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Trust in time
especially when time says

It's said that one of the most important thing in the world is time. But what happens when everything stops ? , when the world stop spinning, when the breeze no longer blows, when you look at me differently?. what happens when time no longer exists ? And we're frozen, force to look at each other until one of us breaks and even then what happens? . Should I keep going ? Or should I keep my trust in time?.

Authors pov

Jeon<<<<<<>>>>>>>> the past.

"do I really have to do this Jay?.

"Yes that's what the boss wants. Apparently they're trying to jump start her career by making the world thinks she's dating thee Jeon Park, plus they're paying us double". His manager spoke in excitement.

"It's not all about the money Jay , this is my life we're talking about".

"Jeon come on this is good it's better than the dating band. This way you could date her and roam around in private without any issues".

"What do I have to do?". Jeon ask with a sigh obviously tired of his manager and this conversation. "You just have to accompany her to events you know , get seen out together in public, go on dates etc . Pretend and make it believable". The manager replied with a smile already deciding what he's going to buy with his share of the money. "Oh and her name is" >>

"Claire what are you doing here ?". I asked again confuse and surprise to see her here.

"For you silly to continue what we have". She grinned and hugged me again and that left me even more confuse because what we 'had' was fake and it ended a year ago...

Karson<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>couple months ago

I inhaled her scent and heard her breathe calmly I just smiled and layed beside her comfortably, cuddling with her

I just wish we could be like this all the time but my stupidity keeps blocking our way

I don't even know why she loves me this much, I've been ignoring her most of the times.
choosing Izzy over her, over us and what we worked so hard to built. Trust.

I raised my head to look at her sleeping face and smiled softly observing her features and gently bopping her tiny nose.

The guilt eating at me as I stare at her gorgeous face, my smile fading away which got replaced by hot tears sliding down my cheeks

She was beautiful.


She is beautiful , so so beautiful inside and out.

I just don't feel contented that much as I was before
I feel awful for lying to her. and with her best friend too ?, she's gonna hate me I know it , but I deserve her hate right ?. Don't I ?

I was so lost that I didn't notice tears flowing like a mad river and I just sobbed quietly.

"Why are you crying?" I widened my eyes and quickly wiped my tears as she open her eyes and caressed my wet cheeks while looking at me lovingly with tired eyes. She's been having those nightmares again, those dreams about her mother dying. I pitty her as I watch how heavy her eyes are , dark circles forming on her beautiful face indicating that she's not sleeping properly. I sighed again while caressing her cheeks. She don't deserve what I'm putting her through.

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