Spooky album art (charlena again)

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Charlena, thought she was a female version of Marilyn Manson, and I kid you not on that, except for the hatefulness that she has she did not have very much hatefulness, except towards Christmas as I had mentioned before! But I liked her self portrait, so I ended up making my own versions, particularly the ones where I wear my clothing instead of my underwear or squat nothing! That being said, I've done my fair, share self portraits usually involving a Halloween like or dark themed backdrops and going around, putting my face in double exposure, not to the point where it would be completely obliterated, but they would be there and then I would see how creepy it would look, and it was very interesting nonetheless to see where that was going to lead. The next thing you know ended up coming up with the idea of Halloween themed because I am that way with my Halloween I believe it's 365 days a year and that it's a lifestyle it's not just a day and that you live it you don't live at once a day that being said, I was very interested in learning about the manipulation aspect of Gothic art, and it was very interesting to tell you the truth that I was making my own which is me wearing my damn clothing of course cause there's no goddamn way am I going in the nude or in my underwear, in order to express myself that just isn't right in anyway, that being said, I've been very interested in her artwork to the point where influence me in my art, it is spooky aesthetic, and I enjoyed doing this very much for the first one and so spooky trauma is a bitch that was the first album, but the second album which was self titled album surreal, and turned out very good and we arrival her anytime it was very interesting that I could create my own version where I have completely covered myself except for my head, of course and then I can go and make spooky aspects of my work. My name is surreal in e, influenced by my mother, as well as by the artist who is also a hand musician. That being said, I've been very interested in hand pans for a long time, but I only had my tongue drum but I will see what happens there when I, I rarely used it, but I ended up using it anyways because I need something for music. I don't like a cappella or anything like that. I just like having it some background sound and it better be nice sounding and stuff the next thing you know, I ended up going on YouNow, which is a live streaming app to help promote my music as well as I create a Picsart account to help with my artwork for my albums right now. I'm like five albums behind it. Thank God I'm getting a hand right now but anyways spoiler alert! I was very interested seeing what music and art would do pretty soon I would end up deciding not to get another tattoo for the next year as my friend ended up with Covid one time and that turned me off from getting another tattoo because I decided I don't wanna get this again because well I'm gonna tell you a little story.......

First time I had Covid was when I ended up piercing self pierced having those damn self piercing kits from Amazon and I ran my immune system to the ground to the point where I ended up having Covid I had to build it back up by nothing but lemons thank God I like lemons or I'd be pissed off, but I was more pissed off with myself than anything else then with the lemons, so fast forward 10 days, my fever broke after the last lamb in the house was taken and that's when I ended up having a really strange dream and knew it was a fever dream and I ended up having a real bastard of a sweat that being said, I ended up with Covid again, because my immune system was still not up to snuff because of those goddamn self piercing kits from Amazon and then I end up being better after a few more lens I love lemons I enjoy them to the point where they're an obsession. I'll literally cram them down. My throat suck them. That being said, I am obsessed with lemonade, lemon lemon that as long as it doesn't have nuts because I just don't like Covid as a tasty little bastard as well to have as a side of lemon being the moral of the story other than eat more goddamn lemons or drink more lemon products is that you should not use self piercing kids from Amazon we have money for a reason because it limits us to a piercing a year and then we are able to control ourselves and help our immune system get back together, that being said.....

We ended up with Covid. I ended up sorting I'm not gonna tattoo myself anymore. Well I wasn't tattooing myself, but having a professional to do it obviously a professional artist but I ended up deciding I'm not gonna go for the tattoo at this moment because I don't wanna have the same thing like the above story happened again where I practically living off lemons And lade just to get my immune system back up to snuff so that being said it was not a very fun time to say well I'm gonna go focus on other shit other than tattoos and piercings. That being said, I'm gonna be getting a piercing a year after this year, and then tattoo a year as well or a tattoo or two, and no piercing that being said, I don't wanna go to hogwild on the piercings! Or lemons for me! Like my friend right now, probably is sucking on a lemon literally and I don't really wanna think about the pucker on his pussy when he ends up having that look on his pussy what he says that is sour, (pussy being face not the female anatomy)!

Do you still use my Apple pen? Yes, I still use my Apple pen and I still use a lot of art but it's very interesting to find other art forms that doesn't involve a prickly experience, particularly piercing or tattoo that you can actually enjoy. Also the idea that I was making music helps with the Charlena lament on that music can help people grow and help them heal. That was very interesting and very worthwhile to get the two years ago that being said, I've been very happy with that tongue drum!

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