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⚠*Brief mention of suicide* ⚠

My alarm went off at quarter past eight waking me up. Once I turned it off I looked around, remembering where I was. That also came with remembering yesterday morning.

I let out a sigh before getting up and getting ready to meet the Thorns.

Once I was ready I headed downstairs where Mama and Sincy both were finishing their breakfast and coffee, talking.

"I'm going to do whatever I can Sinc". I heard Mama say.

"Morning". I announced myself.

"Morning Mickey, how did you sleep last night"?

"It was okay". I told her before starting to make a breakfast smoothie.

"Did you think about if you're coming with us this morning"? Mama asked me to which I nodded.

"Are you sure? You don't have to, if you don't want to. I know it's been a lot for you this past week".

"Thanks but I'll be fine Mama". I reassured her.

"Okay. We'll probably leave early so we're not late. It shouldn't be as overwhelming as walking in and seeing a lot of new people at once". Sincy told me.

"Mama who do I already know from the national team"?

"Umm, well there's me, Lindsey, Becky and Adrianna who you already know".

"And you know me don't forget. I'm sure you'll get along well with everyone so don't worry too much".

"Thanks, Sincy".

"I'm going to go call Mark and let him know you're joining us". Mama said before placing a kiss on my forehead and leaving towards the office.

"How are you really, Mickey"? I sighed before taking a sip of my smoothie.

"Umm, I'm still trying to come to terms with everything that's happened. I didn't get a good night's sleep last night as always so that isn't helping".

"Have you always had trouble sleeping"?

"Yeah for a while now. I can fall asleep fine but then I wake up to nightmares constantly from my past".

"Have you talked to anyone about it"?

"The only person who knew was Rachel, but look how that turned out".

"Have you told anyone else"? She then asks.

"If you're talking about a therapist then no. I've been to one before and not doing it again. The only person I could trust enough to talk about things like that was Rachel. Now I've learned I didn't even know who she really was. She lied to me all my life Sincy. First, she told me she didn't have my birth certificate. Then she told me no one knew who my parents were and that they were probably drug addicts or dead. She told me I had been with her since I was six, not the truth of being with her since I was born. Rachel told me the only money she got was from the state for looking after me. Then yesterday I found out she has over a million dollars in savings! I had to pick up whatever jobs I could get to help out with bills! God knows what else she lied about and I can't even ask her anymore! I don't know how to tell what was real when I was with her"! Sincy came over and pulled me into a hug while I struggled to catch my breath after my rant.

"You don't need to worry about all of that anymore okay? You're with Tobin now. The only time she would lie is if it's for a surprise. Other than that she hates lying to people. It isn't her thing. Yeah, what Rachel has done wasn't right at all but it's all over and you have people who love you. And you're going to have even more people soon who will also love you".

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