Chapter 10 - Lets Kill Hitler

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In the middle of the crop circle they have just made, was the Tardis. The Doctor and Maddie came out as the Doctor was holding a copy of the Leadworth Chronicle with the headline Leadworth's Crop Circle. “Seriously?” They have made the word Doctor in the field.

“Well, you never answer your phone.” Rory replied to him.

“We were very busy.” Maddie told him.

Then Amy walked a bit forwards, asking. “Okay, you've had all summer. Have you found her? Have you found Melody?”

The Doctor looked at Rory. “Permission?”

“Granted.” Rory nodded.

The Doctor gave the newspaper to Rory and hugged Amy. “You know who she grows up to be, so you know I will find her.”

“But you haven't yet.” Amy stated.

“No.” Maddie sighed.

“Hang on. What's this bit?” Rory asked confused as there was a line through the middle of their crop design in the photograph.

Amy looked at it. “That wasn't us.”

Another car was driving towards them through the corn. “Argh!” All of them shouted. They dove for safety as the Chevrolet Corvette skids to a halt by the Tardis.

Then Mels got out. “You said he was funny. You never said he was hot.” She comment to them.

“Hands off, he’s mine.” Maddie countered to her.

“Mels!” Rory exclaimed.

“What are you doing here?” Amy added.

“Following you. What do you think?” Mels replied to her.

“Er, where did you get the car?” Rory asked to her, confused.

Police sirens was heard in the distance. “It's mine. Ish.” Mels replied to him.

“Oh, Mels, not again.” Amy groaned.

“Act like an adult, not an teenager.” Maddie told her sternly.

“You are not my mother.” Mels hissed to her.

“Not, I’m not, but I’m your friend.” Maddie comment to her.

Mels rolled with her eyes as Rory stepped in. “You can't keep doing this. You're going to end up in prison.”

Then the Doctor was very confused. “Sorry. Hello. Doctor not following this. Doctor very lost.” Then he looked at Maddie. “You never said I was hot?”

“Dear, focus.” Maddie told her soulmate.

Then Mels looked at the Tardis and walked towards it. “Is that the phone box? The bigger on the inside phone box? Oh, time travel. That's just brilliant. Yeah, I've heard a lot about you. I'm their best mate.”

“Then why don't I know you?” The Doctor looked at her. “I danced with everyone at the wedding. The women were all brilliant. The men were a bit shy.”

“I don't do weddings.” Mels replied to him as the sirens got closer. “And that's me out of time.” She pulled a gun on the Doctor.

“Mels!” Amy exclaimed.

“Oh, god.” Maddie exclaimed as well.

“For God's sake!” Rory groaned.

Amy looked in shock as the Doctor had his hands up. “What are you doing?”

“I need out of here, now.” Mels replied to her as a helicopter was coming too.

“Anywhere in particular?” The Doctor asked, hesitantly.

Mels smirked. “Well, let's see.” She replied to him. “You've got a time machine, I've got a gun. What the hell. Let's kill Hitler.”


The Tardis was out of control. “You've shot it! You shot my Tardis! You shot the console!” The Doctor shouted, glaring at Mels.

“It's your fault!” Mels shouted back.

“Argh!” The Doctor was frustrated. “How's it my fault?”

“You said guns didn't work in this place. You said we're in a state of temporal grace.” Mels replied, feeling clever.

“That was a clever lie, you idiot! Anyone could tell that was a clever lie.” The Doctor nearly shouted again.

“Oh, for god’s sake.” Maddie took over the controls as they were crashing.


The Tardis crashed through the windows of the Chancellery, knocking a man over. “Out, out, out!” The Doctor was the first one to get out, he shad shouted as he was still shouting. “Everybody out. Don't breathe the smoke, just get out!” Then the others followed.

Amy looked around the room. “Where are we?”

“A room.” The Doctor replied to her as he was detracted by looking after Maddie, who had her hand by her head.

“What a lousy landing.” She groaned.

“What room?” Rory asked as he looked around him.

“Hitler's work study.” Maddie muttered.

“I don't know what room.” The Doctor replied as well as he was still checking on his soulmate. “I haven't memorised every room in the universe yet. I had yesterday off. Mels, don't go in there.” Then he took Mels' gun away.

“Oi.” Mels exclaimed.

“Bad smoke. Don't breathe the bad, bad, smoke. Bad, deadly smoke because somebody shot my Tardis!” The Doctor at shouted at Mels. Then he looked at Maddie. “Are you alright, dear?”

“Yes, don’t be fussy, there’s nothing wrong with me.” Maddie replied to him as then she pulled out the sonic and soniced herself. Then she showed it to him. “See nothing is wrong.” The Doctor nodded to her.

Just then Rory had gone to Zimmerman. “Doctor. This guy, I think he's hurt.” He comment. “No, hang on. No, he's fine.”

The Doctor put the gun in a fruit bowl. It's owner got up from behind his desk. “Ooo, hello. Sorry, is this your office? Had a sort of collision with my vehicle. Faults on both sides, let's say no more about...” Then they saw who he was talking to. “It.”

“Who?” Rory asked confused.

Amy had her eyes widen. “Is that? No, it can't be, Doctor?”

“Told yah.” Maddie muttered. “But nobody listen.”

Hitler looked at them. “Thank you, whoever you are. I think you have just saved my life.”

“Believe me, it was an accident.” The Doctor breathed out.

Then, Hitler looked at the phone box. “What is this thing?”

“What did he mean, we saved his life? We could not have just saved Hitler.” Amy asked as she looked at the Doctor.

“You see? You see?” The Doctor replied to her. “Time travel, it never goes to plan.”

“You don’t say.” Maddie comment, sarcastically.

“This box. What is it?” Hitler asked to them.

“It's a police telephone box from London, England.” The Doctor replied to him. That's right, Adolf. The British are coming.”

Suddenly, Zimmerman stood up. “No, stop him!” Hitler shouted as he pulled out his gun as the Doctor ducked as Hitler shot Zimmerman. But it hit other people too.


Rory punched Hitler and grabbed his gun. “Sit still, shut up.”

Then Amy went to Zimmerman. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, yes.” Zimmerman replied to hr. “Yes, I'm fine. I think he missed.”

“He was going to kill me.” Hitler exclaimed, pointed at him.

“Shut up, Hitler!” Rory shouted at him.

“Rory, take Hitler and put him in that cupboard over there. Now do it.” The Doctor ordered him.

“Right. Putting Hitler in the cupboard.” Rory took Hitler to the cupboard. “Cupboard, Hitler. Hitler, cupboard. Come on.”

“But I am the Fuhrer!” Hitler shouted.

“Right, in you go!” Rory shouted to him.

Hitler eyed at him. “Who are you?” Rory shuts Hitler in a large cupboard lined with shelves.

Then the Doctor asked to Zimmerman. “Are you okay?”

“Oh, I...” Zimmerman fainted.

“I think he just fainted.” Rory stated. He had walked back to them.

“Yes, that was a faint. A perfect faint.” The Doctor frowned.

Just then Amy noticed that both Maddie and Mels had not said a word anymore, they were quiet. “Maddie? Mels?”

“Hitler...” Mels had her hand on her stomach. Maddie on her leg as she collapsed to the ground, still conscious, the Doctor rushed over to her.

“You aren’t going to regenerate here.” He begged to her.

“Half human, remember.” Maddie patted. “I don’t regenerate easily, you need to fix me up.”

“I need to stop the bleeding first.” The Doctor told her as he searched in his pocket and found something, put it around her leg. Then he looked at her leg, the bullet was out as he used his own regenerate energy to heal her.

Maddie looked at him, with eyes widen. “What did you do?” She asked.

“I healed you well enough, so I look properly in the Tardis.” The Doctor replied to her as he helped her to stand up, holding her and placed on the bureau.

“I’m dizzy.” Maddie comment to him as he placed her in a chair.

“What about him?” Rory frowned.

“Lousy shot.” Mels collapsed, clutching her side.

“Mels! Mels!” Amy shouted rushing over to her friend. The others followed as well.

“Rory!” The Doctor shouted.

“No, no, no, no! I've got to stop the bleeding.” Rory shouted as well.

“How bad is it?” Amy looked at her husband. “Rory, what can we do?”

“Just keep her conscious.” Rory replied to her as then he looked at Mels. “Stay with us, Mels.”

“Hey, look at me. Just hold on.” The Doctor added.

Mels looked at him. “I used to dream about you. All those stories Amy used to tell me.”

“What stories?” The Doctor comment. “Tell me what stories. Vampires in Venice. That's a belter.”

“When I was little, I was going to marry you.” Mels had a small smile, glancing at Maddie, who was still in the chair.

“Good idea, let's get married. You stay alive and I'll marry you, deal? Deal?” The Doctor asked, only to cheer her up.

“Shouldn't you ask my parents’ permission?” Mels asked back.

“As soon as you're well, I'll get on the phone...” The Doctor was interrupted.

Mels interrupted him. “Might as well do it now, since they're both right here. Penny in the air.” Mels, obviously short for Melody rather than Melissa, began to regenerate. The Doctor had his eyes widen. “Penny drops.”

“What the hell's going on?” Rory exclaimed.

“Back! Back! Back! Get back!” The Doctor only shouted as they backed away to Maddie.

Mels stood up. “Last time I did this, I ended up a toddler in the middle of New York.”

“Okay, Doctor, explain what is happening, please.” Amy demanded.

The Doctor looked at Mels. “Mels. Short for...”

“Melody.” Mels nodded.

“Yeah. I named my daughter after her.” Amy added, obliviously.

“You named your daughter after your daughter.” The Doctor glanced at her, before he looked back at Mels.

“Wouldn’t have thought of that.” Maddie comment, sarcastically.

“It took me years to find you two.” Mels looked at her parents. “I'm so glad I did. And you see? It all worked out in the end, didn't it. You got to raise me after all.”

“You're Melody?” Amy exclaimed.

“But if she's Melody, that means that she's also...” Rory was interrupted.

“Shut up, Dad.” Mels interrupted him. “I'm focusing on a dress size.” And Mels transformed into River Song. “Oh! Oh! Oh! Whoa!” She felt herself by the hips. “Right, let's see, then. Ooo, it's all going on down there, isn't it?” Then she went to a mirror. “The hair! Oh, the hair. It just doesn't stop, does it? Look at that. Everything changes. Oh, but I love it. I love it! I'm all sort of mature.” She stroke a Mrs. Robinson pose by a chair. “Hello, Benjamin.”

“Who's Benjamin?” The Doctor asked confused.

Then River tapped with her teeth. “The teeth. The teeth, the teeth! Oh, look at them.” Then she pint the Doctor against Hitler's desk. “Watch out that bow tie. Excuse me, you lot. I need to weigh myself.” Then she run off into a side room.

The others were confused as Amy comment. “That's Melody.”

“That's River Song.” Rory comment as well, realization sank in.

River popped in. “Who's River Song?”

“Spoilers.” The Doctor replied to her.

“Spoilers? What's spoilers?” River asked. “Hang on, just something I have to check.” Then she went away again.

“You just learnt her favourite word.” Maddie comment to the Doctor.

“Is anybody else finding today just a bit difficult?” Rory comment. “I'm getting a sort of banging in my head.”

Amy face palmed. “Yeah, I think that's Hitler in the cupboard.”

“That's not helping.” Rory sighed.

“This isn't the River Song we know yet.” The Doctor told them. “This is her right at the start. Doesn't even know her own name.”

Then they heard River exclaiming. “Oh, that's magnificent! I'm going to wear lots of jodhpurs.”


Then River came to them. “Well, now, enough of all that. Down to business.” She had somehow got Hitler's gun.

“Oh, hello. I thought we were getting married.” The Doctor comment to her.

Maddie face palmed. “You just had you say that.”

Then he whispered to her, she had a engagement ring on. “Look at her you finger, dear.”

Maddie flustered. “I know.”

“I told you I'm not a wedding person.” River comment, looking at the Doctor.

“Doctor, what's she doing?” Rory asked confused.

“What she's programmed to.” The Doctor replied to him.

“Where'd she get the gun?” Rory asked another question.

“Hello, Benjamin.” Maddie replied this time.

River looked at her. “You noticed.” Then she tried to fire it, but the chambers were empty.

“Of course I noticed.” The Doctor comment.

“He took the bullets out while you were regenerating.” Maddie added.

The Doctor looked at her. “As soon as I knew you were coming, I tidied up a bit.”

“I know you did.” River comment. Then she spotted the gun in the fruit bowl.

“I know you know.” The Doctor turned the bowl and she pointed a banana at him instead.

“Goodness, is killing you going to take all day?” River complained.

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. “Why? Are you busy?”

“Oh, I'm not complaining.” River grabbed a letter opener, but he sonicked it away.

“If you were in a hurry, you could've killed me in the cornfield.” The Doctor told her.

“We'd only just met. I'm a psychopath. I'm not rude.” River grabbed Zimmerman's automatic, but the Doctor had the clip.

“You are not a psychopath. Why would she be a psychopath?” Amy asked confused.

“Oh, Mummy, Mummy, pay attention.” River muttered as then she spoke out loud. “I was trained and conditioned for one purpose. I was born to kill the Doctor.”

“Demons Run, remember? This is what they were building.” Maddie replied to Amy.

“My bespoke psychopath.” The Doctor added.

“I'm all yours, sweetie.” River kissed him lightly on the cheek, close where his lips were.

“Only River Song gets to call me that.” The Doctor almost hissed.

“And who's River Song?” River asked confused.

“An old friend of mine.” He replied to her.

“Stupid name.” She comment. “Oh, look at that. Berlin on the eve of war. A whole world about to tear itself apart. Now that's my kind of town. Mum, Dad, don't follow me. And, yes, that is a warning.”

The Doctor looked at her. “No warning for me then?”

“No need, my love. The deed is done and so are you.” River smirked.

Suddenly the Doctor staggered. “Doctor, what's wrong?” Maddie asked worried.

“What have you done? River!” The Doctor shouted to River.

“Oh, River, River, River. More than a friend, I think.” River hummed.

“What have you done?” The Doctor patted.

“It was never going to be a gun for you, Doctor.” River replied to him. “The man of peace who understands every kind of warfare, except, perhaps, the cruellest.” She looked at them. “Kiss, kiss.” Then she turned and jumped out of the broken window.

Then Rory looked at the Doctor. “What's wrong with you? What's she done to you?”

“Poisoned me. But I'm fine. Well, no, I'm dying, but I've got a plan.” The Doctor replied, sarcastically.

“What plan?” Amy asked confused.

“Not dying. See? Fine.” The Doctor replied to her.

“Really?” Maddie raised an eyebrow. “You forget that I can feel you, dear.”

Then Rory was really to help him. “Okay, what do we do? How do we help you?”

“Take this. The Tardis can home in on it. Now, go. Get after her.” The Doctor gave Amy the screwdriver. Rory looked out of the first floor window onto the street.

“You said the smoke was deadly.” Amy pointed it out.

“That the least of his worries now.” Maddie comment.

“No, no, the smoke's fine. The poison will kill me first. Now, get after River!” The Doctor called.

“Rude, sweetie.” Maddie stated.

“Not the time.” The Doctor was being rude.

“I don't understand, okay? One minute she's going to marry you and then she's going to kill you.” Amy was confused.

“Ah, well, she's been brainwashed. It all makes sense to her. Plus, she is a woman. Oh, shut up. I'm dying.” The Doctor stated.

“Oi, you are my man.” Maddie stated.

“Yes, yes.” The Doctor nodded. “Now go.” Then Amy and Rory leave them.


Maddie helped the Doctor to the Tardis as she shouted, when the doors were open. “Extractor fans on!”

“Oh, that works.” The Doctor was surprised.

“Of course that works.” Maddie told him rudely as she helped him into a chair.

“I'm shutting down.” The Doctor called to his Tardis in the console room. “I need an interface. Voice interface. Come on, emergency.”

Holo-Doctor appeared. “Voice interface enabled.”

“Oh no, no, no, no, no. Give me someone I like.” The Doctor groaned.

“I don’t mind.” Maddie comment, trying to light the mood a bit.

“Of course you don’t.” The Doctor sighed.

Then Holo-Rose Tyler appeared. “Oh, thanks. Give me guilt.” Holo-Martha Jones. “Also guilt.” Holo-Donna Noble. “More guilt. Argh. Come on, there must be someone left in the universe I haven't screwed up yet.” Then Holo-Maddie appeared. “Ahhh, that’s better.”

“Oh thanks, you can stare at me as you can, but I can’t.” Maddie complained.

“Yeah.” The Doctor agreed. “Another one.”

Just then, Holo-Amelia appeared. “Voice interface enabled.”

“Oh. Oh, Amelia Pond, before I got it all wrong. My sweet little Amelia.”

“I am not Amelia Pond. I am a voice interface.”

“Hey, let's run away and have adventures. Come along, Pond.”

“I am not Amelia Pond. I am a voice interface.”

“You are so Scottish. How am I doing?” The Doctor asked seriously.

“Your system has been contaminated by the poison of the Judas tree. You will be dead in thirty two minutes.” She replied to him.

“Okay. So, basically better regenerate, that's what you're saying.” The Doctor stated.

“Regeneration disabled. You will be dead in thirty two minutes.”

Maddie rubbed her forehead. “That’s not helping.”

“Hush.” The Doctor hushed Maddie as he had asked. “Unless I'm cured, yeah?” 

“There is no cure. You will be dead in thirty two minutes.”

“Why do you keep saying that?” He asked to her/it.

“Because you will be dead in thirty two minutes.” Holo-Amelia replied to him.

“Urgh.” Maddie groaned.

“You see? There you go again. Basically skipping thirty one whole minutes when I'm absolutely fine. Scottish, that's all I'm saying.” The Doctor was being sarcastically.

“You will be fine for thirty one minutes. You will be dead in thirty two minutes.”

“Scotland's never conquered anywhere, you know.” The Doctor sighed. “Not even a Shetland. River needs me. She's only just beginning. I can't die now.”

“You will not die now. You will die in thirty two minutes.”

Maddie watched him react to Holo-Amelia. “Oh, for god’s sake.” She groaned. “Theta, our future.”

“What did you say?” The Doctor blinked at her.

“Theta, I have figured it out, you name I mean.” Maddie replied to him.

“No, the last bit?” The Doctor asked.

“Oh, our future.” Maddie replied to him.

Then, the Doctor stood up, it took all his strength, but he did it. “Our future, Maddie Turner, our future, our future.” He pulled a lever and they were off.


The Doctor was leaning against his Tardis, wearing evening clothes, top hat and carrying a cane. Maddie was beside him. “Sorry, did you say she killed the Doctor? The Doctor? Doctor who?”

River raised an eyebrow. “You're dying and you stopped to change?”

“Oh, you should always waste time when you don't have any. Time is not the boss of you. Rule four hundred and eight.” The Doc tor walked forwards to an Amy robot. “Amelia Pond, judgment death machine. Why am I not surprised? Sonic cane.” He replied to her.

“Are you serious?” River exclaimed.

“Never knowingly.” The Doctor replied to her. “Never knowingly be serious. Rule twenty seven. You might want to write these down.” He used his sonic cane to it. “Oh, it's a robot. With four hundred and twenty three life signs inside. A robot worked by tiny people. Love it. But how do you all get in there, though. Bigger on the inside? No, basic miniaturisation sustained by a compression field. Ooo. Watch what you eat, it'll get you every time. Amy, if you and Rory are okay, signal me.” Just then the cane lights up. “Thanking you.” Just then, the Doctor stumbled. “Argh! I'm so sorry. Leg went to sleep. Just had a quick left leg power nap. I forgot I had one scheduled. Actually, better sit down. I think I heard the right one yawning.”

“Doctor.” Maddie exclaimed as the Doctor was on the ground.

Suddenly River tried to run, but the Teselecta grabbed her with its beam. “Don't you touch her! Do not harm her in any way!” The Doctor shouted angry. River was trapped in an energy field.

“Please.” Maddie pleaded.

“Why would you care?” Teselecta-Amy asked to him. “She's the woman who kills you.”

“I'm not dead.” The Doctor replied to it.

“You're dying.” Teselecta-Amy comment to him.

The Doctor looked at it. “Well, at least I'm not a time travelling shape shifting robot operated by miniaturised cross people, which, I have got to admit, I didn't see coming. What do you want with her?”

“She's Melody Pond.” Teselecta-Amy replied to him. “According to records, the woman who kills the Doctor.”

“And I'm the Doctor. So what's it to you?” The Doctor asked.

“Throughout history, many criminals have gone unpunished in their lifetimes. Time travel has responsibilities.” Teselecta-Amy replied as Maddie snored.

“What?” She asked sarcastically. “You got yourselves time travel, so you decided to punish dead people?”

“We don't kill them. We extract them near the end of their established timelines.”

“And then what?”

“Give them hell.”

“I'd ask you who you think you are, but I think the answer is pretty obvious.” The Doctor told it seriously. “So, who do you think I am, huh? The woman who killed the Doctor. It sounds like you've got my biography in there. I'd love a peek.”

“Our records office is sealed to the public. Foreknowledge is dangerous.” Teselecta-Amy warned him.

“Yeah, well, I'll be dead in three minutes. There isn't much foreknowledge left.” The Doctor comment.

“And what will happen to me is unknown.” Maddie comment as well, but she was lying to it. “But I think it’s not good.”

“Sorry, can't do that.” It told them as then moments later, they heard. “Access personal records, the Doctor. Records available.”

“Question. I'm dying. Who wants me dead?” The Doctor asked as Maddie grabbed his hand for comfort.

“The Silence.” It replied to him.

“What is the Silence? Why is it called that? What does it mean?” Maddie asked confused.

“The Silence is not a species.” It replied to her. “It is a religious order, or movement. Their core belief is that silence will fall when the question is asked.”

The Doctor frowned. “What question?”

“The first question. The oldest question in the universe, hidden in plain sight.” It replied.

“Yes, but what is the question?” The Doctor groaned.

“Unknown.” It replied.

“Well, that’s helpful. Not.” Maddie sassed.

“Oh. Well, fat lot of use that is, you big ginge.” The Doctor was being rude. “Call yourself a Records argh! Argh! Kidneys are always the first to quit. I've had better, you know.” Then the white force field turn to red painful energy around River. “Amy. Rory. Amy, can you hear me?”

“Amy, hear us!” Maddie was being rude as well. 

“What do we do? This is me. This is me actually talking. What do we do?” It replied, but this time it was Amy speaking through.

“Just stop them. She's your daughter. Just stop them.” The Doctor called.

“How? How? How?” It asked.

“Just do it!” Maddie shouted.

Suddenly River was released from the hell-energy as the Doctor looked at her. She wanted to run, but he stopped her by calling. “Please. Now we have to save your parents. Don't run. Now, I know you're scared, but never run when you're scared. Rule seven. Please.”

“Doctor, can you help us? Doctor? Doctor, help us! Doctor, help us! Doctor, please!” It shouted as the dying Doctor struggled to his feet, with the help of Maddie and tried to make his way to the Tardis. He can't make it. “Doctor! Help!”

River looked amazed. “Look at you. You still care.”

“Doctor, help! Doctor, help us! Please help us.” It called.

“It's impressive, I'll give you that.”

“River, please.”

“Again? Who is this River? She's got to be a woman. Am I right?”

“Help me. Save Amy and Rory. Help me.”

“Tell me about her. Go on.”

“Just help me.”

Then Maddie walked towards her. “River an amazing person, find her, help us, please.” River saw how serious she was and nodded, she walked towards the Tardis and stepped in it.


Moments later Amy and Rory were hugging as River stood there awkwardly. Maddie was by the dying Doctor, holding his hand. “You can't die now. I know you don't die now.” Amy told him.

“Oh, Pond, you've got a schedule for everything.” The Doctor almost whispered as Maddie had tears in her eyes.

“But it doesn't make any sense.” Amy comment, confused.

“No, it doesn’t.” Maddie agreed.

“Doctor, what do we do? Come on. How do we help you?” Rory asked to him.

“No. Sorry, Rory, you can't. Nobody can. Ponds, listen to me. I need to talk to your daughter.” The Doctor told them as Rory and Amy moved away from him and let River approach. “Find her. Find River Song and tell her something from me.”

“Tell her what?” River asked to him as then the Doctor whispered in her ear. “Well, I'm sure she knows.” Then the Doctor was dead.

“No!” Maddie cried out.

Then River stood up and looked at her parents. “Who's River Song?”

Amy walked to the Teselecta-Amy. “Are you still working? Because I'm still a relative. Access files on River Song.”

“Records available.” It told her.

“Show me her. Show me River Song.” Amy ordered. The Teselecta transformed into River Song. “What did he say? The Doctor gave you a message for River Song. What was it?” Then River started to glow. “What's happening? River, what are you doing?”

“Just tell me. The Doctor, is he worth it?” River asked to them.

“Yes! Yes, he is!” Amy replied/ shouted to her.

“Hell yeah, he is.” Maddie added.

River poured her golden regeneration energy into the Doctor and he revived. “River. No. What are you doing?” He whispered to her.

“What is right.” Maddie replied to him.

“Hello, sweetie.” River kissed the Doctor on the cheek.


Later, they were in the Hospital as Maddie was checked for her leg and everything was okay as then they went to River, who woke up in a bed. “Hey.” Amy greeted her daughter.

“Hey.” River greeted back. “Where am I?”

“You're safe now.” Amy replied to her. “Apparently, you used all your remaining regenerations in one go. You shouldn't have done that.”

“Mother, I had to try.” River told her.

“I know.” Amy nodded.

River looked at her mother. “He said no-one could save him, but he must have known I could.”

Just then the Doctor and Maddie let they presents known. “Rule one. The Doctor lies.”

“She just needs to rest.” The Nurse told them. “She'll be absolutely fine.”

The Doctor disagreed, he was smiling. “No, she won't. She will be amazing.” Then he leaves a brand new Tardis-style diary on the bedside cabinet.


Moments later, they were in the Tardis. “So that's it, we leave her there?” Amy asked to them.

“Sisters of the Infinite Schism.” The Doctor replied to her. “Greatest hospital in the universe.”

“Yeah, but she's our daughter.” Amy told him, seriously. “Doctor, she's River and she's our daughter.”

The Doctor nodded. “Amy, I know. But we have to let her make her own way now. We have too much foreknowledge.”

“Dangerous thing, foreknowledge.” Maddie added.

The Doctor’s Teselecta biography was on the scanner as Amy noticed it. “What's that?” She asked to him.

“Nothing.” He turned it off. “Just some data I downloaded from the Teselecta. Very boring.”

Then, Rory walked towards them. “Doctor, River was brainwashed to kill you, right?”

“Well, she did kill me, and then she used her remaining lives to bring me back. As first dates go, I'd say that was mixed signals.” The Doctor replied to him.

“Omg, Doc.” Maddie exclaimed as she pinched him.

“What?!” He exclaimed, rubbing his arm. 

“She our goddaughter.” Maddie replied to him. “So, don’t say that weird things.”

“Sorry.” He pouted, still rubbing his arm.

“Oh, you big baby.” Maddie kissed it better. “Better?”

“A little.” The Doctor replied to her, smiling.

Before they could say anything else, Amy exclaimed. “Guys, we don’t want to see that.”

“Sorry.” Both of them muttered.

Then Rory continued as nothing happened moments before. “But that stuff that they put in her head, is that gone now? The River that we know in the future, she is in prison for murder.”

“Whose murder? Will we see her again?” Amy added.

“Oh, she'll come looking for us.” Maddie replied to them. The Doctor nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, but how?” Amy pressed. “How do people even look for you?”

“Oh, Pond.” The Doctor looked at her. “Haven't you figured that one out yet?”


Later they were alone, Amy and Rory went to bed as Maddie looked at the Doctor. “So, You know why I didn’t tell you?” She asked to him.

The Doctor nodded as the screen was on. “I understand.” He replied to her. “Really I do, it’s a heavy burden to bear.”

“Thank you for understanding, sweetie.” Maddie had a sad smile on her face. “But it’s still gonna happen.”

“As I told you before, I will think of a plan and have a future together.” He promised her as he went over her and hugged her.

“I will hold you to that.” Maddie told him, seriously.

“I know.” He nodded.

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

They kissed.

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