Chapter 12 - Somewhat a peaceful night, part 2

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Amy and Rory had woken up as then they went to the console room. When they arrived there, they saw a very happy Doctor and Maddie standing there. “What’s going on?” Amy asked to them.

“We have good news.” Maddie replied to her. “And that is… I’m pregnant.”

“She is.” The Doctor added.

“Congratulations.” Rory told them.

“Congratulations.” Amy added.

“Thanks.” Maddie smiled at them.

“Thank you.” The Doctor added.

“So, what are we gonna do today?” Rory asked uncomfortable.

“We are gonna meet our new friend.” The Doctor replied to him.

Amy looked at them. “Who’s your new friend?”

“Arah.” Maddie replied to them.

Then the Doctor set the Tardis in motion as he said. “We are going to the Victorian era.”

“Is that where your new friend is?” Rory asked a bit confused.

“It is.” Maddie comforted.

“But why in Victorian era?” Rory asked another question.

“Oh, that’s a long story.” The Doctor replied to him. Then the Tardis wheezed and came to stand still. “We are here and change in the Victorian era.” He told the others.


Later they all changed into Victorian era clothes and stepped out of the Tardis. Then Amy looked at the Doctor and Maddie. “Okay, are we gonna find this Arah person? Your new friend?” She asked to them.

“Yes.” The Doctor nodded.

“We are, but I think she will find us.” Maddie added.

“How do you know?” Amy asked to her.

“I just have this feeling.” Maddie replied to her.

Suddenly Arah came to them, she looked a few years older than they last saw her. “Hello, Maddie, Doctor.”

Amy and Rory looked confused at her, but the Doctor and Maddie smiled at her. “It’s rare, but I believe what you told us.” The Doctor told her.

“So, you belief in magic?” Arah asked to him. “A man of science is giving in that magic real.”

The Doctor nodded. “As I said it’s rare, but I belief that magic is real.” Amy and Rory looked in disbelief.

“You, the Doctor belief in magic?” Rory asked, blinking at him.

The Doctor nodded. “I do.”

“She did something that made us belief.” Maddie added.

Then Arah looked at the married couple. “I can do that to you two, if you want to know something.”

Amy stepped forwards to her. “I will give it a try.”

Then Arah grabbed her hand. “Oh, dear.” She stared at it. “That’s not good.”

“What’s not good?” Amy asked, nervously.

“You can’t have children.” She dropped the bomb.

“What?!” Amy exclaimed. Rory was blinking at this woman for him.

“They have done something to you, that you can’t have children.” Arah replied to her.

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