Next: tank drum

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After the hand hand, I am getting a tank drum which is similar to my tongue drum but it's a lot bigger than my tongue drum not to the point where it's a hand pan but something that I've been wanting was a tank drama as well a tank drum has a more deeper sound than a tongue drum and the hand pan has a more deeper sound Than anything else and is actually very interesting to see what the sounds of different drums can make. That being said, the next one is a tank drum, which is another part of Asia and Europe as well, Russia and India. That being said, I've been very interested in wanting to learn about the tank drum, nothing really new there but it's very interesting on the last two go and try to get a tank drum and then I could be the proud owner of three drums that you whack with your hands or mallets. I don't believe I use the drum that I was gonna use before which was a little African drama. I was going to use at one time but couldn't do it because it brings back bad memories from the Covid days particularly what I was in the grocery store. I remember I was called sand bleep and my mother did not like that I equally couldn't stand races myself, so I just don't touch that drum. I might sell that for a good price but anyways I am going to be the proud owner of three different types of talk the tongue drop the hand pan and the tank drum, which would be very interesting because my friend who I am going to talk about one day in another memoir has mentioned that she has three guitars is not are usual to have three different different or more of the same musical instruments sometimes the damn things or you just like the different sounds to me it's a different sounds because I'm a bad at heart, I have a bat a spirit animal, which is more about family already entered, and other shit like that which is very interesting, but come with this spirit animal you have the characteristics not the facial characteristics, but I can wiggle by no like a wiggle by ear I do have some sound or echo location. I remember when I was in my brothers place with the smoke alarm was going off and I can literally see the smoke alarm going off as I close my eyes and I said that one that's going off like a bastard! That said he did not realize or understand nor did he believe that I had echo location when I close my eyes and I'm still awake. That being said it was very unusual for him because he was an atheist. He did not believe and very much. He said if I showed him the hand said the fucking thing was real that he still debunk and somehow I know he would, because he always had tubes. They were very questionable tubes that were about debunking, everything I read anything and everything it was annoying. Other than that he had a documentaries Molay document as well as other stupid shit that was hateful and bigoted. That being said, I'd rather not talk about that because he was semi not that I am, but you do have to respect other peoples cultures and their other peoples rule engines and what not it's just the idea that you shouldn't be an empty semi, or any kind of a racist and he was an Seide and a homophobe and everything else and that matter and it was kind of a pain in the ass for me to have to watch this. Also, he likes watching stuff from the deep or dark web. I don't know how he got this dark web shit, but he was into the dark web, nor did he harass from the dark web he would download let's just say very questionable shit that I don't even think my tormenter is what I was even conceive and the fact that people think of this as entertainment drives me knots in fact, it makes me want to throw up right now and the idea that he would just put on one of these snow things that I was like you have got to be kidding now my stomach is going real right now. Just thinking about that because it was kinda disgusting more than disgusting to think that he was a psychopath that he wore a wedge between me and my brother he wanted to drive a wedge between me and my brother and a driver, a wedge between me and my dad and it worked but the idea that he was grooming me to be the next psychopath was not going to work and I told him shut that shit off or I'll kill you many times and he wouldn't shut it off and I didn't kill him because I didn't want to go to his standards. I am and I am pathic clairvoyant psychic I don't believe and killing other people believe in killing flies, especially mosquitoes and germs like fire is in bacteria, though like when I go clean my day program when I'm cleaning the day program for tattoo or this case, drum money or laptop honey that being satisfier interesting to see where the body will take you about a money fair either right we shithead brother Brian but that's basically you have to live with this pandemic called money!  How I get paid to kill, germs and bacteria basically how they stop an asshole pandemic, which could be a similar thing to Covid or something just a squirt of the sawyer guard and the way you go! And sweep vacuum here and you're basically happily rich!

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