Chapter 6 - Midnight Adventure

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Authors note: This is an interlude, an adventure with the Doctor and Maddie, just the two of them. Amy and Rory are asleep. It’s just something for the two of them, that they both love to do and the Doctor has a surprise at the end. Also I’m not doing by every episode an interlude!!

Now on with the story!!


Maddie looked at the Doctor. “So, were are we going?” She asked to him.

“You will see.” He replied to her as he pulled a lever.

“Oh, cryptic.” Maddie smirked.

“Yes, dear and I’m not telling you more.” The Doctor glanced at her as he pressed a button.

Then Maddie sat down on the captain’s chair and pouted. “No fare, sweetie.”

“I began to wonder that River has it from you.” The Doctor comment.

“What, sweetie?” She asked to him.

“That.” He gestured.

“Maybe, she hear me say it a lot and picked it up.” Maddie suggested. “It can be.”

“Yeah, you are right dear.” The Doctor agreed with her.

“Of course, I’m right.” Maddie comment.

“Don’t get cocky.” He comment back.

Maddie stick her tong out. “Blagh.”

The Doctor looked at her. “And now for ones you are childish.” Then they landed.

“One time, sweetie.” Maddie said as she rolled with her eyes and noticed that they had landed and asked to him. “Have we landed?”

“Yes.” He replied to her.

“Where are we?” She asked to him.

He pointed at her. “Nice try. Go see for yourself.”

“Fine.” Maddie sighed as then she opened the door to see that they were on a planet and it has some pink aspects and some normal colors. “What planet is this?” She asked to the Doctor.

The Doctor towards her and replied. “A planet where you can paint on anything and it will become real.”

“Sound like it’s out of a child’s book.” Maddie comment as she don’t believe him.

“Come on have an open mind.” He smiled at her. “It can be from a child’s book, but it isn’t dear.” Then he pointed at a woman, who painted on the grass as then there was a puppy. “Look there.”

Maddie looked at were the Doctor just pointed and saw it also. “Huh? So it’s not out a child’s book, huh?” She was thrilled. “Oh, I know what to draw.” She comment and went over to a tree and wanted to paint as then she realized that she didn’t have a brush. “Sweetie, I don’t have brush, do you have one?” She asked to him.

The Doctor closed the Tardis and went over to her as then he searched in his pocket and grabbed a brush out and handed it over to Maddie. “Here.” He said to her.

“Thanks, sweetie.” She smiled to him as then she was focused on the tree. Then she began to draw a flower to test it as she had the woman seen drawing a puppy and it came to live.


When she was finished with her drawing, she looked at the Doctor, who was impatient. “I’m finished, dear and it was not that long. It was just a flower.” Just then, it came to live. The flower stood there before them. “Wow.”

“I was hoping that things would go downhill.” He muttered, but Maddie heard him.

“Doctor!” Maddie scolded him. “Not everything is going downhill, cause you are here.”

“I know, dear.” The Doctor told her, slightly annoyed.

“Good, I would want to have this as a nice and calmly trip.” Maddie told him, seriously.

The Doctor looked at her. “That’s why I choose it, but I was hoping that there would be trouble.”

Maddie snored. “That’s because you are a trouble magnet, sweetie.”

“Thanks.” He said annoyed.

Then she saw something and it was a girl that was drawing her favorite doll on the ground, then she looked back at the Doctor. “Look there.” She pointed at the girl. “She is drawing a doll.”

“Well, fine for her.” The Doctor was still annoyed. “Come on, let’s have a walk, dear.”

“Fine.” Maddie sighed, thinking that he was very rude.


They walked around for a bit as then they saw the same girl again. “Look, sweetie, it’s the same girl as a bit a while ago.”

The Doctor looked at the girl. “Yes, dear I see that, but what is she doing?”

“Don’t know.” Maddie shrugged, looking at him.

“Oh, come on, dear. I want to see what’s going on.” The Doctor looked at her with puppy eyes.

Maddie sighed. “Alright fine, sweetie, but only look what’s going on, not to interfere.”

The Doctor smiled at then he grabbed her hand and went over to the girl. “Hello.” He looked at the girl.

The girl turned around and looked at him. “Hello.” She greeted to him.

“Where is the doll you just draw?” The Doctor asked to her.

The girl looked at them. “No idea.”

Then Maddie spoke up. “If you have no idea then why are you sad?”

“Alright I will tell you.” The girl looked at them. “I was just drawing as then the doll came to live and targeted me for some reason, then the police came as wised her out of existence, nothing out the ordinary.”

“Well, that’s not nothing out of the ordinary, that’s something else.” Maddie told her seriously.

The girl looked ashamed. “I know nothing else.” She said, hoping they would drop it.

They didn’t and so the Doctor comment. “Come, let’s find the police, then.” He looked at Maddie.

“Well, that’s the end of the nice and quiet day.” She muttered as then she said out loud. “Yeah, we shall.”

“Wait.” The girl shouted. “I want to come with.”

“What’s your name?” Maddie asked to her.

“I’m Amara, miss.” The girl / Amara replied to her.

“Where are your parents then?” The Doctor asked this time.

“Home, but I’m 13 not a little girl anymore.” Amara replied to him. “Besides, I want to know what’s going on.”

“You will see, but first you need to go home, Amara.” The Doctor told her. “It mind not be safe for you.”

Maddie looked at her seriously. “Please go home.”

Amara nodded. “Alright, I will go home.” Then she turned and went away from them, going home. Little did they know she wasn’t going home per se, but another Tardis, a future one, very far into the future one as then she went inside and it disappeared from there.


The Doctor and Maddie made their way to the police and went inside of it. “When you do this again, please let it be a quiet place?!” Maddie looked at him.

“That’s boring.” The Doctor replied to her.

“Oh, if we had a child in the future, we do this and it isn’t safe for him/her, sweetie.” Maddie suggested. “Then a quiet day would be nice every now and then.”

“I guess, you are right, dear.” The Doctor pouted.

“So, police, doll, should we ask?” Maddie basically pointed at the man by a desk.

“We should.” The Doctor nodded as then they walked over to the man, then he asked to him. “What’s going on with the dolls that go crazy and attack children?” He went straight to the point.

The policeman looked at him blankly. “I have no idea what you mean.” He replied to the Doctor.

“We just saw that your people made the doll disappear by a child, why is that?” Maddie asked to him.

The police sighed. “It happened one time and people doesn’t make dolls anymore so problem solved.”

“But if they do make it, then it would happen again and then what?” Maddie asked to him, looking angry.

“We make them disappear and everything would be okay again.” The police replied to her.

“But don’t you want to find out what the problem is?” The Doctor asked to him, seriously.

“No.” He shook with his head.

The Doctor sighed. “Okay.” He said to him. “Then we will leave.”

“What?!” Maddie exclaimed, looking at the Doctor. “How will we just leave? The child that was attacked…”

The Doctor interrupted her. “We leave and find that girl again.”

“You mean Amara?” Maddie looked at him.

He nodded. “Yeah.”

“Okay.” Maddie agreed. Then they leave the place and went outside, they went to look for Amara, little did they know that she already left the place.


A little while later, they couldn’t find her, like she just left the place and disappeared. Was she the only one that got attacked? Or are there more? They needed to find more people, who got attacked by the dolls that they had drawn. If they couldn’t find anymore, what’s the point of being on that planet? Then Maddie find two children by a tree, their father stood behind them, the girl started to draw aa doll in the tree and the boy started with a car, the father watched them, hooping everything went okay.

“Look, Doctor.” Maddie pointed at the father with the two children.

The Doctor looked at them. “Now w3 wait, it shouldn’t be to long, before comes.”

“Child.” Maddie sighed.

“Nope.” The Doctor shook with his head.

Just then the girl was done and the doll came to live, it attacked her as then then police arrived and they made it disappear. ”It happened again.” Maddie looked at the Doctor.

“Why?” He thought out loud.

“A default in it making perhaps?” Maddie suggested.

He looked at her. “Yeah, it can, but what, where?”

Maddie looked serious. “The only way to find out is, to draw them myself, sweetie.”

“What, it’s dangerous.” He told her.

“Yeah, I know.” She looked at him, sighing. “It’s the only way to find out what happened.”

“I know, but I will stand beside you.” He pointed it out.

“Wouldn’t be the other way, sweetie.” Maddie smiled at him.

“Good.” He nodded.


After a while Maddie was done with drawing a doll as then it came to alive. The Doctor asked, looking at it. “Why attack the children?” He needed to be fast, cause the police will be on its way.

The doll looked at him and shrugged. “Orders.”

“From who?” Maddie asked to the doll.

“A man.” It replied to her.

The Doctor looked at the doll. “Where is this man?”

“Cave.” The doll replied to him.

“Where is the cave?” The Doctor asked to it.

“Not long…” The doll was interrupted by the police, they make it disappear as then they leave again, without a word.

“Bugger.” Maddie muttered.


“There!” Maddie pointed as then they were close by a cave, the only cave they could find.

“I think you are right.” The Doctor looked at the cave, then he looked at his soulmate. “Shall we?” he asked to her.

“We shall.” Maddie nodded to him. Then they walked into the cave to find a man standing there, with a machine that has a doll picture on it. Then Maddie comment. “Well, that’s obvious.”

“Yeah.” The Doctor nodded to her.

“This should be over past, so the children can make the dolls again.” Maddie told him.

“Indeed.” The Doctor nodded. “We should go to the machine and destroy it.”

“But the man?” Maddie asked to him.

Suddenly they heard. “The man can hear you.” The man called.

“Oh shit.” Maddie muttered.

“Hide.” The Doctor shouted.

“You can’t hide from me!” The man shouted to them.

Then they hide behind a rock like something and waited for the man to pas. Eventually the man passed them as then they look at each other. “The machine, we can destroy it now.” The Doctor told to Maddie.

“Yeah, you. I will look if the man comes back.” Maddie suggested to him.

The Doctor sighed. “Alright, bit if there is trouble. Go look for me by the machine.” He was sternly.

“You are trouble.” Maddie comment, cheekily.

“Oi!” The Doctor comment back.

“You know I’m right.” Maddie shrugged. “Now the machine, mister.”  She shoved him forwards the machine.


A little while later, the Doctor was finished and the machine was destroyed, Maddie still looked for the man, but he hasn’t come yet, he still looked for them. It was strange and just then, he came and Maddie runs to the Doctor, who looked in her direction, the man came as the Doctor shouted. “Your plan has failed, go away from this planet!”

“No!” The man shouted to him.

Then Maddie was by the Doctor as she said to the man. “Oh, just leave, there is nothing to be done now.”

The man growled at them as the Doctor said. “What Maddie said, just leave this planet.”

“No!” The man growled.

“Just call for the police.” Maddie rubbed her forehead.

“Never done that before.” The Doctor thought out loud.

Then they called the police, they told them everything they know and the man was arrested, after all he was from the planet and the Doctor didn’t know that. Everything went back to normal as they leave and went to the Tardis. It was a tiring adventure.


When they in the TARDIS and in flow, the Doctor wanted to show Maddie something. Then he looked at Maddie and he told her. “I have something to show you, dear.”

“Oh and that is?” Maddie asked him.

“A surprise.” The Doctor bounced as then he took her hand and went away from the console to where the surprise was.

When they arrived there, the Doctor told to Maddie. “Close your eyes and I will lead you to in the room.” Maddie nodded to her as she closed her eyes as the Doctor lead her in the room. He smiled, looking in the room, the Tardis has made it for her.

“Can I open my eyes?” Maddie asked, impatient.

The Doctor looked around the room, to check if everything was ready to show and it was, so he replied to her. “Yes, you can.”

Maddie opened her eyes and she a piece of Gallifrey. “Is this Gallifrey?” she asked to him, not looking at him, but what’s in front of her. 

“Yes, I let the Tardis made it for you, to show you, what our planet was like.” The Doctor replied to her.

“It’s beautiful, sweetie.” Maddie smiled.

“Well, I’m glad you like it, dear.” The Doctor comment to her.

Just then, Maddie yawed. “I think I’m tired, sweetie.”

“Yeah, you do.” The Doctor comment.

“Well, I’m going to sleep, but I will be back in here for another time, sweetie. I really love this.” Maddie looked at him, smiling.

The Doctor smiled at her. “Well, then have a nice sleep, I think I will have a sleep too.”

“Okay, good night, sweetie.” Maddie kissed him as then she leaves the room and went to her bedroom. She changed her clothes into pajamas and fell asleep. Then the Doctor also leaves the room and went to his bedroom and fell asleep too.


Author’s note: Do you like this? Yeah or no? Let me know in the reviews, but not mean comments about it, I will not read them!!! And they will be deleted!!!

If you like this, you want more of these? Do you want a crossover with another story of mine? Let me know in the reviews!!!

Until next time, bye.

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