exposing secrets

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Maddie's POV

I can't believe Lucas lied to me I didnt think he would do that I trusted him and now all my trust is gone and its going to take a while to regain it.

Lucas's POV

I'm so confused why Maddie lied to me. We have always been good friends and we told each other everything, but now she has completely ignored what we used to do. I can't believe I actually fell for her.

Kendall's POV

After the party was over I got a group text from Maddie,  Kalani, Paige, and Chloe.

M-" hey guys I'm really upset rn can u guys sleepover"

P-"yeah what's up tho"

M-"I will tell u there"

Kk-" is this about u and....."


C-" well we will come asap"

M-" thanx guys"


30 mins later

I was the first one here and after Chloe and Paige came

"OK guys so I need to talk to you but first do not say anything"

"K" we all said " so I have to tell you guys something I told Kendall but not u guys. OK Lucas and I kinda had a little fling going on and we kissed and stuff but then I found out that he kissed McKenzie instead of her kissing him."" Woah slow.down" Paige said " so when did you guys kiss" " like when you guys went to get the food" "so do you still like him "Chloe asked "well right now nope because he is a 2 faced jerk"

The rest of the night we just talked and slept.

Nicks POV

I was texting Kalani when I randomly got a group text from Lucas and Zack.

L- can we hang out tn

Z- why we just hung out

L- cuz we need to talk

N- fine

Z-ill be there in 15


20 mins later Lucas had told us everything and we were in shock. "Wow I thought Maddie was the most honest girl I've ever met" Zack said I didn't think she would lie to me and" I thought she liked me and I liked her but all of that changed" Lucas said. Just then I realized that this was Gino's and McKenzie's plan the whole time. Just then I texted makenzie

N- " we have a problem"

M-"what now"

N- "did u hear about l and ur sis

M- " yeah I heard and she hates him"

N-" yeah he hates her but that's not the point"


N-Gino and McKenzie had a plan to ruin m and L's friendship just to make them feel better"

M- "oh shoot we need to yell them"

n -" no! Not yet"

M-"do u have a plan"


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