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Charlena was someone who was supposed to be a friend but turned out to be a complete leftist. She was goth that I liked a lot about her was that she was goth, and she was a trans woman woman I just trans male to female woman so I corresponded with her for a few days until she ended up writing a post about Christmas basically helping the genocide of the Palestinians or the Philistines either way I was not very happy to hear about that. She was nice enough, but I didn't think she was that nice to keep her around after hearing about her Hamas supporting thing against Christmas. That was pretty terrible. I knew she had a propensity to do that because she has done this before she said, but I didn't think I would see this coming that she would had Christmas to an extent where she wouldn't even agree with it and would call it human rights violation. I'm a human rights person, but I don't believe in calling out a holiday that everyone usually likes or is beloved by everyone usually tries to dump on it either! I just Aziz and I try to have good time with my family or friends this case, my friends because of the time I was not talking to my family because of the incident with my brother Brian, who was a real Fluffer! Let's just say he tried to fuck me up a couple of times, and try really hard to do so I wasn't very good on his part, and when he did that he did that when my mother was gone from this world to the spirit world that was not exactly my idea of a fun time. So I did not really talk to Either side of my adoptive family for a long time, at one point my aunt to be a psychopath. At least I considered her that way. And that my other brother was a permissive son of a bitch stupid shit to happen I thought. I just didn't think they were good enough people to deserve my grace or prize in this time but then well, that'll be another chapter  one day but anyways! I am learning about forgiveness after time with this psychopath who was Charlena! It turned out that my aunt was the psychopath. She turned out to be, nor was my brother John the doormat he was. It turned out it was the worst of the worst are the people who are leftist! That being said after I blocked her on Facebook and had to make another Facebook( that was annoying enough) I ended up realizing that she had some creative talent as well, and I found myself captivated with most of her art even though it was NSFW, it gave me creative ideas nonetheless for me, but with my clothing on, of course!
As you can tell, I am not one leftist or NSFW freaks because they kind of drive me insane either way they ruined the Internet for everyone else. If you're leftist, that might suggest that you might find another book as I am happily happy in the middle and I swear I wanna stay in the middle I will never go to the right or be a leftist Like Shera instead I am a Goth, but I don't have terroristic rhetoric that she had especially over Christmas. That was just stupid in my opinion.
It wasn't until I made my new Facebook and had a Instagram account. I'm not gonna tell you which names are under because you freaks are going to get a hold of them anyways, that being said look at her post as much as they are FW they're also artistic and they were very interesting and creepy at the same time. I like the creepy aesthetic as much to the point where I would end up making self portrait of these similar, but with my clothing on, of course, and certainly not in my underwear or bra. That being said, I was very interested in producing music I had a drum that I have. Because when Shana was a leftist, she mentioned that music has helped her with her PTSD, which I'm pretty sure was nonexistent if she was a leftist and that helps heal wound. That being said, I was very interested in trying to get back into the steel drum. This is where things are going to get a little hairy now as I started my first album, which was trauma is a bitch, I ended up realizing that I was pretty good with singing and the tongue drum the singing part I knew I was good since 2022 years ago. That being said I was very interested in her Gothic self portraits even though they were pretty NSFW I didn't like the NSFW aspect of her portrait so I ended up making my own varies with my clothing on, of course little did I know this would lead to another situation where I would be looking at them even more on her Facebook how does Facebook allow NSFW to be allowed is beyond my comprehension. I think it lost it lost about 10 years ago and I have been very gratefully disappointed with your idea that you can't even read the news on the Facebook I live in Canada of course so that being said I was not very happy about that, when I tried to follow lawn crime on Instagram, that being said, I was very angry that I could not access their content, but I was able to on YouTube very easily. That being said, I was kind of pissed off with this new legislation about not having news on Facebook or Instagram that kind of pisses me off as much as I hate the news I would like to be able to see my court stuff like court room stuff and I will tell you a little story about how I got interested in law! it was just because I was bullied in school and had to read law books so when I was about age 14 but my mother worked in the Supreme Court of Canada as a judiciary assistant, where she helped with the chief justices with their work. And trying to organize work. I found myself when I was younger and I think I may mention this that I'd be going around the supreme court of Canada when I was a little kid and seeing everything and everything that I wanted to see and I met all the judge and stuff and I'm not bullshitting you on that! Get a Ouija board and ask my mother myself I wouldn't really want to invest in a Ouija board, but in this case you might want to. That being said, I've been really interested in freedom of expression that's my favourite part of the chart of rights and freedoms, as well as the freedom of speech something that I fucking have to sell a time is the word sometimes, not all the time but when I fucking have to say something, I just say it freedom of expression is another one where I do my make up in such a audacious manner not NSFW, but as in creative and Vanguard sometimes! I love anything and that means I would be able to do that within the law that being being said, I was always interested in expressing myself since I was a young kid you can thank my mother for that!   Aaaand Charlena too!

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