Chapter 20: A Friend

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Ford's P.O.V.

It's been a week since Gadiel's birthday happened. After the incident between Wade and Sho, we decided to head home the next day. The atmosphere was thick with awkwardness—palpable and stifling.

Sho avoiding me was somewhat understandable given the circumstances, but what really confused me was Gadiel's behavior. He's been blatantly ignoring me, giving me the cold shoulder without any apparent reason.

I've been racking my brain trying to figure out if I said or did something wrong. But nothing comes to mind. There's simply no incident or conversation that would explain his sudden coldness.

Just as I was lost in thought, my phone vibrated, pulling me back to the present. It was a notification from my friends.

pips here are tired in life!

It's the 31st!
it's frenny timeee!

Perfect, I missed hanging out!

Where's the meet up?

How about at Nord Cafe!
Pick me up since I have a shift now.

Okay. How about you @wade @sho?

We'll pass this time, we got piled up with work.

We'll make it up next time, enjoy.

Okay, I'll let you both pass this time, but next time no one can pass.




As soon as my shift ended, I headed straight to Nord's Cafe, where we had decided to meet. Upon arriving, I quickly scanned the bustling cafe and easily spotted my friends sitting by the window. I made my way over to their table.

"How long have you been waiting?" I asked as I slid into the empty seat.

"Not too long. Your shift's over?" Dean responded, looking up from his phone.

"Hmm," I hummed affirmatively, still settling into the seat.

"So, where are we going?" Finn chimed in. "I can't think of anywhere. I don't want to go for samgyupsal, I'm kinda tired of it," he added with a slight grimace.

"We rarely get to hang out, and we can't even think of a place to go," Cooper complained, sounding a bit exasperated. "How about sushi?" he suggested, glancing around the table for approval.

"Eh? I'm tired of that too! What if we go to your restaurant, Ford?" Finn suggested. Before Finn could elaborate, Prince promptly smacked him on the head.

"Pangasinan is too far," Prince said with a roll of his eyes.

"What about you, Ford? Do you have any ideas?" Prince asked, turning to Ford.

Ford was just about to answer when a sudden burst of laughter from a nearby table caught their attention. Though they weren't typically nosy, Ford and his friends instinctively looked in that direction. Ford's eyes widened in shock when he saw Gadiel sitting in a corner, laughing with a girl. The sight hit him hard, breaking his heart.

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