chapter 39

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Anubis POV

I rush to the Basilias, with Syere in my arms. Her cold and pale body feeling limp against me. AJ follows behind closely rambling mindlessly.

"I don't know what happened, she had this look in her eyes like she was planning to jump." He rushed. "So I...I got up but got a little dizzy from smoking."

"I swear I only took my eyes off her for just a second and the next moment she was falling." His voice trembles as he spoke. "I tried to catch her but my hand, it slipped."

"Is she going to be okay?" He questions his voice filled with panic.

"I don't know Aj." I answered honestly.

I enter the Basilias where my mother awaited with several mnat. Nurses and maidens tasked with tending to the sick and injured.

"What happened?" She questions me rushing towards me in a panic.

"She fainted." I answered laying Syere on the stone table allowing the mnat to examine her.

"She's pale, incredibly so almost like a ghost." Lifting Syere's arm my mother inspects her wrist. "I can see her veins."

She looks up at me confused. "What is this? This isn't the appearance of a normal soul or a corrupted one. It's almost like..." She falls silent her brows knitting together in thought before she paused.

"Anubis." She calls sternly.

Her eyes stared at me knowingly briefly glancing over cautiously towards AJ.

She questions tremulously. "انها ليست ميتة في الواقع، أليس كذلك؟"
"Syere, she isn't actually dead is she?"

I stay quiet unable to answer which raises AJ's concern as my mother continues on her voice beginning to rise in anger.

"بماذا كنت تفكر؟ ماذا كان يفكر والدك؟"
"What were you thinking?! What was your father thinking?!"

"What? What is she saying?" Aj questions curiously.

I ignore him, my eyes staring aimlessly at Syere's unconscious figure laid on the table, guilt swirling in my chest.

Wake up habiba.


My mother yells demanding I answer her.

"Yes okay?!" I snapped. "She's alive, fuck sake."

Aj face pales at my words before morphing into confusion at the news stammering back. "Wait...what..?"

"Her soul, it isn't actually dead." I explained leaning my head over Syere's kissing her head lightly. "She's comatose."

Wake up please.

"What the fuck do you mean she's not actually dead?" He snaps.

I roll my eyes straightening up. "Are you slow? I just explained she's in a coma." I glance at him incredulously.

"How is she in a coma when her parents told me she OD and died?" He questions in disbelief.

"She did die, in her mother's arms." I affirm outstretching my hand to Syere's sleeping face. "But they managed to restart her heart at the hospital however...she never woke up. She may as well be dead." I explained playing with the strands of her hair.

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