chapter 40

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Syere POV

I stare back at him, my heart pounding against my chest wildly trying my best to make sense of his words.

It can't be true.

I thought searching his eyes but the guilt within them told me everything.


Tears well within my eyes as I open my mouth tremulously to speak.

"You...lied to me, this entire time...?" I choked out, the words feeling numb against my tongue.


My voice rose as did my anger when he attempts to interrupt me.

I squint my eyes at him in anger. "You made me believe I was dead!" I shouted shocking everyone in the room.

"Killing me at the end of these three months or even making me your wife it was all a fucking lie." I screamed, my chest beginning to ache as if my heart was being crushed.

I stab my finger into his chest repeatedly glaring straight at him. "You pleaded for honesty, invaded my mind, made me fucking love you while you..." I stopped falling silent thinking it all over slowly.

"You toyed with me..." My voice cracks oncing him over in disbelief.

A familiar ache fills my heart laughing bitterly. "It was all a lie..." I whispered to myself unable to believe it.

No way.

This can't be happening.

I angrily wiped away tears that escaped my eyes, the aching in my chest only getting worse.

It hurts.

More than it's ever hurt before.

"Syere, please just listen—" He tries to plead with me.

"Fuck. You." I spat glaring coldly, disgusted and heartbroken by the person infront of me.

This is why I shouldn't have ever gave in to this shit.

I was naive to believe this would ever end well for me.

It was all false.

"It was not." He snapped at my thoughts.

My eyes widen appalled he would invade my thoughts right now, the action angering me further.

"Don't you dare read my mind, you have no right." I sneered locking my eyes with him.

His face falls seemingly hurt by my words. "..Okay...I won't I'm sorry." He comes closer. "But please just listen."

He attempts to close the gap between us however I back away hesistant for him to come closer.

"Do not touch me." I warned darkly.

I feel sick.

I hate love.

I hate it so much.

Despite all the pain and anger I felt I wanted nothing more but to have his arms wrapped around gently telling me it'll all be okay.

Tell me it isn't true.

I hated it, he's hurt me and I still wish for him.

The kisses atop my head.
The hugs that wrapped me tightly in protection and love.
The gentle reassurance it'll all be okay.
The soft praises in my ear.

"I love you."

There will be no more of it.

I choke up at the thought, shuddering to myself from the pain spreading like wildfire within my chest.

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