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Ishan's heart skipped a beat as Aditi's words hung in the air. The revelation of her past boyfriend's return sent a shiver down his spine, reopening wounds of uncertainty and fear. He struggled to find the right words to console her.

Ishan: "Aditi, take a deep breath. Tell me what happened."

Aditi's voice trembled as she recounted the unexpected return of her vanished ex-boyfriend. Ishan listened attentively, his mind racing with thoughts of how this sudden twist could impact their carefully constructed compromise.

Aditi: "Ishan, he just showed up at my doorstep. I don't know what to do. I thought he was gone forever."

Ishan clenched his fist, feeling a surge of protectiveness toward Aditi. Despite the complexity of their relationship, a sense of responsibility had grown between them.

Ishan: "Aditi, stay calm. Where are you right now?"

Aditi: "I'm at home. He's outside, demanding to talk. I'm scared, Ishan."

Ishan took a deep breath, knowing he had to handle the situation delicately. The echoes of his past pain resonated in this unexpected challenge.

Ishan: "Lock the doors, Aditi. I'm coming to you. We'll figure this out together."

As Ishan rushed to Aditi's place, he couldn't escape the whirlwind of emotions. The shadows of his own past haunted him—the pain of Shubman's love, the desperate attempt to find solace, and the newfound commitment to a woman who had opened up to him.

Arriving at Aditi's apartment, Ishan found her visibly shaken at the door. He embraced her gently, offering silent reassurance. The air was thick with tension as they faced the inevitable confrontation with Aditi's returning ex.

The doorbell rang, and Ishan motioned for Aditi to stay behind. As he opened the door, a man stood there, a mix of uncertainty and helplessness in his eyes. Ishan recognized him from Aditi's description.

(((Aditi's ex: Rahul)))

Rahul: "Aditi, we need to talk. I can't believe you are afraid of me."

All anger went from Ishan's eye when he saw that man.He doesn’t seem arrogance, rather his eyes looked scared.The same type scared Ishan felt around Shubman.Scared of loosing you loved one.He didnt look like a threat but as someone seeking redemption.

Ishan: "Her life is none of your concern. She's moved on, and you should respect that."

Rahul: "Who are you?Whoever you are,I know Aditi loves me . I'm not letting her go."

Aditi:I don’t want you in my life.

Ishan: "Aditi deserves someone who respects her choices. If you cared about her, you would have stayed when she needed you."

Rahul: "I made mistakes, but I had my reasons.I'm here to fix them."

Ishan: "Aditi doesn't need fixing. She needs someone who values her."

Aditi's ex now looked at Aditi pleadingly. "Just hear me out once,please?"

He explained that at the time of their breakup, he was going through personal challenges.He went to a tour to another country and he got robbed.He had no passport,phone,money nothing.His social media got hacked,all his important documents and data were leaked.He and his business was a mess.When he retrived everything Aditi's old number was off.

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