." Lottie said proudly as Johnny watched from the doorway whilst Holly fussed over their children. She was a wonderful mother and an incredible wife, how could she think he cheated on her, he never knew.

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