The trap.

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You'd been with the group by the supplies for two days.

Occasionally, two at a time people would leave, gathering a weapon and some food heading towards the woods where occasionally a canon would go off.

You and Cato went a few times, but Marvel was the most eager as was Clove. The new boy you had no idea where he'd come from or who he was.

You'd assumed he'd randomly been found and given the choice. Die or help the careers. Which didn't leave much of a choice.

In the two days that you'd spent not doing much Cato had gotten even more tense. Often being found with a weapon in one hand, and yours in the other.

When killing someone, now Cato didn't draw it out as long, instead just choosing to kill them. Something about him had hardened.

He'd kept to his word, he hadn't left your side once.

Keeping close to you at all times seemed almost natural for him. Cato was vicious if the idea of separating was bought up by anyone. Glaring and snapping at whoever came up with the idea.

You could almost hear Flickermans comments whispering in your ear. You could almost imagine what he'd be saying about you and Cato.

It was a cooler morning in the arena today. Everyone was sat beside the supplies. The weapons they'd chosen lain on the floor next to them.

You'd barely touched your trident in the last day, there hadn't been any fighting like the one in the Cornucopia.

You didn't want to either.

The pile was huge of supplies and food. What made you the most nervous was the landmines. One wrong move and you'd be blown up. So far you'd done ok, following the same steps over and over, avoiding any danger.

"Hey.. hey look!" marvel suddenly shouted rising to his feet, pointing towards smoke coming up in swirls through the trees.

Instantly Cato was on his feet, taking you up with him. "You stay here. Keep watch of the stuff until we come back." He snapped at the younger boy.

He began to pull you along, his steps quick and heavy. You could feel your nerves begin to bubble again.

Clove and Marvel were quick to keep up with you both, clearly ready for action from the excitement in their steps.

After almost ten minutes, you'd all located the fire. It was huge, full of green leaves that wouldn't catch, but instead would smoke.

No one was there. And it soon became clear that the fire had been lit on purpose.

It was a trap.

"Fuck." Clove muttered as she looked around the forest. You walk closer to the fire, your eyes picking up on the sight of another flame not too far away.

"It's a set up-" before Marvel could finish he was interrupted.

A loud explosion sounded. Then another. Turning back your eyes widened as you realised it came from the direction you had just come from.


Cato had reacted even faster than you, quickly beginning to sprint even fast backwards to where you'd all come from.

His hand was tightly bounded to yours as he broke the tree line, turning into an even harsher grip at the sight of the flames and smoke.

The supplies were all gone. Blown up by the landmines. Next to the disaster, the boy. He was shaking. The spear in his hand wobbling. He knew what this meant for him.

You can't catch me now. (Cato)Where stories live. Discover now