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As the revelation settled, Ishan and Shubman found themselves in a whirlwind of emotions. The notion of being cousins cast a shadow over their newly found bliss. They sat in Ishan's room, the letter clutched in their hands, unsure of how to navigate this unexpected turn of events.

Shubman's face reflected the weight of the assumed truth. He looked at Ishan, his voice strained, "I never imagined our love story would take such a turn. If we're cousins, does this mean..... Does this mean our relationship has to end?"

Ishan, equally troubled, replied, "I don't know, Shubman. This is a lot to process. But if it's true, we have to face it together."

Shubman, with a mix of sadness and dry laugh,sighed, "Our luck in love is truly unparalleled. We finally confess, and now this bombshell drops. Talk about timing."

Ishan attempted a smile, "We're like the protagonists of a tragic romance novel. Unluckiest lovers in the world."

Shubman chuckled, "Well, if this is a novel, I want a refund. Too much drama for my liking."

They both tried to lighten the mood, but the weight of the situation loomed large. Ishan, sensing the gravity, ventured, "Jokes aside, Shubman, how do we even proceed from here? Can we just ignore this and continue as if we never read that letter.

Shubman, his brows furrowed in thought, replied, "Ignoring it might not be the wisest move. We need to figure out if it's true, and if it is, what it means for us. But leaving each other... " He couldn’t complete the sentence.

Ishan nodded, "Agreed. We just started this journey, and it feels like we're already at a crossroads. Maybe we can find a way through this mess together."

Shubman, attempting a bit of dry humor again, quipped, "Ah, the trials and tribulations of our epic love story. Shakespeare would be proud."

Ishan smirked, "Or he'd be jealous he didn't think of such a plot twist himself. Tragedy, comedy, and now a family drama – we've got it all."

Then they were silent.Neither of them found anything to say.The uncertainty hung heavy in the air.

Ishan, trying to inject hope into the situation, said, "Shubman, if everything turns out okay, I promise I'll propose to you properly. No hidden family dramas."

Shubman managed a small smile, "I'll hold you to that, Ishan. But what do we do now? How do we even begin to untangle this mess?"

Ishan pondered, "We'll start by confirming the truth. We need to investigate our family histories, find out if the letter is accurate. If it's not, we can put this behind us. If it is... well, we'll cross that bridge when we get there."

Shubman, looking into Ishan's eyes, whispered, "And if it is true, how do we survive knowing we love each other but can't be together."

Ishan's eyes glistened with sadness, "We'll find a way. Love has a funny way of conquering the odds. We won't let societal norms dictate our happiness like our grandparents did if the letter is true."

The next morning, As the weight of their potential familial connection lingered, Shubman made it more difficult for Ishan by taking decision to return to his home.

"I have to return,Ishan.Di has her study,we have family function coming.Plus our vacation will be over soon.If I don’t spend time with my family they will be really mad"-Shubman reason.

"Okay,but don't tell your parents anything yet about us.Let's first sort this mess"-Ishan's voice was hopeless.

That's how Ishan and Shubman faced the reality of a long-distance relationship tainted by the uncertainty of their family history.

The days apart felt like an eternity, with each passing moment carrying the weight of unanswered questions. Ishan and Shubman navigated the challenges of maintaining a connection through phone calls, texts, and video chats. However, the screen couldn't replace the warmth of shared spaces and the comforting presence of each other.

The family investigation continued in parallel, with Ishan and Shubman tirelessly seeking information, pouring over old documents, and connecting with relatives who might hold the missing pieces of their family puzzle.

But nothing was found that proves the letter wrong.

Shubman's voice, once vibrant with joy, now echoed with a subdued melancholy. "Ishan, how do we navigate this? Every word, every promise, feels like it's wrapped in a shroud of uncertainty. Are we destined to be caught in this limbo?"

Ishan, equally burdened, replied, "Shubman, we can't let the unknown future overshadow what we have. Our love is real, and we owe it to ourselves to fight for it. The truth about our families may be elusive, but our connection is undeniable."

Yet, as weeks turned into months, the strain of the situation began to show. Ishan, consumed by the quest for answers, found solace in the fragments of the past.Long-distance love, once a testament to their commitment, became a harsh reminder of the unresolved mysteries that hung over their heads.

One evening, as a digital sunset bathed their phone screens in a warm glow, Shubman spoke hesitantly, "Ishan, I can't shake the feeling that we're running in circles."

Ishan, feeling the heaviness of his partner's words, confessed, "Shubman, I'm torn between seeking the truth and holding onto what we have. But avoiding this situation won't make it disappear. We need closure, for us and for our families."

The emotional toll of the situation became evident in their daily conversations. Ishan's eyes, once bright with determination, now held a weariness that reflected the toll of endless research. Shubman's attempts at lighthearted banter couldn't mask the sadness that lingered beneath the surface.

The turning point came when Ishan unearthed a critical piece of information. Excitement and trepidation mingled in his voice.

As Ishan's voice trembled with newfound information, he immediately called Shubman.

"Shubman, I've uncovered something that might change everything. Brace yourself for what comes next."

Thank you for all the comments.I love reading all those comments on my story.Plus I didn't intended to make my story this dramatic,But I love drama,so thought why not..🙆‍♀️

Love for all ♥️♥️♥️.


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