Chapter 8 - The Almost People

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The G-Doctor was suffering as the others were looking at him. “Argh. What's happening? I wonder if we'll get back. Yes, one day. Argh. I've reversed the polarity of the neutron flow.”

The Doctor looked at him. “The Flesh is struggling to cope with our past regenerations.” He grabbed by his shirt. “Hold on.”

Just then, G-Doctor said in the fourth Doctor’s voice. “Would you like a jelly baby?” Then he switched back to his own voice. “Why? Why? Why?”

The Doctor looked at him confused. “Why what?”

“Hello. I'm the Doctor.” The G-Doctor said in his tenth voice an then he switched back his own voice. “No, let it go, we've moved on.”

“Hold on, hold on, you can stabilise.” The Doctor pleaded to him.

“I've reversed the jelly baby of the neutron flow. Would you like a Doctor, Doctor, I'm, I'm the.” The G-Doctor grabbed his head. “I can't.”

“No, listen, hold on. Hold on.” The Doctor urged to him.

“No! Argh.” G-Doctor shouted as then Maddie came over them, she had enough.

“Doctor.” Maddie said, gentle to the G-Doctor. He looked at her, with love in his eyes, he recognised her as his soulmate even in his flesh, double ganger state. He calmed down. “That’s it, take it easy, sweetie.” The G-Doctor stabilized as the Doctor watched them.

Just then, the other Gangers were trying to batter their way in as then it all went all quiet. “I think I liked it best when they were being noisy.” Buzzer comment.

“Mmm hmm.” Amy hummed. “Doctor, Maddie, we need you. Get over here.”

“Hello.” G-Doctor comment to them.

“Doctor.” Amy called for them. “Maddie.”

“Cybermats.” The Doctor said suddenly.

“Do we have time for this?” G-Doctor asked to them.

“We make time.” Maddie replied to him.

“I'd like more proof that you're me.” The Doctor added. “Cybermats.”

“Created by the Cybermen. They kill by feeding off brainwaves.” G-Doctor replied to him.

“And you know who I am?” Maddie asked, looking at him.

G-Doctor nodded. “Yes, you are my soulmate, though for our time lords it’s deeper than that, we feel each other, everything.”

“Yeah, that’s about it.” Maddie nodded, happily. “Now I have two Doctors.” She wiggled with her eyebrows.

“Maddie!” The Doctor exclaimed embarrassed.

“Are you sure there aren't any weapons to can get to, like big guns with bits on?” Amy asked to Buzzer, making the others looking at them.

“Yeah, big guns would be good right now.” Buzzer nodded.

“Why would we have guns?” Jimmy looked confused. “We're a factory. We mine.”

“Acid.” Amy comment.

Just then the door started to dissolve and the Gangers recommence their battering. Both Doctors watched, Maddie as well. “Rory and Amy, they may not trust both of us.” The Doctor looked at his Ganger.

“Are you thinking what I'm thinking?” G-Doctor asked to the Doctor.

Doctor nodded. “Inevitably.”

“No.” Maddie frowned.

“I'm glad we're on the same…” G-Doctor began.

“Wavelength.” The Doctor finished. “You see, great minds.”

“Exactly.” G-Doctor nodded. “So, what's the plan?”

“Save them all, humans and gangers.” The Doctor replied to him.

Maddie looked at them. “I can agree on that.”

“Tall order.” G-Doctor grinned. “Sounds wonderful.”

“Is that what you were thinking?” The Doctor looked at him. “It's just so inspiring to hear me say it.”

“I know.” G-Doctor nodded.

“Doctor, Maddie, come on.” Amy called to them.

“Let’s the show begin.” Maddie muttered.

“So, what now, Doctor?” G-Doctor asked to the Doctor.

“Well, time to get cracking, Doctor.” The Doctor replied to him.

Then they three walked over to the others. “Hello. Sorry, but we had to establish a few ground rules.”

“Formulate a protocol.” The Doctor added.

“Protocol?” G-Doctor looked at him. “Very posh.”

“A protocol between us. Otherwise…” The Doctor began.

“It gets horribly embarrassing.” G-Doctor finished.

“And potentially confusing.” The Doctor nodded.

“Yeah, I have noticed that, sweeties.” Maddie comment, sarcastically.

Amy looked at the Doctors. “I'm glad you've solved the problem of confusing.” She was being sarcastic.

“That's sarcasm.” G-Doctor noticed.

“She's very good at sarcasm.” The Doctor comment.

Suddenly both shouted to Amy. “Breathe.”

“What?” Amy looked at them as then she looked at Maddie.

“Don’t look at me.” Maddie lying trough her teeth, but Amy didn’t noticed. “I don’t know what they are on about.”

Then the Doctor looked seriously. “We have to get you off this island. And the Gangers too.”

Cleaves was the first one to react to him. “Sorry, would you like a memo from the last meeting? They are trying to kill us!”

“They're scared.” The Doctor replied to her.

“Doctor, we're trapped in here.” Amy sighed at him.

“Right, See, I don't think so.” The Doctor was being rubbish. “The Flesh Bowl is fed by cabling from above.”

“But where are the earthing conduits?” G-Doctor added.

The Doctor walked forwards over a wall, Maddie followed him, also looking. “All this piping must go down into a tunnel or a shaft or something, yes? With us?” Maddie found a grating in the wall as the Doctor kissed her on her head and comment. “Yowza. An escape route.”

Amy looked confused. “Yowza?”

Maddie made a face. “Right.”

The Doctor looked at the girls. “You know, I'm starting to get a sense of just how impressive it is to hang out with me.” Maddie just rolled with her eyes.

“Do we tend to say yowza?” G-Doctor asked to him confused.

“That's enough, let it go, okay? We're under stress.” The Doctor shrugged it off. Then they made their way through the escape route. When the armoured Gangers broke in, the Doctor was sonicking the grating shut again as the two Cleaves stared at each other briefly.


Walking throughout the Corridor, Buzzer comment. “The army will send a recon team our.”

“We need to find a way to contact the mainland.” Cleaves told them.

“What about Rory and Jen?” Amy asked, looking at the Doctor and Maddie. “They are both out there.”

Maddie shook with her head. “No, this place is a maze.”

“Takes a long time to find someone in a maze.” The Doctor added, looking at Amy. “I bet you lot have got a computer map, haven't you?”

“If we can get power running, we can scan for them.” Cleaves sighed. “Be a lot quicker.”

Just then they starting coughing. “Doctor, you said earlier to breathe.” Amy comment as then she coughed. 

“Very important, Pond. Breathe.” The Doctor said to her quickly.

“Yeah, well, I'm struggling to.” Amy said sarcastically.

“Acid interacting with the stone.” The Doctor told them, looking at the walls.

“Creating an asphyxiant miasma.” G-Doctor added.

“A what?” Cleaves asked, confused.

“Choking gas.” Maddie replied. “It’s extra heavy. If we can get above it.”

“The evac tower.” Cleaves nodded and pointed in a direction. “It's this way.”


Not much later, they have arrived in the Evac tower. “Oh. I think I coughed so hard, I pulled a muscle or something.” The Doctor and Maddie went over to Amy, concerned. “It's okay, it's better. It's easing off.” She just shrugged it off.

Just then the church bell started ringing and Jimmy looked fondly. “It's midnight. It's Adam's birthday. My son's five. Happy birthday, bud.”

Then the two Doctors and Maddie went over to the console and went behind it. The Ganger was on the left and the original was on the  right. Cleaves looked at them. “Can you really get the power back?”

“Oh, there's always some power floating around...” G-Doctor began.

Then the Doctor finished the sentence. “Sticking to the wires, like bits of lint.”

“Which it can be solved.” Maddie added. “And then this thing will be doing nicely.”

Amy looked at them with eyes widen. “Can you stop finishing each other's...” She interrupted.

“Sentences?” The Doctor finished her sentence. “No probs.”

“Yes.” G-Doctor nodded.

“No, hang on.” Amy remembered something. “You said that the Tardis was stuck in acid, so won't she be damaged?”

“Nah, she's a tough old thing. Tough, old, sexy.” The Doctor replied to her.

“Tough, dependable, sexy.” G-Doctor added.

“Well, the boys are right.” Maddie comment, then she helped them further.

Amy looked the Doctor and G-Doctor. “Come on. Okay, how can how can you both be real?”

“Well, because we are. I'm the Doctor.” G-Doctor replied to her. 

“Yeah and so am I.” The Doctor nodded. “We both contain the knowledge of over nine hundred years of memory and experience.” Then he added. “We both wear the same bow tie, which is cool.”

“Because bow ties are...” G-Doctor began.

“And always will be.” The Doctor finished.

“But how did the Flesh read you?” Amy asked to the Doctor. “Because you weren't linked up to the it, like with Maddie, she was just staring at it.”

“Well, it must've been after I examined it.” The Doctor explained. “Thus, a new, genuine Doctor was created.”

G-Doctor popped up. “Ta-da.”

Amy shook with her head. “No getting away from it. One of you was here first.”

“He is.” Maddie pointed on the right.

The Doctor nodded to Amy. “Well, okay. After the Flesh scanned me, I had an accident with a puddle of acid. Now, new shoes. A situation which did not confront me learned self here.”

“That satisfy you, Pond?” G-Doctor added, looking at her.

“Don't call me Pond, please.” Amy replied to him as then, she saw their faces. “What?”

G-Doctor noticed. “Interesting. You definitely feel more affection for him than me.”

“No, no, I...” Amy had her eyes widen. “Look, you're fine and everything, but he's the Doctor. No offence. Being almost the Doctor is pretty damn impressive.”

“Being almost the Doctor's like being no Doctor at all.” G-Doctor sighed.

Amy rolled with her eyes. “Don't overreact.”

“You might as well call me Smith.” G-Doctor said to her suddenly.

“Smith?” Amy asked confused as she looked at Maddie, who just shrugged.

G-Doctor nodded. “John Smith.”

Suddenly the Doctor shouted. “Yes! Communication a go-go.” Then Cleaves and the others rushed to the console.

“Find Rory!” Amy ordered her. “Show me the scanning tracking screen. Come on, Rory, let's be having you.”

“There's no sign of him anywhere.” Cleaves told her.

“Come on.” Amy looked on the screen. “Come on, baby, show yourself.”


“Saint John's calling. Emergency Alpha.” Cleave had pushed on some buttons and stuff as she was trying to communicate with the mainland. “We'll never get a signal through this storm. Saint John's calling the mainland. Come in, this is urgent.”

Person the mainland heard her, it was the captain. “We're just about reading you, Saint John's. How are you doing? We've had all kinds of trouble here.”

“They're running amok.” Cleaves replied to him.

“Your Gangers?” The captain asked confused.

“Yes, our Gangers are attacking us. We need you to take us off the island immediately and wipe them out.” Cleaves replied to him. “You'll need to airlift us off the roof of the evac tower.”


“We've got to get out of here. We are, we're going to get out.” Buzzer told them all, he was being scared.

“We're not leaving without them.” Amy was revering to Rory and Jenifer.

“I want them found too, but it's about casualties, innit?” Buzzer looked at Amy. “Can't be helped.”

Then Amy looked at the Doctor, who was sitting for the console. “What are you doing?”

“He’s making a phone call.” Maddie replied for him as she sat next to him.

Amy frowned. “Who to?”

“No one yet. It's on delay.” The Doctor replied this time.

“Right.” Amy was still confused. “Not getting it. Why exactly are you making a phone call?”

“Because, Amy, I am and always will be the optimist.” The Doctor circled with his chair to look at Amy. “The hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” Then he circled back to look at the screen again. “The wheels are in motion. Done.”

“You old sentiment man.” Maddie muttered to him. “Believe in the good things, if not...” She trailed off.

“Then there is nothing to believe in it at all.” The Doctor nodded.

Just then Amy asked to him. “You know really there can be only one.”

“Hmm?” The Doctor hummed, looking at her with a frown.

“Oh, nothing. Carry on. Be amazing.” Amy comment as then she was drawn to the far wall. Just then, a hatch opened and she saw the Eye Patch Lady. She gasped and rushed back to the Doctor and Maddie.

“Amy? What happened?” Maddie asked worried.

“It's her again.” Amy replied to her.

“It's who again?” The Doctor frowned.

“There's a woman I keep seeing.” Amy explained it to them. “A woman with an eyepatch, and she has this habit of sliding walls open and staring at me.” The Doctor and Maddie looked worried for a bit. “Doctor, Maddie?”

“It's nothing.” The Doctor shrugged it off like it was nothing.

“Hmm-mm.” Maddie hummed in agreement.

Amy looked at them. “Doesn't seem like nothing.”

“It's a time memory. Like a mirage. It's nothing to worry about.” The Doctor quickly explained.

Just then, G-Doctor whispered. “It's in my head.” Then he leaves.

“Hey, hold on.” Jimmy noticed him leaving.

“Don't let him go.” Cleaves shouted/ called to the Doctor and Maddie.

Amy shook with her head. “No, leave it to me.” She said to them and followed the G-Doctor.


“Why?” The Doctor asked quietly as Amy entered, followed by the G-Doctor.

“Keep him away from me.” She pointed at G-Doctor as she went over to a chair.

G-Doctor looked at the Doctor. “Did you sense it?”

“Briefly. Not as strong as you.” The Doctor replied to him.

Maddie glanced at them both. ‘I felt it through you, Doctor.’

‘Really?’ The Doctor looked at her, surprised.

‘Yeah.’ Maddie nodded.

Then they were pulled out their thoughts as G-Doctor looked at Amy. “Amy, I'm sorry.” He told her.

“No, you keep away.” Amy shook with her head. “We can't trust you.”

“It would appear I can connect to the Flesh.” G-Doctor comment to them.

“You are Flesh.” Amy scoffed to him.

“I'm beginning to understand what it's been through, what it needs.” G-Doctor explained, looking at the Doctor and Maddie.

“What you want.” Amy scoffed. “You are it.”

“It's much more powerful than we thought.” G-Doctor looked at Cleaves. “The Flesh can grow, correct?”

“Its cells can divide.” Cleaves replied to him.

“Well, now it wants to do that at will. It wants revenge. It's in pain, angry. It wants revenge.” G-Doctor explained it further after he heard cleaves reply.

“I was right.” Amy looked at him in disbelieve. “You're not the Doctor. You can't ever be. You're just a copy.”

Just then Maddie stood up, looking angry. She walked towards Amy as the Doctor wanted to grab her, but he was too late, she was already by Amy. “Amy, that’s enough, will you. I won’t know, what happened precisely outside and I don’t care for that matter. The Doctor is still the Doctor, even as a Ganger. He’s just explained things to us and what you doing is acting on fair.” Then she looked at the others. “You all do that and begin a bloody war.”

Then the Doctor came over to her and grabbed her hand. “I know you angry at Amy, but calm down a bit, sweetheart.”

Maddie nodded. “Easier said than done, sweetie.”

Cleaves looked at G-Doctor and pointed at the other side of the room. “Doctor, it might be best if you stayed over there for now, hmm?”

“Hold on a minute, hold your horses.” The Doctor looked at cleaves in disbelief. “I thought I'd explained this. I'm him, he's me.”

“Doctor, we have no issue with you, but when it comes to your Ganger...” Cleaves gave him a look, as if that was saying that she didn’t believe him.

“Don't be so absurd.” The Doctor protested.

“Oi.” Maddie comment angry.

“Buzzer.” Cleaves called.

Buzzer nodded. “Sure, boss.” Then he put out a barrel for the G-Doctor to sit on. “Take a seat, mate.”

“Nice barrel, very comfy.” G-Doctor comment, he was a little angry, that they did this. Maddie defended him, for god’s sake. “Why not? Is this really what you want?” He looked at Cleaves.


Just then they heard from the pilot. “This is the shuttle. We're right above you, but we can't get low enough. Gamma static could fry our nav-controls. Sit tight. We'll get to you. Just...” Then it was gut off.

Then the Doctor scanned Cleaves with his sonic screwdriver as Jimmy was trying to get un contact with the pilot. “Hello? Can you hear me?”

“I can't find Rory.” Amy sighed. “I'm going out there.”

“We could use the sonic to track him.”  The Doctor suggested it. “Humans and Gangers give off slightly different signals. The sonic needs to tell the difference.”

“Oh, so the sonic knows Gangers are different. The other Doctor is different.” Amy scoffed, crossing with her arms.

“He is the Doctor.” Maddie told her.

“Not to me. I can tell.” Amy shook with her head.

“Sure you're not prejudiced?” The Doctor asked to her.

“Nice try, but I know, okay?” Amy sighed. “We've been through too much. You're my Doctor. End of.”


Not much later, Buzzer got the Cameras working. “Hey, there's a camera up. We've got a visual.”

Amy pointed on the screen after seeing two people. “That's Rory and Jennifer.”

“They're heading for the thermostatic room.” Cleaves comment.

“Let's go get them.” Amy looked at the Doctor as he throws the sonic screwdriver to his counterpart. “Hang on.”

“We can't let him go.” Cleaves looked at him in disbelief. “Are you crazy?”

“Am I crazy, Doctor?” The Doctor asked to G-Doctor.

“Well, you did want to plumb your brain into the core of an entire planet just to halt its orbit and win a bet.” G-Doctor replied to him.

“He can't go rescue them.” Amy was firmly. “I'm going.”

“Do you know, I want him to go. And I'm rather adamant.” The Doctor comment.

“And I agree with him.” Maddie told them all.

“Well then, he'll need company.” Buzzer sighed. “Right, boss? It's fine. I'll handle it.”

“Thank you, Buzzer.” G-Doctor told him. “It'll be all right. I'll find him.”

The Doctor looked at Amy. “Can't explain it to you now, but I need you to trust him. Can you do that for me, Amy?”

“And what if you're wrong?” Amy asked to him as she saw that G-Doctor and Buzzer leave the room.

“Usually, he isn’t wrong, Amy.” Maddie replied for the Doctor could.


“These temperature gauges are rising.” Cleaves looked at the screen. “Jennifer and Rory must have shut off the underground cooling vents.”

“Why do that?” Dicken frowned. “They'll kill us.”

Cleaves nodded. “There's a million gallons of boiling acid under our feet.”

“And now it's heating up the whole island.” The Doctor nodded. “How long till it blows?”

Suddenly everything began to rumble as Dicken told them all. “Gangers or no Gangers, we need to get the hell out of here.”

Cleaves pressed on a button. “Shuttle, we need evac. Where are you? Can you hear me? Can you...” Then she was struck by a stabbing headache.

“Cleaves?” The Doctor looked at her worried. “Cleaves? Cleaves, sit down.”

Cleaves sat down. “I'm fine.”

“Well, that doesn’t look fine by me.” Maddie comment, looking at her.

“I'm waiting for results, so let it go.” Cleaves sighed.

“It's a very deep parietal clot.” The Doctor told her seriously.

Cleaves looked at him. “How can you possibly? Inoperable?”

“On Earth, yes.” The Doctor nodded. 

“Well, seeing as Earth's all that's on offer.” Cleaves looked at him. “Hmm. I'm no healthy spring chicken, and you're no weatherman. Right?”

Just then there a big rumble as Amy shouted. “Something just cracked. I heard it.”

“Yeah, we can't stay here.” The Doctor nodded. “Let's go.”

“Yeah, let’s.” Maddie nodded as she grabbed his hand.

“He's right. Let's shift.” Jimmy nodded as well.

Just then Cleaves pressed on the button. “Cleaves to Shuttle. Respond. We need to move, and we can't be collected from the Evac tower.”

“Give us the codeword.” The Pilot told them.

“The codeword is…” Cleaves was interrupted by a rumble, followed with a bang and the alarms.

“Cleaves?” The Doctor told to her, looking at the screen. “Cleaves, it's dead. It's dead. We need to get out of here. We need to get back downstairs and get those vents back on. Come on.”

“We need to go.” Maddie told them all.


They were all in the passageway as they saw a lot of Ganger eyes watching them from the wall. “Ah. The eyes have it.” The Doctor comment.

“Doctor.” Maddie scolded him.

“Why are they here?” Amy asked confused.

“To accuse us.” The Doctor replied to her.

“Ignore them.” Cleaves told them. “It's not far.”


Not much later they arrived in the thermostatic room as they all rushed over to the machine. The Doctor looked at it. “It's a chemical chain reaction now. I can't stop it. This place is going to blow sky high.”

“Exactly how long have we got?” Cleaves asked to him.

“An hour?” The Doctor thought out loud. “Five seconds? Er, somewhere in between.” Suddenly a klaxon wailed. “Out!” He grabbed Maddie’s hand.

They all ran out of the room into the passageway again, where they met Rory coming from the other way. “Thank God. All right?”

Amy went over him and hugged him. “Oh, Rory. Oh, Rory.”

“There's a way out.” Rory looked at the others. “Jennifer found it. A secret tunnel under the crypt.”

“From the crypt?” Cleaves frowned. “It's not on the schematics.”

“It runs right out of the monastery.” Rory glanced at the Doctor and Maddie. “Maybe even under the Tardis, Doctor, Maddie. Follow me.”


They followed Rory to the Acid room as Jimmy told them all. “We can't leave without Buzzer.”

“I'll go back for him.” Cleaves told him.

“Er, Doctor, look.” Rory looked guilty. “I'd better tell you. I haven't been quite straight with you.” G-Jennifer closed the door, locking the rest in.

“Rory!” The Doctor shouted.

“What the hell?!” Maddie exclaimed.

“Hang on, Jen.” Rory looked at G-Jennifer. “We don't need to lock them up. We should just show them what we've found.”

“I don't think so.” She disagreed.

“Rory Pond, Roranicus Pondicus!” The Doctor shouted angry, cause his soulmate was in danger as well.

Amy looked at him, confused. “Rory, What the hell are you playing at?”

“They've been throwing away old Flesh and leaving it to rot.” Rory replied to her. “Alive. I think the world should see that.”

“Rory, there is no time.” Maddie sighed. “The factory's about to explode.”

Rory turned to look at G-Jennifer. “Are you sure about this? Because I'm not. Let them out.”

“The little girl got strong.” G-Jennifer replied to him.

Rory blinked. “What?”

“The little girl lost on the moors in her red wellies, looking for a way home?” G-Jennifer looked at him. “Well, she got strong, Rory. I told you, remember?”

“But that wasn't.” Rory argued. “It was the other Jennifer that told me about being a little girl.”

“Oh?” G-Jennifer raised an eyebrow. “What other Jennifer?”

“Well, the, the er…” Rory realized. “Wait, you tricked me? Let me go. I'm opening the door. Let me. I'm sorry!” Just then, G-Jennifer dragged Rory away.

“No!” Amy shouted.

“We have to be free.” G-Cleaves sighed, looking at her counterpart, the original.

“I'm sorry too, Miranda.” Cleaves told her counterpart somewhat sarcastically. “Of all the humans in the world, you had to pick the one with the clot. But hey, them's the breaks. Welcome to the human race.”

Just then, the Doctor scanned the acid vat with the sonic screwdriver. “This is going to overheat and fill the room with acid, just as a point of interest.”

“And we can't stop it?” Cleaves asked to him.

“Just as a point of interest?” The Doctor shook with his head. “No.”

Dicken was lowering the lid onto the vat as Jimmy comment. “It'll never hold her.”

“If you have a better plan, I'm all ears.” The Doctor countered, he was getting frustrated. “In fact, if you have a better plan, I'll take you to a planet where everyone is all ears.”

Cleaves looked at the vat. “The acid's eating through.”

Just then Jimmy was trying to keep the lid on the boiling vat. Suddenly he gets burnt by acid just before his Ganger came in. “Argh.”

“Let me through.” G-Jimmy called.

“There's nothing we can do.” The Doctor shook with his head. “The acid's reached his heart.”

“Hang in there, mate.” G-Jimmy comment to him as he crouched down and grabbed his head to held him up. 

Jimmy looked at him. “I'm quite handsome from this angle.”

“I'm sorry.” His counterpart sighed. “I'm the fake. Adam deserves his real dad.”

“Shut up.” Jimmy told him.

“What do you want me to do?” G-Jimmy asked to him. “Anything. Just say.”

“The way things are, mate, it's up to you now. Be a dad. You remember how.” Jimmy handed over his wedding ring then he died.

The Doctor patted his shoulder. “Jimmy Wicks, you're a dad.”


“Daddy? Where's my daddy?” Adam asked confused. Just then the rescued group entered, Amy and Rory hugged as the two Cleaves stared at each other. Adam spoke further. “Daddy, it's me.”

“Hey, sunshine.” G-Jimmy walked forwards and looked at Adam. “What are you up to?”

“Opening all my presents.” Adam replied to him.

“Ha, ha, good lad.” G-Jimmy smiled. “You have fun today. And remember your dad, he loves you very, very much.”

“When are you coming home?” Adam asked to his father.

“Daddy's coming home today, Adam.” The Doctor replied before G-Jimmy could.

“Yay.” Adam danced.

“Now we need to move.” Maddie told them all.


Not much later they moved to the crypt as G-Jennifer morphed into a ravening beast. The Doctor looked behind him and shouted. “Run. Run. Run! Ooo, roof's going to give.” They got to a security door marked ‘No Humans’.

“We have to stop her.” G-Dicken told them all. “This door doesn't lock.”

“No, but the far one does.” Dicken ran back along the passage and struggled with the jammed door as the monster approached. Then he finally got it shut with himself on the wrong side. “Argh.” Then the monster got him as he screamed.

“No!” G-Dicken shouted.

“Here she comes.” G-Doctor looked as the Tardis crashed through and the door, they got the door also closed by them.

“Oh, she does like to make an entrance.” The Doctor comment, happily to his Tardis.

“Yeah, she does.” Maddie agreed.

Then the Doctor opened the door. “Everyone move.”

“Go. Go, go, go.” G-Doctor called to the others.

“Get on board. Go.” G-Cleaves called as well.

“I'm not leaving.” Cleaves shook with her head.

“Go.” G-Cleaves urged.

“Hey, hey.” Amy looked at G-Doctor. “Now's our chance.”

“I have to stay.” G-Doctor looked at her. “Hold this door closed. Give you time to dematerialise.”

“Oh, don't be crazy.” Amy still believed that he was the Doctor. “Okay, what happens to you?”

“Well, this place is just about to explode.” He replied to her. “But I can stop her.”

“Both of you can survive this, okay?” Amy looked at him. “There has to be a way.”

“Or perhaps you think I should stay instead?” The Doctor asked as he stood next to Maddie. “Mister Smith.”

“No, of course not.” Amy sighed. “But look, this man, I've flown with him, you know? And you are amazing and yeah, I misjudged you, but you're not him. I'm sorry.”

“Amy, we swapped shoes.” G-Doctor told her.

The Doctor looked at her. “I'm the Doctor.”

“And I'm the Flesh.” G-Doctor added.

“You can't be.” Amy looked at him. “You're the real him.”

G-Doctor shook with his head. “No, I'm not, and I haven't been all along.”

“What?” Amy asked confused.

“I'm the original Doctor, Amy.” The Doctor replied to her. “We had to know if we were truly the same. It was important, vital we learn about The Flesh, and we could only do that through your eyes.”

Amy hugged the G-Doctor. “I never thought it possible.”

“What?” He asked.

“You're twice the man I thought you were.” Amy replied.

“Push, Amy.” He whispered. “But only when she tells you to.”

“Amy, come on!” Rory called as then Amy went over to him as they got by the Tardis.

“Well, my death arrives, I suppose.” G-Doctor looked at the Doctor.

“But this one, we're not invited to.” The Doctor told him, grabbing Maddie’s hand.

G-Doctor blinked. “Pardon?”

“Nothing.” The Doctor waved it off. “Your molecular memory can survive this, you know. It may not be the end.” Then he throws a sonic screwdriver to his Ganger.

“Yeah, well, if I turn up to nick all your biscuits, then you'll know you were right, won't you.” He told them.

“I will take your word on it.” Maddie smiled to him.

“Doctor!” Amy shouted. “No, please.”

“You too, Cleaves.” G-Doctor looked at G-Cleaves. “Off you pop.”

“I'm staying.” G-Cleaves stated.

“This is not the time for grand gestures.” G-Doctor told her.

“Says the king of grand gestures.” G-Cleaves looked at him. “This is my factory. I'm not going anywhere.”

G-Doctor kissed her forehead. “Foreman Miranda Cleaves, marvellous. Beware of imitations.”

“Clear off out of here, the lot of you.” G-Cleaves looked at the others. The Doctor, Maddie, Amy and Rory ran into the Tardis to join the others. Then it dematerialised.


In the Tardis Maddie looked at the Gangers. “The energy from the Tardis will stabilise the Gangers for good. They're people now.” She explained it to them.

“And what happens to me?” Cleaves looked at the Doctor. “I still have this.”

“Ah, that's not a problem. I have something for that. It's small and red and tastes like burnt onions. Ha. But it'll get rid of your blood clot.” The Doctor throws a small vial to Cleaves, then plucked a red balloon from somewhere. “Happy endings.”


The Doctor and Maddie watched the family reunion from a distance. On the beach. “Hey!” G-Jimmy greeted his son. “Hello, bud.” 

“Daddy, you're back.” Adam greeted him back, happily.

“Hello, my boy.” G-Jimmy smiled at him. “How are you doing?”


The Tardis parked herself in the big steel and glass company headquarters. They all headed outside as Cleaves asked to the Doctor. “You really want us to do this?”

“Your company's telling the world that the situation is over.” The Doctor replied to her. “You need to get in there and tell them that the situation's only just begun. Make them understand what they're doing to the Flesh. Make them stop.” Then he looked at Dicken. “Dicken, remember, people are good. In their bones, truly good. Don't hate them, will you?”

“How can I hate them?” G-Dicken looked at him. “I'm one of them now.”

“Yeah, but remember, people died.” Maddie told him, she side hugged the Doctor. “Don't let that be in vain. Make what you say in that room count.”

“Ready?” Cleaves looked at G-Dicken. “Side by side.”

“You got it, boss.” G-Dicken nodded as then they open the door on the press conference.

“Have the army dealt with the imposters, sir?”

“What sort of threat is there to the public?”

Then the door closed as Amy asked to him. “You okay?”

“I said breathe, Pond.” The Doctor, and Maddie walked to the Tardis. “Remember? Well, breathe.”

“Why?” Amy asked confused.

“Breathe.” The Doctor replied to her.

Suddenly Amy doubled over in pain. “Oh!”

Rory looked at her. “Whoa.”


“What's wrong with her?” Rory asked to the Doctor.

“Get her into the Tardis.” The Doctor replied to her.



They were in the Tardis as Maddie send them into flying in the Vortex. Rory looked at the Doctor. “Doctor! What is happening to her?”

“Contractions.” The Doctor replied to him.

“Contractions?” Rory asked, confused.

“She's going into labour.” The Doctor replied to him.

“Did he say?” Amy was still in pain. “No. No, no. Of course he didn't. Rory, I don't like this. Ow.”

“You're going to have to start explaining some of this to me, Doctor.” Rory demanded.

“What, the birds and the bees?” The Doctor explained him. “She's having a baby. I needed to see the Flesh in its early days. That's why I scanned it. That's why we were there in the first place. I was going to drop you off for fish and chips first, but things happened and there was stuff and shenanigans. Beautiful word, shenanigans.”

“It hurts.” Amy groaned.

Rory was worried. “But you're okay?”

“Breathe.” The Doctor looked at Maddie. “I needed enough information to block the signal to the Flesh.”

“What signal?” Amy asked confused.

“The signal to you.” The Doctor replied to her.

“Doctor. Doctor.” Amy was very confused.

“Stand away from her, Rory.” The Doctor demanded to Rory.

“Why?” Rory asked, looking at him. “No. And why?” Then he looked at Maddie. “Maddie?”

“Let the Doctor speak, Rory.” Maddie replied to him.

“Given what we've learned, I'll be as humane as I can, but I need to do this and you need to stand away!” The Doctor told to Rory as he slowly stepped back.

“No. No.” Amy shook with her head. “Doctor, I am frightened. I'm properly, properly scared.”

“Don't be. Hold on.” The Doctor looked at her. “We're coming for you. I swear it. Whatever happens, however hard, however far, we will find you.”

“I'm right here.” Amy told him, confused.

“No, you're not.” The Doctor has tighten his jaw. “You haven't been here for a long, long time.” Then he aimed his sonic screwdriver at her.

“Oh, no.” Amy went splosh.

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