Grouphome how did i get there

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H2O or H2No. Well it's the louder because well what happened was when my mother met the ice sky we had a flood in our fucking house. And I remember those very correctly that I remember seeing the ceiling burst where is the water coming down all over the fucking living room and I said motherfucker for the second time in my life that I remember where I can't remember completely what I had said over the years of my 30 years at this time but I know I was like mother fucker the water is out of the ceiling and my parents watching this certain Sufi watch your language. Well how can I watch my goddamn language what I'm seeing the goddamn ceiling fall apart like well why can't cookie at a daycare centre and then hang up splashing water all over my shit my favourite hats my favourite books some of my books had to be destroyed because of mould and then I found out we had a live in a motel for three months which was a God awful experience. This is one this gets a little hairy with a mental health. And I'll admit I got a little hairy. I ended up every time my mother yelled at me at the instruction of the iso guy that she would really say demeaning things to me and then I would end up having to hear voices in my head, yes I have ended up hearing voices in my head because I couldn't handle hearing my mother being somebody she wasn't. She was really out of her whack out of her job on this and she was not herself this is one of the girl I was getting into her brain like a earwig and the one year she was really horrible at that time and was drinking starting to drink heavily and she would just let it rip on me. And in the next you know I have a mental break down and I'd start hearing demonic voices. But that wasn't the end of that soon I ended up having prophetic dreams of the war in Ukraine the Covid camps in India as well as what is going on with east Turkestan and Tibet I knew about the bad but not about east Turkestan my ancestral homeland. And I was also given a tour of hell one night as well as seeing other disturbing things like prophecies and other things I was only 30 years old and I was a prophetess. But someone would consider me a little whack job because of the demonic voices I heard I only heard the demonic voices the one time on my mother wouldn't shut her gob. So I would train the demonic voice is just a shut it up. She soon found out that she could trigger me and this is at the hands of this ISIS guy and I remember this guys name was Mohamady Stefan of Ilboudo.
And I remember a lot about the seeing angels this was not psychosis this time after a while I ended up having past life flashbacks that I haven't had since I was four years old and I'll get to that another time but anyway I ended up having flashbacks where I was imam Shamil, Among other places in the geographic region I was on mass I Warrior dream time in Australia a Inuit shaman and all sorts of things. I didn't know that I was either not my main past lives but they were my secondary or tertiary reincarnations. My main parish lies I know were samurai ninja as well as Buddhist monks and then I found out when I was visiting my brother I was also a Brahman, as the highest caste in the Hindu castes system and I was an astronomer. Why do I know this because I have an obsession with astronomy to begin with because of my father he kick started the obsession and other little things that were very a Brahmin like. So I ended up being a modern-day Brahman. And I found out that I was more or less A Brahman because of my interest in my past life as well le Vedic astronomer.
It was unusual to find that out but anyway Leah that's this whole shit show with the guard for Makino faster on the terrorist and my father's dementia made everything toxic so I had to live in a group home where I live now and I ended up deciding I was going to go and spread my wings. But not before deciding to get the Burkina Faso terrorist to face what he did and he didn't take it very well I remember it this very well and there's my car some nightmares for you. I called him to see you were and told him to stay away from my mother and that he was making a stray from my father in marriage and that he was ruining everything. And then he was like c word terrorist and nothing more than to faker poser trying to be a Muslim Then I ended up deciding I was going to say the c word once again to him. He decided he was going to threaten me with the most horrific torture there ever was and I told him to bring it on and that he was a pile of shit. I said if you your people trying to torture me once before yes and failed they are not going to succeed again and basically told him to go fuck him self on Facebook I remember that exactly it was an April day I was just getting my shit from my house to my group home and I remember him being a little shit on my Facebook messenger. It was not my finest moment but I had to do this for my father and myself and for the fact that my mom was nearly dying. So I was not very happy about that at the time I was considered homeless at the time because I was you know where I was going to live or the people that were coming to support me didn't know where I was going to live until I ended up coming around with a smile on my face every day and actually behaving properly instead of like a little shithead. She had had being a little brat meaning I was actually starting to grow up and think straight for once in my life I just had to get out of work very toxic environment. That's why I need a saw it I was going to stay until I wore myself out and I haven't wore myself out yet

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