How i came to be part 2

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When I Was threatened with rendition, My mom said I had a choice either continue confronting the bullies and end up with rendition and ass, or I was going to go to martial arts and learn self-control and learn life. I ended up choosing life instead, because I did not want to end up in a rendition or anything she knew what those places would do particularly the human rights violation they did! And the asshole, who caused all these threats were my principal, Mr. Magi and let's just say that he was a real last to begin with. I will tell you more about that later on. But anyways, he wasn't the nicest guy I remember! I ended up having to go In the martial arts as was my mothers choice for me she didn't want to see me dying in a dark hole. That being said, I ended up learning about the martial arts and I ended up leaving the stigma Oren Ishii, more politely her job, which was Japanese under the world. I had to live with that stigma all through my high school and it didn't really help much with my anger management. Also, I remember when I was in the 11th grade asshole came back to life I completely forgot about him. I remember I wanted to work in a forensics lab or in forensics for my co-op you had to take co-op in order to get some grades at grade 11 grade 12 by the time I was in grade 12 I decided not to go back to co-op because I ended up going to, the under his thumb again which I did not want! He was trying to ruin my life again I know that for a fact. And it was really horrible to tell you the truth that he'd be watching over me and telling me I was all good and stuff. So I ended up with a relationship proxy Relationship which was with a guy named Matt. He was a nice guy, but the relationship was not very stable. Let's put it that way as I also Not just my elementary school principal picking on me, but also a girl named tish, who was literally the worst person in the world to have picking on you as well!  All the while my grade started slip in the 11th grade. That was not very good for me to deal with as well as my weight started to slip, and then the allegations are eating disorders started again when really I was eating but no one gave a rats ass!

By the time I was in 12 grade, I had been working out almost to the point where I was like a bodybuilder. That being said, I was more or less twice my size and muscle. As I was working out every day for two hours. Just a rehabilitate myself from being aggravated or I don't know what to say, but it was something to do with my freedom as well because when I ended up breaking it off with Matt. His mother threatened me with you guessed it rendition..... I was to talk to her son in the school year that I broke up with him that was pretty much not good and my mother caught wind of that and was not very happy about more human rights violations for me. That being said she was very protective at this point because you never know when I was gonna disappear in the thin air, or if I was going to be getting into a fight. I remember for the longest time she would never let me on YouTube because there would be something that would trigger me or something like that I remember that correctly! By the time I 20 I ended up or 19 actually, I ended up with the PTSD diagnosis and rightfully so with one I was born in the war zone, and then the human rights violation, particularly the rendition threads and the bang that I had suffered or pretty much too much for my little brain to bear. I say little brain out of pity I do have a IQ 196, but no one seemed to realize that I have the time and thought I was a pile of junk !

Is being said after the diagnosis, my mother was shocked that I had this, and tried to contest this but new in her heart, that I had it to begin with. When I ended up realizing that I had to do something about the PTSD, and I wasn't gonna be through weight lifting it was going to have to be through through meditative means I end up talking to a woman name, Tamara Jones, who ended up giving me a pair of bing iron balls, or Chinese stress balls as they're called they ring your hand as you swirl them in your hands. They're very interesting. I use them quite a bit because of my pet of my eyebrows and stuff. That being said, I ended up realizing with the stress balls, I ended up feeling a lot better about myself and I was able to handle things a lot more but still had anger management issues! I admit that. As I was dealing with a lot of death, at the time, the death of my grandfather, the death of my grandmother, who I was very close with at the time so the 20s were not very good time of my life. That was when I realized that I had to do something about my Anger but I didn't know how to go about it. I tried everything at this point except for the negative stuff because I thought the negative actions would be barbaric.

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