He's drunk

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It was a normal day. A boring, rainy, cold day.

I was at my apartment with Addie due to her coming over since Alex and Atlas were out for the whole day. I couldn't help but feel worry as the hours went on.

"Hey, had my brother messaged you when he's coming home with Atlas?" I asked Addie as I came into the living room from the bathroom.

"No, I've tried calling him but he's not picking up, I'm sure they're fine though" she reassured me yet I couldn't help but feel nervousness. This was Alex and Atlas we were talking about. Two best friends that when they go out, they do dumb shit. Oh god.

I sighed as I sat on the couch in my living room and looked out my large window towards the city. "We'll wait a couple more hours and if they don't show up or don't message, then we'll try look for them" I look at Addie and she nods with the same amount of nervousness as me which was weird since she was never nervous when we were talking about the boys hanging out... but then again she really loved and cared about my brother.

As one hour went by, I felt my nervousness grow as the rain outside was pouring and it was almost pitch black, not to mention that the boys went home yet.

Two hours go by and no sign of the boys. No texts, no calls. Nothing.

Three hours go by, it was now almost pitch black if not for the bright city lights of the city. That's when I couldn't bare it anymore and I shot out of bed and went into the living room. "Get your coat on" I tell Addie before going into my room and grabbing a black leather jacket that was Atlas's but it was so comfortable that he let me have it.

As I returned in the living room I see Addie already waiting for me at the door clearly ready to go out and find the boys.

"Grab an umbrella! It's pouring" she reminded me before pointing at the umbrella placed on a chair.

I nodded and grabbed the umbrella before going to the door and putting my shoes on. I grabbed my apartment keys, my phone and finally left.

We both ran done the building's stairs before getting to the exit door and stopping in our tracks as we saw how badly it was raining. The wind was blowing and it was pouring.

"Oh boy, I swear I'll kill Alex" Addie mumbles before cursing under her breath.

"Let's just hope we find them" I add with a small laugh at her threatening to kill my brother.

"Yeah, come on" she opens the umbrella and walked outside. The cold air making her shiver.

I gulped and stepped outside rapidly getting under the umbrella with her as we walked through the streets trying to not get kidnapped by drunk men or worse, killed.

"Ok think about it, this is Alex and Atlas were talking about, where would they go?" I asked loudly for Addie to hear me over the pouring rain.

"I don't know, maybe a restaurant?" She responded loudly as we kept walking.

"A restaurant? And they didn't call or text? I don't think so" I responded as I liked around the dar streets.

"Well the club (not an adult club) is open till midnight tonight but they said "no parting"" she stopped walking and looked at me.

My eyes widened as I realised that this was it. The boys were at the club. Damn it.

"You think they'd keep their word of "no partying"?" I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the club a couple streets away.

My shoes were soaked and I couldn't bare the coolness from the rain and the wind.

Once we got to the front of the club, we saw Alex outside the building with Atlas, both leaning against the building wall to shield themselves from the rain. As soon as I saw Atlas I could already see that he was drunk.

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