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Ishan and Shubman, oblivious to the hidden letter, continued their post-wedding celebrations, reveling in the joyous atmosphere. The day after the wedding, as they were reviewing the wedding events, Aditi approached them with an envelope.

"I found this tucked away in a drawer when I was getting ready in Ishan's room. It seems to be addressed to both of you," Aditi said, curiosity evident in her eyes.

Ishan and Shubman exchanged puzzled glances hearing about the letter.

"Ishan do you have secret relations you are hiding from me?"-mock hurt was in Shubman's voice.

" I am thinking it’s from your secret wife you know!"-Ishan retored.

Aditi chuckled at their banter, "Well, if you two have secret lives, it's news to me!But go on, open it and let's see what mysteries lie within."

Ishan raised an eyebrow at Shubman, "Should we prepare ourselves for a long-lost treasure map or a secret mission?"

Shubman laughed, "Knowing our luck, it's probably just a misplaced shopping list."

They eagerly read the envelope to find a sticker attached. Shubman read it out loud,dramatically, "Ah, the plot thickens! It says, 'To the dynamic duo, brace yourselves for the revelation of a lifetime.'

Ishan joined in the theatrics, "Is this some kind of suspense thriller? 'The Mysterious Letter – Unveiling Secrets' starring Ishan and Shubman."

Aditi, playing along, added, "Coming soon to theaters near you! But seriously, what does it say?"

Shubman, with a twinkle in his eye, replied, "I hope it's not a surprise test on how well we know each other. I might fail miserably."

Aditi, enjoying the banter, teased, "Or maybe it's a guidebook on 'How to Survive a Marriage with Ishan and Shubman.'"

Ishan feigned offense, "Hey, our marriage is going to be legendary, thank you very much!"

Shubman added, "Legendary or not, let's see what this mysterious letter has in store for us."

As they continued to banter, the atmosphere lightened, and the playful exchange became a cherished part of their post-wedding memories.

Ishan and Shubman decided to save the grand reveal for after the wedding ceremony. The anticipation hung in the air as they returned to the festivities, their minds buzzing with curiosity about the mysterious letter.

As the night unfolded with dances, laughter, and well-wishing guests, they couldn't help stealing glances at the sealed envelope,a silent agreement to keep the suspense alive until the perfect moment.

Finally, as the day ended, Ishan and Shubman, retreated to Ishan's room and sat to unseal the letter. The envelope yielded to their eager hands, and Shubman theatrically cleared his throat, "Shall we do the honors?"

Ishan grinned, "By all means, Shubman,unveil the secrets of our newfound mystery."

They started to read the letter.The letter was from a mysterious sender, and it disclosed a long-buried family secret that connected both Ishan and Shubman in ways they never imagined.

The letter detailed a long-lost connection between two people, who had shared a forbidden love,married each other secretly. Their hidden marriage  affair, concealed for decades, had resulted in the birth of two child – child who, unbeknownst to both families, had been given up for adoption.Later they parted their ways.

As the story processed,It was said  that there was two child born out of this secret marriage.The siblings separated at birth, their shared bloodline concealed through a series of carefully guarded secrets.They were adopted by two different families as the marriage was broken.

The letter detailed how, in the face of societal scrutiny and familial expectations, the child had been hidden from the world. Given up for adoption, the innocent product of this love story had become a silent witness to the complexities of adult decisions and societal norms that dictated the fate of their intertwined destinies.

As they absorbed the shocking information, Ishan whispered to Shubman, "This changes everything, doesn't it?"

Because the letter was not just about any two people.The letter was about  Ishan's grandmother and Shubman's grandfather,who had shared a marriage.

There were some picture attached which they wished weren’t attached because that would have been easy for them to disbelief.The letter painted a vivid picture of Ishan's grandmother and Shubman's grandfather, the architects of this secret marriage.

However, the most startling revelation was yet to come. The siblings, whose lives had unknowingly run parallel, were none other than the biological parents of Ishan and Shubman!

Shubman's eyes widened in shock as the weight of the revelation settled in. He looked at Ishan, a mixture of disbelief and realization in his gaze.

"Wait, does this mean we're cousins?"

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