chapter 35

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Omniscient POV

Syere follows after Anubis partially annoyed for being interrupted as they made their way to a place where souls are judged, the hall of truth and judgement.

Souls that haven't yet completely accepted their death are sent to this hall to be formally prepped and judged. Usually this judgement is determined by the scale of good and evil honoring those worthy to rest in Ahru where Osiris rules.

However, those less fortunate are casted to Duat, Anubis's dominion.

Syere although disappointed seemed rather eager to watch Anubis work again. Anubis however walked down the hall steadfastly his annoyance visible to everyone.

A couple of niggas decide to die in the middle of her openly expressing affection in our date? Bet.

He thought with a smile.

Syere notices his odd behavior furrowing her eyes at him. "Why are you smiling all of a sudden?"

"Thought of something funny." He responds smoothly.

She eyes him suspiciously but drop it. They finally arrive infront of a large door, scales imprinted on its iron walls.

The door opens with a heavy groan as if it were the first time it had been opened in centuries. Anubis steps into the dark space calmly his hand slyly pulling Syere closer, taking note of her fear.

Due to how things ended the last time she'd been left in the dark, Syere was a bit more than apprehensive to enter but the feeling of Anubis hand around hers relaxed her slightly.

They enter the room quickly walking up a trail of steps. At the top was sat a throne within a booth. The head made out to be a jackal's.

Over head was a circle of mirrors lit up by a white beam of light, awaiting its first soul to judge.

Anubis gets comfortable in his seat whilst his guards take their post. Syere looks over the rail curiously at the bottomless dark pit below.

The darkness seems to swallow any sliver of light that casted upon it. Syere quickly averts her eyes elsewhere feeling as though the dark pit was staring back at her.

"Hurry up and sit." Anubis rushes.

"I'm waiting for the guards to find me a seat." She replied with a roll of her eyes.

Syere found herself tugged back as her body came infront of Anubis suddenly. Anubis raises a brow at her, "Your seat is here." He affirms referring to his lap.

She gnaws at her cheek annoyed at his insistence of using magic on her when he wanted her to do something.

"Sit." He declared lowly.

"I told you to stop that." She argued with a glare but Anubis simply brushed her off signaling one of his men to bring in the first soul.

Syere noticed his indifferent expression, his golden eyes seeming distant. "Why do you look bored?" She questions with furrowed brows grabbing his chin softly turning his head to her own.

His eyes fell on her, his expression growing as dark as his thoughts. "Because I much rather be doing something else right now." He mutters against her skin dragging his lips along her neck kissing softly.

Syere groans restraining herself due to the presence of the guards as well as the serious matter that needed to be dealt with.

He pulls away just as a soul arrives within the circle looking around wildly in confusion but disappears just as quickly when Anubis quickly decides to send them off to Duat.

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