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Ishan is standing dumbstruck and Shubman is crying hysterically now.

"Shub,What happened?Why are you crying?"-Concerned dripping from his tone.
" You...You are... the most selfish person I have ever known.I hate you,I just..."-Shub managed to say between the sobs.
"Kiya kya maine?"
"You and I are friends for more than 6 years,I thought we tell each other everything!At least I know I do"-Suddenly, Shubman have gone into angry mode from crying.
" I do too.Is this about not letting you know about the marriage before,Mayank?"
"Ishaaan,just stop this okay.I know why you were avoiding me,I know about your feelings,I know your attempt to....." his voice cracked,eyes threatening to burst into tear again.

This time Ishan understands.What is it that hurting Shubman this much.Ishan knew Shubman always cared for him,that's why he never confessed to him after his new relationship,he knew Shubman too well.If he could not reciprocate the feelings, he would break up with that girl and be single so that Ishan won’t get hurt.

He dragged Shubman to the sofa and they both sat there.Ishan taking Shubman's head in his shoulder,patting his head.He said-
"I know I should have told you.It was my fault you know,me imagining things in my head and hurting myself.It wasn't your fault.It never was"-Ishan said with honesty.

"You think I am crying because I feel guilty?"-Shubman snapped.
"I mean, no,But I thought it could be a contributing factor,You know!"
"I think you should love me"
"People usually say 'I love you'. "
"You already know that!"
"I can't.I am getting married Shubi.It's too late"
"Do you love her?"
"I respect her,I care for her,we have a great understanding,I would be loyal to her.Enough to be happy I guess"
"Oh"- Shubman replied disheartenedly. " I should go"
"Sleep here,with me,like old times"-Ishan offered.
"But it won't be like old times.In old times I didn’t want to grab you by collar and kiss the hell out of you"

Shubman was out of the room.

Ishan wanted to call Shubman back,tell him that he doesn’t want this marriage,he yearns for something more than respect and loyalty.He yearns for love,Shubman's love.Is it really too late?But then he thought about Mayank.He might lost Mayank if he ditch Aditi.Aditi doesn’t deserve to be humiliated for his mess.May be he would make habit of Aditi someday.

Mayank and Shahneel was waiting outside for Shubman.Shubman told them everything about the latest conversation.
"He is saying its too late,Di"-Said Shubman.
"But I know he still loves you"-Mayank said with surety." Let's kidnap Ishan"Mayank added.
"You are talking like lunatic"-Shubman replied.
"Do you have a better plan?"-Mayank asked annoyedly.

"Better plan for what?"-It was Rishabh and Tilak.
They three immediately stopped talking.
Rishabh asked again, "Better plan for what,and where were you guys the whole day?"
Mayank gave a silent nod towards Shubman.Shubman shared everything with them.Shubmab expected Rishabh would be shocked,disappointed at their silly plan.But turns out Rishabh is more excited in calling off the wedding than the whole revelation.

"I have an idea.How about we hire a music band to spice things up?" Rishabh suggested, raising an eyebrow.

Shubman sighed, "Music band? Seriously?"

Rishabh nodded enthusiastically, "Imagine this: Ishan is at the altar, the priest is ready, and suddenly, the lively sounds of music fill the air. It's so unexpected that everyone forgets about the wedding drama and starts dancing. Ishan won't know what hit him!"

Shubman smirked, "Alright, but how does that stop the wedding?"

Rishabh grinned, "Well, while everyone is distracted, we sneak into the alter,hit Ishan in head,make him unconscious. As soon as the music peaks,we make the groom disappear.Poof! No Ishan, no wedding. It's the perfect disappearing act!"

"I am not letting you hit Ishan.Think another."

Okay, Shubman, buckle up for the ultimate plan to save Ishan from the jaws of marriage doom," Rishabh declared with a mischievous grin.

Mayank and Shubman rolled their eyes."Hit us with it,Rishabh."

Rishabh leaned in, "We disguise ourselves as a team of enthusiastic wedding planners who specialize in 'unplanned surprises.' We'll offer the couple a free upgrade to their wedding package, and once they agree, we unleash chaos!"

Shubman chuckled, "What kind of chaos are we talking about?"

Rishabh beamed, "First, we replace the wedding cake with a massive, talking tom. When Ishan tries to cut it open,talking tom starts giving relationship advice in a high-pitched voice. Trust me, it'll be unforgettable!"

They all laughed this time.Shubman asked "And then?"

Rishabh continued, "Next, we release a flock of doves, but instead of flying gracefully, they start doing interpretive dance routines mid-air. Imagine Ishan's face when the doves steal the spotlight!"

Shubman shook his head, "This is madness"

Rishabh winked, "Exactly! By the time we reveal ourselves as the 'unplanned surprise wedding planners,' Ishan will be so bewildered that he'll gladly call off the wedding just to escape the madness. It's foolproof."

"What about my sister?Why won't she stop us from ruining her and Ishan's wedding?"-Mayank asked annoyed.

Alright, Shubman, we've got to consider the bride in this grand scheme," Rishabh said, rubbing his hands together. "So, here's the twist – we enlist the help of a team of professional synchronized swimmers dressed as mermaids."

Mayank raised an eyebrow, "Mermaids? Really?"

Rishabh nodded, "Absolutely. As soon as the groom disappears, the mermaids emerge from a strategically placed pool. They start performing a choreographed routine. It's a show-stopping spectacle!"

Shubman grinned, "I can't believe I'm entertaining this."

Rishabh chuckled, "Now, here's the beauty of it: the bride, instead of panicking, is so mesmerized by the unexpected mermaid performance that she forgets about the missing groom. It becomes the wedding highlight, and she's too captivated to worry about anything else."

This time Shahneel di talked with a somber expression. "We need a serious plan to call off Ishan's marriage. Time is running out."

Shubman nodded, his eyes reflecting a mix of determination and longing. "I know.We can't let him go through with this. We need a plan that's not just funny but one that touches his heart."

"I have an idea"-Shahneel di said enthusiastically.

"We can find a way to make him see the truth.Let's gather evidence of the love he shares with you,Shubman"

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