Chapter 9: Under the weather

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Ford's P.O.V.

Today, I have no classes, so I've decided to stay at home and take a much-needed rest. The past few days have been incredibly tiring; navigating college life is no easy feat, but I believe it will ultimately be worth it.

A smile spontaneously appears on my lips as I reflect on yesterday's events. It felt like a scene straight out of a movie, with Gadiel and me as the protagonists, slowly but surely falling for each other. The happiness it brings to my heart is indescribable.

Lost in my daydreams, my phone suddenly vibrates, jolting me back to reality. Concerned it might be an emergency, I grab it hastily. To my surprise, it's Owen, Gadiel's friend. We attend the same university, but our connection is more of an acquaintance than a close friendship.

Owen (From BA Journalism)

Hi Ford, can I ask something?

Hello, sure what's it?

Do you have classes?

Nope, I don't have classes why?

Good Then, Can I ask you a favor?

As long as I can, no problem.
What's it about?

Gadiel is sick and I assume both of you are friends. Can you look after him for us?
Pierre, Jullian, Mikel, and I all have classes at the moment, so we won't be able to pay him a visit right now. Gadiel is hesitant about visiting the hospital because he believes that he might end up getting even more sick.


Oh yeah sure.
The passcode of his unit is "143405"
Thank you


As soon as I arrived at the given address I immediately input the password, I swiftly entered Gadiel's condominium. The spacious interior left me in awe, but my immediate concern led me to search for his room. With only two doors, the other clearly marked as the bathroom, I quickly located his resting place.

Although I knew it was improper to enter someone's home without notice, let alone their room, my worry overpowered such reservations. The sight that greeted me tugged at my heartstrings—Gadiel, wrapped in a blanket, looked as pale as a corpse. Without hesitation, I approached, touched the back of my hand to his forehead, and recoiled at the warmth that radiated from him.

"Your fever is so high," I muttered under my breath.

I ventured into his kitchen to prepare nourishment and soothing drinks. Transforming the porridge I had bought into a bowl, I warmed it in the microwave. Once it beeped, I hastily retrieved the bowl, placing it on a tray I had spotted earlier. With warm water and his medicine in tow, I carefully arranged the tray on his side table and gently woke him.

"Gadiel... Gadiel, wake up."

He stirred, confusion evident on his face.

"W-what are you doing here? H-how did you—"

"Let's not talk about it for now. I'm here to take care of you."

Taking the bowl, I blew on the porridge before bringing it close to his lips. He was about to complain but I cutted him off.

"I know you can't handle it, so don't be picky," I reassured, and he immediately opened his mouth, allowing for a few spoonfuls.

After he finished eating, I handed the medicine and gave him water.

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