The second day and the second night.

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Already at the training regime for the games, you could already feel yourself becoming ill at the sight of Cato and his friends, the other careers raw strength.

Glimmer, the blonde girl from district one was a head shot, firing left and right with a bow and arrow always hitting her centre target. She was so confident too, that she'd even managed to fire multiple arrows at once.

Clove, (who was from Catos district) was just as good slamming her knifes straight into the dummies centre chest. She had a sharp look in her eye, and often was looking for approval as she immediately would turn to Cato who'd give her a smile.

Marvel, besides Cato was the most impressive, throwing a spear at least ten feet into the dummies without fail each time. He was tall, not as tall as Cato but still tall.

You doubted that if he had a problem with you' you'd survive longer then a minute.

You were sat at the fire starting station, flint in one hand, bark in another. You'd found yourself attempting to strike them against each other over, and over again with little success.

Next to you, sat the girl from twelve, starting and restarting her fire with ease. You took in an irritated breath as you tried again.

"Strike quicker, and more of an angle." The girl suddenly spoke, causing you to pull your eyes from her hands, towards her face.

She flashed her hardened gaze up to you, before looking away. She then put out the fire she had just started, before showing you again.

"Do it your way? you'll make too much smoke and no fire." You began to attempt to copy her movement, changing your angle and striking, faster and more harder.

A single spark fell, and suddenly the fire was alight. You turned to her quickly, flashing a large smile. "thanks."

"don't thank me." she said moving to kneel.

You assumed she was trying to come off as unapproachable in the training scheme. Maybe to harden her image and to make others afraid? You really couldn't tell.

"I'm y/n." you say, offering her out a hand. she stared at it for a long moment, before taking it quickly, giving it one shake.

"Katniss." she then turned to look behind her where her tribute partner was clinging tightly onto the makeshift rope climbing exercise.

He was doing, ok... until the ropes twisted suddenly throwing him off balance, forcing him to hit the ground with a loud thud. You could hear the sound of laughter.

Turning back, you saw all the careers gathered by Cato, laughing quietly at the boys fall. Suddenly Katniss was on her feet. "I'll be back."

Catos eyes caught yours again, as you scoffed shaking your head, turning away from him. He really was a dick.

He seemed frustrated at your lack of amusement for the boy and clear displeasure with him, now choosing to cross his arms firmly over his chest, his jaw clenching.

She stormed to the boy full of anger , leaning in close to him. They began to angrily exchange words as he sat up, staring over at the large weight.

Katniss then got up, coming back to the fire making kit, still looking over her shoulder. The boy got up slowly, looking nervously as he approached the ball.

His hands wrapped tightly around the balls handle, beginning to drag it towards a spear holder with at least a dozen spears lined up.

What was he doing? You could see Katniss was still watching him with sharp eyes.

He paused for a moment, before he suddenly launched the ball, causing it to fly a good few feet in the air, suddenly slamming against the spears knocking almost all of them off the holder.

You can't catch me now. (Cato)Where stories live. Discover now