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Shubman was too busy to escape from Mayank otherwise he would have noticed that there was someone on the adjacent room of the corridor.

It was Ishan's parent's room.Ishan was there,searching something needed for rituals.Suddenly he heard Mayank and Shubman talking.He didn't paid attention at first.But when he heard Shubi's voice,he instantly knew something is wrong.He knew his Shubi in and out for more than 6 years.They shielded each other in so many ups and downs.And he knew for a fact Shubman is already sad.So he stood behind the ajar door and listened.

After hearing the whole conversation,Ishan's brain stopped working.His limbs started shaking.He have no idea how much time had passed in that state.His trance was broken by Mayank calling
his name.


In answer Ishan only looked at Mayank blankly.

"Ishan were you here the whole time?Did you hear the whole conversation? Ishaaan?"

"I...I need water,Mayank"

Only then Mayank noticed Ishan is shaking.Mayank took Ishan's hand,made him sit on the bed,gave him water from the adjacent corner table.When Ishan seemed somewhat normal after some time Mayank spoke again.

"Ishan, I think you already know,but I am telling you again,Shubman loves you."

"There is nothing to do about it"-Ishan's voice was nervous.

" I am not saying, there is anything to do.But..."

"There is no but too..."

"You can pretend you don't care about this new information as much as you want,But you know for a fact that you can't hide it from me that you care!"

"I didn't say, I don't care Mayank.I just said this information should stay as just an information." Ishan's voice showed to emotion.

"I think..."

"I think we should go back to the ceremony which is part of my wedding with your COUSIN" Ishan cut Mayank off saying this and went out of the room.

Everything was too much for Shubman to bear now.Suddenly he started having breathing problem.So he ran from the ceremony,went straight to a nearby park with the help of Google Map.He needed fresh air.For one crazy moment he felt like,he should tell Ishan everything.Tell him to run way with him.Far far away.On top of a mountain may be.

They would build a small cottage there.Ishan have always liked mountain.Whenever someone from the team asked him,what he wants for his birthday, he would joke that he wants a small house in Mountain.May be someday Ishan and Aditi will buy one.Shubman is feeling like a sore loser now.Why do poets always portray one sided love as something so divine.It's the worst feeling one can feel.

Ishan's mehendi ceremony on the other hand was going on full swing.Yes,Ishan noticed Shubman's absence.Everyone did.It is impossible not to notice the absence of a 6 ft tall guy,who was supposed to threat Ishan to smash the henna on his mouth so that he looks like a red monkey on his wedding day.It was a common banter of Ishan and Shubman to any ICT wedding.When everybody questioned Ishan about Shubman,he snapped at them.

"How am I supposed to know!I am not anyone's nanny here!I am the groom"

"Behave yourself Ishan" His father scolded him.

Shahneel di came to rescue Ishan.
"Uncle Ishan might be nervous about the weeding.That's why he suddenly lose his control over emotions.It's okay.I am calling Shubman.He must have stucked at something."-Shahneel Said to Ishan's father.

Shahneel was about to call Shubman when Mayank came to her.

" Di.Don't call him now.Let him be where he is"

"No,Mayank.You don't know.Shub is not feeling well from somedays.I should check on him"

"Di,I know.Shubman told me everything"

"What everything?" Shahneel asked.
"Everything about Ishan"

"Yeah,he told me too.That's why I am concerned for him.He will die out of suffocation of his one sided feelings."

" Di,don't you think he should share everything with Ishan?"Mayank asked.

"Nah.Ishan won't understand him.It's different you know,falling in love with a girl is much much different than falling in love with your bestfriend." Shahneel said sympathetically.

"How do you know Ishan won't understand,Di.Trust me Ishan would understand the most"Mayank said confidently.

" What made you say so?"

"Because Ishan is hopelessly in love with Shubman from past 2 years and he attempted suicide when Shubman started dating Naina"

"WHAT!"-Shahneel practically shouted.

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