- 005

265 10 19

heads up this is a super long chapter

Mandi, Jake and Johnnie finished in the mall, not actually buying anything, but walking around and just talking for hours.

"I'm a little hungry," Johnnie said.

"Why don't we got for lunch?" Mandi suggested.

"Not that hungry. Snack hungry."


"I have an idea," Jake exclaimed, as if he'd jsut thought of the most genius thing ever. Mandi jumped at his sudden loudness. "Movie."

"Gonna have to elaborate there."

"Movie night. Well, day. We'll got to the gas station and get snacks, then go back to mine and Johnnie's place and watch movies. Or we could go to your place, but Maria's sick, so."

"Yeah, best to go to your place."

Everyone got in the car, Jake and Johnnie in the front, Mandi in the middle seat in the back. They drove to a gas station, which was Maria's work. Mandi said nothing, figuring she'd still be at home, but was surprised to see her sat behind the counter with her work friend, Brianna.

Brianna was obviously the one working, since she had her work shirt and name tag on, Maria just sat behind the counter talking to her, likely to keep her company since the daytime shifts were very rarely busy.

She spun around on the chair, suddenly stopping when she saw the three walk in. She was about to say hi, wanting to be friendly with Jake despite her desire to avoid him and all things Kansas, but he beat her to it.

"Maria, hey!" He said, smiling. He walked over to the counter, figuring Johnnie would know what snacks he wanted. He leaned his elbows on the counter. "Mandi said you were sick."

"Oh, she did? Um, yeah, yeah I was, but I'm feeling a lot better."

"Is this where you work?"


"Are you working right now?"


"Then why are you behind the counter?"

Jesus, this guy asked a lot of questions. "I came to hang with Brianna."

Jake shot a quick smile at Brianna before turning back to Maria. "You should come hang with us, we're gonna watch some movies at Johnnie and I's house."

"Um, I can't really sit still watching movies."

"That's okay, me neither, or Johnnie. We probably won't even actually watch the movie, it's just kind of an excuse for us to pig out. So?"

"I wouldn't wanna leave Brianna alone."

"I'll be fine," Brianna said, "It should start getting busy in about a half hour, anyways."

"Oh. Well, okay, I guess nothing's stopping me."

"Great! We're getting snacks."

Jake walked away from the counter and back over to Johnnie and Maria, who were stood at the drinks fridge, leaving Maria with Brianna.

"Why don't you wanna hang with him?" Brianna asked, "He's hot."

Maria rolled her eyes at Brianna, smiling slightly. She was only twenty, so it made sense for her to be as boy crazy as she was.

"It's a long story," Maria said.

"Well put that long story behind you. Look how tall he is."

"He's not that tall."

𝐂𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 • Jake Webber & Johnnie GuilbertWhere stories live. Discover now