Chapter 2 - Day of the Moon

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For the last 3 months, Maddie was on her own, her friends were separated from her, the Doctor was captured and Canton was ‘turned’ their back’s to them all. He wanted to capture them all, but Maddie was hidden very well that they couldn’t find her, only the Doctor himself could find her, cause of their soulmate bond. She believed that Amy and Rory were found first, then River, lastly herself as if they would ever find her. Also, she couldn’t find the silence anywhere, it was like. They weren’t there with her, if they were, she would know. With her phone, the others did it with marking themselves. Just now, she heard a familiar sound. The sound from the TARDIS as then she went to look at it as it appeared in front of her. Then the Doctor popped out. “Am I late, dear?” He asked to her.

She smiled at him, he had a beard know. She was glad that it worked, from their soulmate bond. “No, you aren’t late, sweetie.” Then she walked towards him and kissed him. It didn’t matter that he have beard or not, she just had missed him.

Others from inside the TARDIS, mainly River, who didn’t have patience. “We don’t have all day.”

Then they went apart as Maddie comment. “Oops.” Then she walked past the Doctor, but he missed a small detail by her, she had a small gun by her, in case the silence came to get her. She even still has her ring on her finger, to protect her from evil people that want some time lord blood or something. River was the only one that noticed that she had a small gun on her, Maddie noticed het looking and winked at her, motion not to say anything.

Ones inside of the TARDIS, the Doctor bounced around the console, speaking to them all. “So, we know they're everywhere. Not just a landing party, an occupying force, and they 'have been here a very, very long time. But nobody knows that, because no one can remember them.”

“So what are they up to?” Canton asked him.

“No idea.” The Doctor replied to him. “But the good news is, we've got a secret weapon.” Then the TARDIS landed and they stepped out, seeing a Saturn V rocket was on the launch pad nearby.

“Apollo 11's your secret weapon?” River asked confused.

“No, no. It's not Apollo 11.” The Doctor replied to her. “That would be silly. It's Neil Armstrong's foot.”


Sometime later, Maddie found some other clothes for herself as then she went to her room to change. After she had changed her clothes, she looked in the mirror, putting one last detail. The small gun in her boots, so that nobody could see that. Then the Doctor walked into her room, shaved. Maddie turned around to see him and pouted. “I liked the beard.”

He looked at her. “I can’t put it back on.”

“Rude.” She told him.

“And still not ginger.” The Doctor comment.

Maddie looked at him. “Don’t like the beard, then?”

“Nope.” He replied to her as he thought back about the Master, that he had one time a beard and he cringed at the thought.

“Care to tell me?” Maddie asked to him.

“After this whole thing with the silence.” The Doctor replied to her.

“Alright.” Maddie nodded to him as then she wanted to walk past him, but she was stopped.

The Doctor looked concerned. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m okay.” Maddie looked at him. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Cause, I could feel you and even know, you are afraid.” The Doctor had noticed.

Maddie sighed. “Of course I’m afraid, but I didn’t encounter the silence like all others did.” She crossed her arms. “I was hidden, so they didn’t find me as Canton, he didn’t find me also, which was nice and confusing.”

“How come they didn’t find you?” He asked to her.

Maddie held up her ring. “With this, but that’s only for the silence and all the others. Why Canton couldn’t find me is a mystery.”

“There is an perception filter on it, but also what our people made.” The Doctor explained it her. “But before it wasn’t.”

“Yeah, I know. I made the perception filter myself.” Maddie told him.

“Brilliant.” The Doctor exclaimed.

“Thanks.” Maddie shrugged.


The Doctor was injecting something into Canton's palm as he exclaimed. “Ow!”

“Ha.” The Doctor asked to them. “So, three months. What have we found out?”

“Well, they are everywhere.” Rory replied to him. “Every state in America. Ahh.” He got his injection.

“Not just America, the entire world.” The Doctor told them.

“There's a greater concentration here, though.” River comment as Maddie felt left out, cause she was to afraid, she still was.

Then the Doctor moved to Amy as he injected her. “Ow!”

“Are you okay?” He asked concerned.

“All better.” Amy replied to him.

“Better?” He asked confused.

“Turns out I was wrong.” Amy replied to him as she whispered the last bit. “I'm not pregnant.”

Rory came towards to them. “What's up?”

“Nothing.” Amy replied to him, quickly. “Really, nothing. Seriously.”

Just then the Doctor moved towards Maddie and he injected her too. “Ow!” She exclaimed.

“Sorry, love.” The Doctor apologized.

“So you've seen them, but you don't remember them.” Canton told them all.

“You've seen them, too.” River looked at him. “That night at the warehouse, remember? While you were pretending to hunt us down, we saw hundreds of those things. We still don't know what they look like.”

“It's like they edit themselves out of your memory as soon as you look away.” Rory told him. “The exact second you're not looking at them, you can't remember anything.”

“Sometimes you feel a bit sick, though, but not always.” Amy added as Maddie sat in a chair, feeling left out still.

“So that's why you marked your skin.” Canton concluded.

Amy nodded to him. “Only way we'd know if we'd had an encounter.”

“How long have they been here?” Canton looked at all of them.

Amy sighed. “That's what we've spent the last three months trying to find out.”

“Not easy, if you can't remember anything you discover.” Rory muttered, but it was loud enough that the others heard him.

“How long do you think?” Canton asked them.

“As long as there's been something in the corner of your eye, or creaking in your house, or breathing under your bed, or voices through a wall.” The Doctor explained it to them. “They've been running your lives for a very long time now, so keep this straight in your head. We are not fighting an alien invasion, we're leading a revolution. And today, the battle begins.”

“How?” Canton asked confused.

“Like this.” The Doctor quickly injected River.

“Ow!” River exclaimed.

“It’s a nano recorder.” The Doctor explained. “So the moment you see one of the creatures, you activate it.” He activated the nano recorder. “And describe aloud exactly what you're seeing.” Then they heard the Doctor voice in the recorder. “And describe aloud exactly what you're seeing.” The Doctor explained further. “Because the moment you break contact, you're going to forget it happened. The light will flash if you've left yourself a message. You keep checking your hand. If you've had an encounter that's the first you'll know about it.”

“Why didn't you tell me this before we started?” Canton asked confused.

“I did. But even information about these creatures erases itself over time. I couldn't refresh it, cos I couldn't talk to you.” The Doctor pushed on some buttons.

Canton looked for a moment on his shoulder as then he looked back and straightened the bow tie from the Doctor, then he asked confused at them all. “What? What are you staring at?”

“Look at your hand.” River told to the man.

“Why's it doing that?” Canton asked confused.

“What does it mean if the light's flashing?” The Doctor looked at him. “What did I just tell you?”

“I haven't…” Canton trailed off.

“Play it.” The Doctor insisted.

Canton heard himself back. “My God, how did it get in here?”

“Keep eye contact with the creature and when I say, turn back, and when you do, straighten my bow tie.”

“What? What are you staring at?”

“Look at your hand.”

They all looked at the hologram. “It's a hologram, extrapolated from a photo on Amy's phone. Take a good long look.” Then he let to hologram disappear. “You just saw an image of one of the creatures we're fighting. Describe it to me.”

“I can't.” Canton told him.

“No.” The Doctor shook his head. “Neither can I.” Then he walked to Maddie. “You straightened my bow tie because I planted the idea in your head while you were looking at the creature.”

“So they could do that to people.” Amy realized in disgust. “You could be doing stuff and not really knowing why you're doing it.”

“Like post hypnotic suggestion.” Rory added.

Amy shivered a little at the idea. “Ruling the world with post hypnotic suggestion.”

“Now then, a little girl in a space suit.” The Doctor cut in. “They got the suit from NASA, but where did they get the girl?”

Canton shook his head. “Could be anywhere.”

“Except they probably stayed close to that warehouse, cos why bother doing anything else?” The Doctor explained. “And they take her from somewhere to cause the least amount of attention. But you'll have to find her. Me and Maddie are off to NASA.”

“Find her?” Canton asked to him. “Where do we look?”

“Children's homes.” The Doctor replied to him.


The Doctor was laying in top from the Apollo 11, doing some wiring as he was placing a device in it. Then a phone rang and he picked it up. “Amy?”

“I think we've found the place she was taken from.” Amy replied him over the phone.

“How do you know?” The Doctor asked as Maddie looked at him curiously.

“Cos those things have been here.” Amy sighed. “But the whole place is deserted. There's just one guy here and I think he's lost it.”

“Repeated memory wipes fry your head eventually.” The Doctor ordered. “Find out what you can, but don't hang around.”

“Where are you?” Amy asked to him.

“Gotta go! Got company!” Then he hung up as he and Maddie looked at two technicians, who had approached, staring at them in shock. “Don't worry. I put everything back the way I found out. Except this. There's always a bit left over, isn't there?” Then there came two soldiers with handcuffs. Maddie sighed and shook her head, looking at the Doctor.


The Doctor and Maddie were handcuffed, sitting in chairs. Maddie glared at the Doctor as then a man asked to them. “One more time, sir, ma’am. How the hell did you get into the command module?”

“I told you!” The Doctor exclaimed. “We are on a top secret mission for the President.”

The man raised an eyebrow, as in he didn’t believe them. “Well, maybe if you just get President Nixon to assure us of that, sir, that would be swell.”

“I sent him a message.” The Doctor told him.

“Please, believe him.” Maddie countered.

Just then, the President walked into the room, followed behind him River and Rory. “Hello, I believe it’s Mr. Gardner, is that correct? Head of security?”

Mr. Gardner looked flabbergasted at the man for him. “Ah, yes, sir. Yes, Mr. President.”

“Mr. Grant, is it?” He asked to the other man.

Mr. Grant looked stunned. “Yes, Mr. President.”

“The hopes and dreams of millions of Americans stand here today, at Cape Kennedy, and you are the men who guard those dreams.” Nixon smiled at the two men. “On behalf of the American people, I thank you.”

“You're welcome, Mr. President.” Mr. Gardner beamed.

Nixon looked at Mr. Grant. “I understand you have a baby on the way, Mr. Grant?”

“Yes, Mr. President.” Mr. Grant replied to him, smiling.

“What are you hoping for, a boy or a girl?” He asked to him.

“Just a healthy American, sir.” Mr. Grant replied happily.

“A healthy American will do just nicely. Now, fellas, listen.” The President pointed at the Doctor and Maddie. “This man and woman here. Code names, The Doctor, Mads, are doing some work for me, personally. Could you cut them a little slack?”

“Er, Mr. President, they did break into Apollo 11.” Mr. Gardner answered nervous as the Doctor mouthed ‘sorry’ to Nixon.

“Well, I'm sure they had a very good reason for that.” Nixon let out a sigh that no one had heard as he looked at the two men. “But I need you to release them now, so they can get on with some very important work for the American people. Could you do that for me?”

“Well…” Mr. Grant began.

The President interrupted him. “Son, I am your Commander in Chief.”

Gardner glanced at the soldier to let them go. “Then I guess that would be fine, Mr. President.”

“Glad to hear it.” Nixon smiled, relieved.

“Thank you! Bye-bye.” The Doctor and Maddie stood and walked to the TARDIS, River following them.

“Carry on, gentlemen.” Nixon nodded to the two men as he followed them as well.

Rory looked at the miniature as he grabbed the top of the thing and broke it, then he put it on the table and looked at the two men. “America salutes you.” He quickly walked away from them and went into the TARDIS.


Back in the office where the Doctor first landed. Nixon was sitting by his desk as the Doctor leaned against the desk, Maddie was standing next to him. “You have to tape everything that happens in this office, every word. Every word, or you won't know if you're under the influence.”

Nixon only looked at the Doctor. “Doctor, you have to give me more than this. What were you doing to Apollo 11?”

“A thing. A clever thing.” The Doctor replied to him. “No more questions. You have to trust me and nobody else.”

“Doctor!” River poked her head out of the TARDIS. “It's Canton! Quick, he needs us!” The Doctor and Maddie quickly walked to the TARDIS as then they disappeared from the office.


They burst into the children home as they could hear Amy calling out for help from upstairs and they were off. They ran up, hearing Canton trying to get through the door. “Amy, can you hear me?” Canton called to Amy. “Amy, I'm going to try to blow the lock. I need you to stand back.”

They reached to see that Canton aimed on the lock as the Doctor called. “Okay, gun down, I've got it!”

“Amy, we're here.” Rory called from behind the Doctor. “Are you okay?”

“I can't see!” Amy cried.

Then the Doctor got finally the lock open as they all rushed into the room. The room was empty. “Where is she, Doctor?” Rory asked. The Doctor didn’t answer him, he looked at the spacesuit.

River lifted the visor. “It's empty.” As Maddie looked around the room, she had to put her own fear aside as she needed to help rescue Amy from the silence.

Suddenly, they heard Amy’s voice. “It's dark, it's so dark. I don't know where I am.” They spotted a nano recorder on the floor that was blinking red. “Please, can anybody hear me?”

“They took this out of her?” Rory grabbed the nano recorder up. “How did they do that, Doctor? Why can I still hear her?” Amy was still sniffing and crying.

“Is it a recording?” River asked to the Doctor.

“It defaults to live.” The Doctor scanned it with his sonic and looked at the results. “This is current. Wherever she is right now, this is what she's saying.”

“Amy, can you hear me?” Rory talked into the nano recorder. “We're coming for you. Wherever you are, we're coming, I swear.”

“She can't hear you.” The Doctor corrected him. “I'm so sorry. It's one way.”

“She can always hear me, Doctor.” He countered firmly. “Always, wherever she is. She always knows that I am coming for her, do you understand me? Always.”

The Doctor didn’t answer him as Maddie looked at him. “Well, I understand, Rory. Really I do.” She told him, firmly.

Just them, they heard Amy again. “Doctor, are you out there? Can you hear me? Doctor? Oh, God.” She cried. “Please, please, Doctor, just get me out of this.”

“He's coming.” Rory promised to her. “I'll bring him, I swear.”

Then, they heard a voice as it was coming closer. “Hello, is someone in there?” The director stopped for the room. “Who?” He looked at the people in the room. “I think someone has been shot. I think we should help.” He shook his head. “We… I can't… I can't remember.”

The Doctor ran out form the room, getting the director leading them through the halls, to his office, when they arrived, they saw a silence on the ground, injured. They Doctor walked a bit closer and crouched for the silence. “Who and what are you?”

“Silence, Doctor.” The alien replied, a raspy voice filling their minds. “We are the Silence. And silence will fall.” Maddie felt sick looking at the alien, she very afraid for Amy safely. Then she looked at Rory, he was angry and afraid.


They were back in the warehouse, a small black and white TV was on, playing the launch of Apollo 11 in the background. “The target for the Apollo 11 astronauts, the moon, at lift off, will be at a distance of 218,096 miles away. We're just past the two minute mark on the countdown. T minus one minute 54 seconds and counting.”

The Doctor and River were looking at the spacesuit as she told him. “It's an exoskeleton. Basically, life support. There's about 20 different kinds of alien tech in here.”

“Who was she?” The Doctor wondered. “Why put her in here?”

“Put this on, you don't even need to eat.” River looked at the spacesuit, she had something in her hand. “The suit processes sunlight directly. It's got built in weaponry and a communications system that can hack into anything.”

“Including the telephone network?” The Doctor asked surprised.

“Easily.” River scoffed.

“Why phone the President?” He frowned.

“It defaults to the highest authority it can find.” River replied to him. “The little girl gets frightened, the most powerful man on Earth gets a phone call. The night terrors with a hotline to the White House.” She looked the Doctor, who was sniffing the blue envelope. “You won't learn anything from that envelope, you know.”

“Purchased on Earth, perfectly ordinary stationery, Tardis blue.” The Doctor looked at her. “Summoned by a stranger who won't even show his face. That's a first for me. How about you?”

“Our lives are back to front.” River looked solemnly back at him, also she glanced at Maddie, who was sitting on the ground. “Your future's my past, your firsts are my lasts.”

“Not really what I asked.” The Doctor muttered loudly.

“Ask something else then.” River nearly snapped at him.

“What are the Silence doing? Raising a child?” The Doctor tried.

“Keeping her safe.” River continued with her examination. “Even giving her independence.”

“The only way to save Amy is to work out what the Silence are doing.” The Doctor walked past Rory.

“I know.” He told him.

“Every single thing we learn about them brings us a step closer.” The Doctor paced.

“Yeah, Doctor, I get it, I know.” Rory told him.

Then Maddie stood up and walked to Rory. “We just have to be patience.” Rory nodded to her.

“Of course, it's possible she's not just any little girl.” The Doctor frowned.

River looked at her scanner. “Well, I'd say she's human, going by the life support software.”

“But?” The Doctor comment.

“She climbed out of this suit.” She hold something up. “Like she forced her way out. She must be incredibly strong.”

“Incredibly strong and running away.” He muttered. “I like her.”

“We should be trying to find her.” River urged.

“Yes, I know, but how?” The Doctor comment. “Anyway, I have the strangest feeling she's going to find us.”

“This is Houston, do you read? Over.” The TV blared as the Doctor glanced at it, walking towards the TV.

“Why does it look like a NASA space suit?” Rory asked as Maddie glanced at him, then she looked at the Doctor.

“Because that's what the Silence do.” The Doctor looked at Rory. “Think about it. They don't make anything themselves. They don't have to. They get other life forms to do it for them.”

“Aliens from outer space.” Maddie muttered.

“So they're parasites then?” River asked to him.

“Super parasites.” The Doctor replied to her. “Standing in the shadows of human history since the very beginning. We know they can influence human behavior any way they want. If they've been doing that on a global scale for thousands of years…”

“Then what?” Rory frowned.

The Doctor looked at the TV. “Then why did the human race suddenly decide to go to the moon?”

“Ten, nine, ignition sequence start, six, five, four…” The TV announced.

The Doctor still looked at the TV. “Because the Silence needed a space suit.”

“One, zero, all engines on. Lift off. We have a lift off. 32 minutes past the hour, lift off on Apollo 11.” The TV blared as they all looked at it.


Amy woke up, blinked. She was trying to clear the fog that had settled her mind. Then she looked around and saw a silent for her standing and that she was tied up right now. “Where am I? Where is this?” She demanded.

“You are Amelia Pond.” It said to her.

“You're ugly, has anyone mentioned that to you?” She taunted.

“We do you honor.” It voice rasped. “You will bring the Silence. But your part will soon be over.”

“Whatever that means, you've made a big mistake bringing me here, because wait till you see what's coming for you now.” She smirked.

“You have been here many days.” The Silent said to her as she looked at him in disbelieve.

“No.” Amy told him confused. “I just got here. You just put me in here.”

“Your memory is weak.” It told her. “You have been here many days.”

“No.” Amy still looked confused. “No, I can't have been.”

“You will sleep now.” It comment lightly, leaning forwards. “Sleep.”

“No! No!” She struggled to get away from him. “Get off me!”

“Sleep.” It continued to say.

“No! No!” Amy cried.

Just then, the TARDS came, it materialized. They all looked as the Doctor stepped out first, the others right behind him. “Oh! Interesting. Very Aickman Road, seen one of these before. Abandoned, wonder how that happened. Oh, well! I suppose I'm about to find out. Rory, River, keep one Silent in eyeshot at all times.” He hold in his arms a small TV. “Oh, hello, sorry. You're in the middle of something. Just had to say though, have you seen what's on the telly? Hello, Amy, you all right? Want to watch some television?” He put the small TV for Amy. “Ah, now, stay where you are. Because look at me, I'm confident. You want to watch that, me, when I'm confident.” He pointed at River. “Oh, and this is my friend, River. Nice hair, clever, has own gun, and unlike me, she really doesn't mind shooting people. I shouldn't like that. Kind of do.”

“Thank you, sweetie.” River comment.

“I know you're team players and everything, but she'll definitely kill at least the first three of you.” He told to the Silence.

“The first seven, easily.” River comment, smirking.

“Seven, really?” Maddie asked surprised, looking at her.

“Oh, eight for you, honey.” River winked.

Maddie winked back. “I would like to see you try.”

“Stop it.” The Doctor laughed. 

“Make us!” River challenged.

“Yeah, well, maybe I will.” The Doctor flirted with them.

“Oh, I would like to kiss you now, dear.” Maddie flirted to the Doctor.

“No time.” He comment as Maddie pouted.

“Is this really important, flirting?” Amy rolled her eyes. “I feel like I should be higher on the list right now.”

“Sorry.” The Doctor apologized somewhat sheepishly, slapping in his hands. “As I was saying, my naughty friend here is going kill the first three of you to attack, plus him behind. So maybe you want to draw lots, or have a quiz.”

Rory rushed towards Amy, then she asked to him. “What's he got?”

“Something, I hope.” Rory muttered, Maddie came to him as well, pulling out her small gun, knowing that the Doctor wouldn’t noticed right away. “Wha…?!” He looked confused at Maddie.

“Ssshhh.” Maddie shushed him. “The Doctor can’t know.” 

“Or maybe you could just listen a minute, because all I really want to do is accept your total surrender, and then I'll let you go in peace. You've been interfering in human history for thousands of years. People have suffered and died. But what's the point in two hearts, if you can't be a bit forgiving now and then.” The silent didn’t respond. “Ooh! The Silence. You guys take that seriously, don't you? OK, you got me, I'm lying. I'm not really going to let you go that easily. Nice thought, but it's not Christmas.” The Doctor turned on the TV. “First, you tell me about the girl. Who is she? Why is she important? What's she for? Guys, sorry. But you're way out of time. Now, come on, a bit of history for you. Aren't you proud, because you helped? Do you know how many people are watching this live on the telly? Half a billion, and that's nothing, because the human race will spread out among the stars, you just watch them fly. Billions and billions of them, for billions and billions of years. And every single one of them, at some point in their lives, will look back at this man, taking that very first step, and they will never, ever forget it.” Then he pulled out a device. “Oh. But they'll forget this bit.” He lifted it to his ear. “Ready?”

“Ready.” Canton replied.

They all looked at the TV. “It's one small step for man…” The astronaut began…

When suddenly the wounded silent appeared on screen. “You should kill us all on sight.”

The Doctor looked serious at the silent. “You've given the order for your own execution, and the whole planet just heard you.”

“One giant leap for mankind.” The astronaut finished, stepping down.

“And one whacking great kick up the backside for the Silence!” The Doctor cheered. “You just raised an army against yourself. And now, for a thousand generations, you're going to be ordering them to destroy you every day. How fast can you run? Because today's the day the human race throw you off their planet.” The silent stepped forward as the Doctor stepped backwards to the TV. “They won't even know they're doing it. I think, quite possibly the word you're looking for right now is, Oops!” He said, before his eyes widened and looked at the furious silent, that had electricity crackled around it. “Run!” He glanced at the group. “Guys, I mean us! Run!”

“We can't get her out!” Rory called.

“Go, just go!” Amy ordered him.

“We are not leaving without you!” Rory countered.

“Will you just get your stupid face out of here?!” Amy cried.

Rory looked at her as then the Doctor came to them and freed her. “Right, into the TARDIS, quickly!” River called.

“Thanks for the help.” Maddie comment.

“Don't let them build to full power!!” The Doctor shouted as Rory and Amy made their way the TARDIS.

Maddie sighed and went to help River, holding up her small gun and shot a silent to the ground. “I know that as well, dear.”

River glanced at her as then she also shot a silent down. “I know, there's a reason why I'm shooting, honey!” She shouted as Rory and Amy were in the TARDIS as then she glanced at the Doctor, who had his sonic out. “What are you doing?”

“Helping.” He shouted.

“You've got a screwdriver.” River shouted. “Go build a cabinet!”

“That's really rude!” He shouted.

“She’s right.” Maddie shouted.

“Shut up and drive!” The Doctor went into the TADIS as River and Maddie shot all the Silence dead, then Rory looked at the girls, with the TARDIS door a little open. “My old fella didn't see that, did he? He gets ever so cross.”

“Why was I so afraid again?” Maddie teased them.

“No idea, dear.” River teased back.

“So, what kind of doctor are you?” Rory asked confused, looking at River.

“Archaeology.” River shot the last one down. “Love a tomb.” She replied as then they went into the TARDIS.


In the TARDIS, River had run towards the console as the Doctor cried out. “You can let me fly it!”

“Or we could go where we're supposed to.” River told him as she pulled over a few levers.

“What's the matter with you?” Amy asked to Rory, who was still standing by the door, looking stunned.

“You called me stupid.” He walked towards her.

“I always call you stupid.” She shook her head, not seeing the big deal about it.

“No, but my face.” Amy opened his hand looked at the nano recorder. “I wasn't sure who you were talking about. You know, me, or…” He glanced at the Doctor.

“Him?” She said a little loudly.

“Well, you did say.” Rory looked at her. “Dropped out of the sky.”

“It's a figure of speech, moron!” Then she smiled at him and kissed him.

Then they went apart as Rory told her. “Thanks.”

“You're welcome.” She smirked, before she kissed him again.


Back in the offices from President Nixon. The Doctor shook hands with Nixon as Amy and Maddie sat on the couch, Rory stood by the TARDIS and River stood in the doorway from the TARDIS. “So we're safe again.” Nixon laughed, relieved.

“Safe?” The Doctor laughed. “No, of course you're not safe. There's a billion other things out there, waiting to burn your whole world. But if you want to pretend you're safe, just so you can sleep at night, okay, you're safe.” Then he said something else as an afterthought. “But you're not really.” Then he walked to Canton and shook hands with him. “Canton. Till the next one, eh?”

“Looking forward to it.” Canton told him, shaking his hand.

“Canton just wants to get married.” The Doctor looked at Nixon. “Hell of a reason to kick him out of the FBI.”

“I'm sure something can be arranged.” Nixon told him.

The Doctor nodded. “I'm counting on you.”

“Er, Doctor, Canton here tells me you're from the future.” He looked at him. “Hardly seems possible, but I was wondering…”

The Doctor interrupted him. “Should warn you. I don't answer a lot of questions.”

“But I'm a President at the beginning of his time.” Nixon still wanted to know, who he was a president. “Dare I ask? Will I be remembered?”

“Oh, Dickie. Tricky Dickie.” The Doctor smiled almost sadly. “They're never going to forget you. Say hi to David Frost for me.”

“David Frost?” Nixon asked to himself. The others went into the TARDIS and went away from there.


They were in Storm cage, the Doctor opened River’s cell and she walked towards it, Maddie looked at them. “You could come with us.” The Doctor told to River.

“I escape often enough, thank you.” River straighten his bowtie. “And I have a promise to live up to. You'll understand, soon enough.”

“OK, up to you. See you next time. Call me.” The Doctor walked to the TARDIS, where Maddie was standing.

“What, that's it?” River asked confused. “What's the matter with you?”

The Doctor turned around and looked at her, walking towards her. “Have I forgotten something?”

“Oh, shut up.” River hugged him, tightly.

They went apart as the Doctor told her awkwardly. “Right. Okay. Interesting.”

“What's wrong?” River looked concerned. “You're acting like we've never done that before.”

“We haven't.” The Doctor rubbed his cheek.

“We haven't?” She looked at him, confused.

“Oh, look at the time, must be off. But it was very nice.” The Doctor walked to the TARDIS. “It was good. It was unexpected. You know what they say, there's a first time for everything.” Then he and Maddie went inside of the TARDIS.

“And a last time.” River whispered as she looked at TARDIS dismaterlised.


“Rory, I'm going to need thermocouplings.” The Doctor looked at Rory. “The green ones and blue ones.”

Maddie went to sit down as Rory nodded. “Okay, hold on.” Then he went down the stairs.

“So.” The Doctor began, looking at Amy.

“So.” Amy nodded.

“You're okay?” The Doctor asked her, walking to Maddie as Amy followed him.

“Fine. Head's a bit weird. There's loads of stuff I can't quite remember.” Amy replied.

“After effect of the Silence. Natural enough.” Maddie comment.

“That's not what I was asking.” He added. “You told me you were pregnant and Maddie there as well, hearing the whole thing.”

Amy nodded. “Yes.”

“Why?” He asked to her.

Amy sighed. “Because I was. I mean, I thought I was. It turns out I wasn't.”

“No, why did you tell me?” The Doctor asked to her.

“And basically, me?” Maddie added.

“Because you're my friends.” Amy smiled at them. “You're my best friends.”

“Did you tell Rory?” Maddie asked to her.

Amy shook her head. “No.”

“Amy, why tell me and not Rory?” The Doctor looked at her.

“Why do you think?” Amy sighed. “I travelled with you in this Tardis for so long. All that time. If I was pregnant for some of it, wouldn't it have had an effect? I don't want to tell Rory his baby might have three heads or, like, a timehead, or something.”

“What's a timehead?” The Doctor asked to her.

Amy looked at him. “I don't know, but what if it had one?”

“A timehead.” The Doctor laughed a little, followed by Amy and Maddie.

“Shut up.” Amy comment as then she shouted to Rory, who had clearly listening in. “Oi, stupid face.”

Rory popped in as he looked at them. “Er, yeah? Hello.”

Amy grabbed the nano recorder from Rory. “I'm taking that away from you, if you're going to listen in all the time.”

“Okay, that's a fair point.” Rory told her. “But you should've told me that you thought you were pregnant. I'm a nurse. I'm good with pregnancy.”

“Not, as it turns out, that good.” Amy reassured him. “So please stop being stupid.”

“Er, no, never.” Rory looked at her. “I'm never, ever, going to stop being stupid.”

“So, this little girl.” The Doctor called a little too loudly. “It's all about her. Who was she? Or we could just go off and have some adventures.”

Just then Maddie stood up and walked to the console, followed by the others. “Anyone in the mood for adventures? Because I am. You only live once.” Then the Doctor runs a examine on the scanner/ screen. Maddie looked as well on the screen, staring at the picture from Amy. 

Amelia Pond full body scan in progress.

Pregnancy Positive. Negative. Positive. Negative.

It wasn’t looking good, it wasn’t very not good at all. Maddie and the Doctor glanced at each other, looking worried, but Amy and Rory didn’t noticed it. Thankfully for them.

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