8. Battling the Queen

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The Vikings had unleashed the queen of dragons, the most powerful dragon they've faced so far. It was huge just like Hero said. Now that Saga thinks about it...maybe she should've listened to them.

"Oden help us..." Stoick mutters as the queen lets out a loud roar. "Catapults!"

The Vikings shoot boulders at the queen but it makes her more irritated. She chomps down on one of the catapults, destroying it completely and stomps on another one.

"Get to the ships!" One of the Vikings demanded.

"No! No!" Stoick shouts.

The queen of dragons spews fire at the wooden boats, forcing the Vikings already on them to jump off and into the water. Koi and Toothless, who were chained up, try to pull against the chains as the fire gets closer and closer.

Saga and Gobber run up to Stoick who looks down in thought.

"Smart, that one!" Gobber comments.

"I was a fool..." Stoick mutters.

"What do we do now?" Saga asks.

"Saga, lead the men to the far side of the island."

"Right!" Saga runs off shouting orders to the other Vikings,

"Gobber go with them." Stoick says.

"I think I'll just stay." Gobber shrugs. "In case you do anything stupid."

"I can buy them a few minutes if I give that thing something to hunt." Stoick states.

"Then I can double that time." Gobber says, firmly gripping his friend's hand.

Stoick smiles at him before turning to the queen of dragons and shouting at it. "Here!!!"

"Ooohhh, no. Here!!!" Gobber shouts, both of them running towards the dragon.

Stoick grabs one of the sharp sticks from out of the ground and throws it at the dragon making it turn to him.

"Come on, fight me!" Gobber shouts, waving his weapon around.

"No! Me!" Stoick shouts as well.

The queen rises to her hindlegs, readying a blast when suddenly it's hit on the back of the head by a different blast of fire. Stoick's eyes widen as he sees all the students from Gobber's dragon training RIDING on dragons!

Hiccup and Astrid were on the Deadly Nadder, Hero, Ruff and Tuff were on the Zippleback, Snotlout was on the Monstrous Nightmare and Fishlegs was on the Gronckle.

"Pay attention you two!" Hero says to Ruffnut and Tuffnut.

"Move, Fishlegs!" Hiccup commands.

Saga's eyes widened when she heard Hero's voice and ran over to Stoick and Gobber who had the same reaction.

"What the...?" Stoick mouths.

"Look at us, we're on a dragon! We're all on dragons! All of us!" Tuffnut shouts in excitement as Hero rolls their eyes.

"They're stubborn, just like you two." Gobber notices as Saga and Stoick nod in agreement.

The four dragons fly in a circle as Hiccup and Hero take the lead.

"Fishlegs, break it down!" Hiccup orders.

"Ok!" Fishlegs responds, focusing on the queen. "Heavily armored skull and tail made for bashing and crushing, steer clear of both! Smell eyes, large nostrils; relies on hearing and smell!"

"Okay! Lout, Legs! Hang in its blind spot, make some noise, keep it confused." Hiccup demands. "Ruff, Tuff, find out if it has a shot limit."

"Basically piss it off." Hero summaries.

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