Surreal in e

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My name that I came up with for me as a musician was surreal, and which which was similar to the musician ethreal in e, who is very prominent on TikTok YouTube has a few things out on Spotify and iTunes. He also didn't really help matters with my obsession with the hand pan. That being said, I was very interested when I got my hand pan or ordered it that I ended up contacting him. Thanking him for allowing me to give myself the opportunity to get the hand pan or thrill and he was a very interesting and very nice person. He was very interesting to talk to and he was very happy that I got my own hand pan. Well getting. Surreal in e is my name because I am surreal in my own way! I wanted to be female version of this guy. As a real any the E being not because of the tone of the hand pan D minor I think it is but because of my legal name which is Elena. That being said, I do a lot of creative things under my legal name because it helps me on my mother. That being said, I found that being with my legal name, helps me come to terms with my mother's loss and that I'm able to go and get better with life and stuff that's why the E and surreal in e! That being said, I also called myself for her impaired words, because I do so some stuff with crystals, stoned cairn, and tarot! this was supposed to be an idea of the idea of doing crystals. The car and taro was supposed to help me get over myself but also I learned about the hand pan. I'm learning more about the hand pan and that's why I'm surreal in e, my spiritual beliefs are pretty surreal. That being said, some people might think I'm a heathen or even or whatever else people would deem. But I am not a part of the occult! I'm just simply trying to live my life and trying to treat my PTSD and heal myself through the way so I know how much work talk to me by a woman name Shawna Clancy. Who taught me more about crystals and taro then I ended up learning about my ancestors through DNA and found out about the cairns that I started logging stones around the group home front yard and ended up creating more of these beautiful structures than anything else. They were so in and on and so now they're full of snow and stuff or they've been knocked down because of assholes who don't understand other cultures!
Note to self when I do another stone is going to be in the backyard, so I don't have to worry about jackasses knocking them down. That being said he can't knock down hand because unless you wanna really get under my skin, you'd have to be in front of me to do it. That being said, the hand pan is a part of my culture as well, even though you might not think it is Still is central Asian Asian and Eastern European musical instrument from Asia central Asian and Asia and then it became a European fixture most people figure European then anything else that's why I am so surreal when it comes to my belief system and that's the name surreal in e! Is helping me to connect with my ancestors without the idea of using a tattoo parlour for piercing or tattoos I actually have something that I can touch is my ancestors that doesn't involve the prickly experience that being said, I've decided I was going to take a break from tattoos and piercings, except for gauging my septum to eight gauge, the larger, the number, the smaller, the gauge or size of the earring or this case ring and that's the only one I'm doing and I'm doing that once or twice a year periodically I'm gonna be doing it constantly nor am I going to go so big that you would end up seeing a hole in my nowt! I call it a note, but it is a nose!
That is the only part I'm doing this year is the idea of gauging my septum to an eight gauge and then that's the end of that I'm not going any bigger or smaller and this year will be 14 days next or maybe even a 12 gauge of next year will be 10 gauge and Eight gauge and then I'm done that being said I'm more interested in drums and getting my laptop. I'm trying to get a laptop for my writing so I don't just get myself caught with my pants down on the iPad. It needs charged and I want to start writing and I can't write out anything that being said that's why I'm getting a laptop as well as I've gotten some CD games or PC games that I've been wanting to get at the thrift store and I got them and I want to use them so I have to get a laptop. I don't believe in big cumber PCs I like the laptop a lot more it's a lot easier you can bring it anywhere you want and stuff like that being said, I'd rather just deal with trying to get a drum other than my hand, whatever that drama is or maybe even getting a laptop as well and maybe some dates and with my boyfriend!

That one is a hard one to believe even for me that I have a boyfriend. Because I never liked the idea of romance to August 17 that was when I ended up getting my first boyfriend, Leo boyfriend not the jackass that I knew in high school but an actual boyfriend and material relationship that being said, I'm still in that relationship and it's still a shocker to me And I'm going on dates!

Hand pans ate my brain | memoir| ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ