Chapter 11 - Somewhat peaceful night

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The Doctor and Maddie wanted to have a peaceful night and send Amy and Rory to their room to sleep. Then they went to watch a movie, after that they went to the kitchen and had a talk and making food. Maddie looked at the Doctor. “Sweetie do you have a plan on how to survive by…. You know….” She trailed off.

The Doctor shook with his head. “No, not yet.”

“Theta, I can’t lose you. I won’t allow it.” Maddie was concerned.

“I know, I know.” The Doctor sighed. “I will think of something. You know me.”

“Yeah, but sometimes, its on the last minute.” Maddie told him.

“Yeah….” He trailed off. “But trust me.” 

“I do.” Maddie nodded. “And I always will.”

The Doctor grabbed her hands. “Then trust me, when I say, I will make a plan. Even its on the last minute, I will think of something. You aren’t gonna lose me.” He promised her.

“I know.” Maddie nodded. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” The Doctor kissed her, not knowing that the food was burning.

When they pulled apart, the was burnt. Maddie looked at the poor food. “Aww.”

Then the Doctor looked at the food as well. “Oh….”

“You got me distracted.” Maddie pinched his arm.

“You did that self.” The Doctor argued.

“Well, you are distracting.” Maddie flirted.

“And you as well.” He flirted back.

“Hmmm.” Maddie hummed. “What do we do?”

“I can take you out for dinner?” The Doctor suggested.

Maddie looked at him. “Are you paying?”

“I haven’t got a penny on me.” The Doctor replied to her.

“I will pay then, but you can make it up to me after.” Maddie comment.

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. “Is that a promise?”

“Yes, sweetie.” Maddie nodded.

“I know of something.” The Doctor wobbled with his eyebrows.

“After!” Maddie nearly shouted in his ear. “I’m hungry.”

“Okay.” The Doctor nodded as then he grabbed her hand and let her to the console room.


When they arrived in the console room, the Docotr asked her. “Which year do you want to eat? The Victorian era? The future? Far in the future? Somewhere in between?”

“The Victorian era.” Maddie replied to him. “I always wanted to go there.”

“Okay.” The Doctor nodded. “Then we go there.” Then he pulled some levers and buttons as then he set the Tardis in motion.


Later they arrived in the Victorian era. Maddie had different clothes on, to fit in and frankly so did the Doctor. When they stepped outside of the Tardis. Maddie asked to him. “Where are we going to eat?”

The Doctor pointed at a restaurant, that was close to them. “There.” He replied to her.

Maddie looked at it. “Fancy.”

“It is.” The Doctor nodded. “Everything for you, dear.”

Just then they started walking towards the restaurant. “Amy and Rory are still sleeping, right?” Maddie asked to him.

“Yes, they sleep 8 hours straight. So we have the time.” The Doctor replied to her.

“Good.” Maddie nodded. “I want time alone this era.” She looked at him. “With you of course.”

“Thanks.” The Doctor told her sarcastically.

“What? After dinner, I want to explore.” Maddie told him.

The Doctor frowned. “I thought you wanted other things?”

“After that.” Maddie shrugged it off.

“Alright, dear.” The Doctor nodded. That’s when they arrived at the restaurant and went inside to have dinner.


After dinner, they went to explore and Maddie noticed that they were in London, Victorian time of it and she found it amazing. “Wow, everything it’s so old.” Maddie exclaimed.

“Wait till you see the clock tower.” The Doctor told her.

“What?!” Maddie exclaimed. “That’s so nice. I want to see that.”

The Doctor smiled at her. “Just over there.” He pointed at the direction of the clock tower.

Maddie looked at it and smiled widely. “Wow, it’s beautiful. Everything it’s beautiful.”

“Not everything in this time is even beautiful.” The Doctor told her.

“I know, sweetie.” Maddie nodded, a bit sad.


Later they were walking throughout the town as they saw a Shakespeare play that was playing in the town. “Sweetie, look. There is a play.” Maddie pointed at a poster.

“Shakespeare.” The Doctor muttered bitterly.

“Bad memory?” Maddie asked to him.

“Something like that.” The Doctor replied to her.

“Oh, but I want to go to that play.” Maddie comment to him.

The Doctor looked at her. “Then we will go.”

“But your bad memory?” Maddie asked to him.

The Doctor sighed. “It’s not that bad and if you want to go there, then we will go.” He replied to her.

“Okay.” Maddie nodded. Then they walked further to the play.


Later a performance had just finished and the packed audience of about three thousand were applauding the actors. The Doctor and Maddie had been watching with the rest of the ordinary folk. “Wow, that's amazing! Really, just amazing. And those are men dressed as women?”

“London never changes.” The Doctor replied to her.

Maddie smiled. “Indeed not.”

“Should we go?” The Doctor asked bit nervous.

“The bad memory?” Maddie asked back.

“Something like that.” The Doctor replied to her.

“Then, we will go.” Maddie comment.

Just when they wanted to leave, a swirl of wind came in and then a woman stood there. “Ello, my laddie’s.” She smirked.

“Oh, no.” The Doctor muttered. “I don’t want this to happen again.”

“What?” Maddie asked to him.

“Three witches and an old spell.” The Doctor quickly replied to her.

“Oh.” Maddie mouth formed an ‘o’.

Just then the woman spoke up again. “My name is Arah and I will show you some magic.”


Moments later Arah performed her magic as the Doctor was sceptic, but the people around them was clapping and shouting happily. Maddie sensed him. “What’s wrong?”

“This is not magic.” He replied to her.

“What do you mean?” Maddie asked to him.

“Well, as I said. This is not magic, it’s something else.” The Doctor replied to her.

“Something that has the do with science and it’s not from this time, I assume.” Maddie comment to him.

The Doctor nodded. “Yeah.”

“Okay, then we will find out.” Maddie told him.

Arah was still performing her magic as the Doctor told to Maddie. “We will.”

“Okay.” Maddie nodded.

Just then Arah called to the public. “Now for my next trick, I need a volunteer.” Then there was a few hands up as Maddie did as well. “You.” She pointed at Maddie.

But the Doctor held her back. “No.”

“It’s okay, you can sense me and I know you would rescue me, when it’s needed.” Maddie reassured him as then he walked towards Arah.

Then Arah looked at the public again. “For this trick, I will let…” She trailed off.

“Maddie.” Maddie told her.

“Maddie disappear and reappear in this big box.” Arah added.

Then Maddie looked at the box and frowned. “Well, that’s nice.” She muttered.

Just then Arah opened the box and let Maddie in, then she closed it. “Now, I will tap three times and Maddie will disappear.” Then she tapped three times as then, she opened the box again. Maddie was gone. “As you all can see the girl Maddie is gone, but now I will make her reappear in the box.” Then she closed the box again and tapped three times again. She opened the door, but Maddie was nowhere to be seem. “Accidents happen.” Arah told to the public, causally. But the Doctor was furious. Very furious.


Meanwhile with Maddie. She woke up to a different place and saw more people standing before her. “What the hell is doing here? And what am I here in this blasted place?” People stared at her. “Hello?!” Maddie exclaimed. “What want answers and I want them right know!”

Just then a man stepped forwards. “You are here to breed.” He said to her.

“Not in one million years, I’m not gonna do that. Besides, I’m engaged to be married!” Maddie scoffed. “And I want to get out of here.”

“That’s not gonna happen.” The man promised her.

Then Maddie muttered to herself. “Oh this is why I bring my gun with me, but no… mister Doctor wouldn’t allow it and now I’m trapped and ready to breed with…” She groaned. “Urgh.”


Meanwhile with he Doctor, he stepped forwards the Arah after the accident had happened. “Where is Maddie?” He asked calmly. On the outside, on the inside he was still very furious and you don’t want a furious Time Lord.

“Maddie?” Arah asked dumpily.

“Yes, Maddie. My fiancé that you just made disappear. Where is she?” He asked to her.

“I don’t know.” Arah replied him. “This accidents happen often.”

The Doctor stepped forwards with a very angry look on his face. The Oncoming Storm was coming to serve and that’s not a good sign. “I don’t know who the hell you are and why you need Maddie, but right this moment. You need to get her or else, you would see what I am cable of. No body and I mean no body will lay a finger on my soulmate and gets away with it.”

Arah gulped nervously at him. This wasn’t meant to happen. “Oh, god.” She breathed it out. “This wasn’t really meant to happen.”

“Yeah right.” He scoffed.

“Look they know you for some reason and they insisted that I used your soulmate. They threatened me, I’m so so sorry, mister.” Arah pleaded with him.

“Who knows me?” The Doctor was a taken back by that news.

“Some odd man.” Arah replied to him.

The Doctor pointed at her. “That’s why you magic isn’t real magic and not frim this time.” He guessed.

Arah shook with her head. “My magic is real and if you don’t believe it, that’s your loss.”

“We will see. And that man, who is he?” The Doctor asked to her.

“He said that his name was the Trickster.” Arah replied to him. “I don’t know how he got that nickname, but it’s strange.”

The Docotr paled. “Oh, no.” He looked at her. “You need to take me to Maddie and fast, if you want to end this accidents as you claim it.”

“I will.” Arah nodded.


Back at Maddie. She was shouting at the man. “Who the hell are you?”

“I’m the Trickster.” He smirked.

“What’s that a stage name or something?” Maddie asked dumpily, she was playing dump as if she didn’t know any aliens and sues.

“Oh, you know damn well, what my name means.” The Trickster told her. “I have seen you with the Doctor.”

Maddie paled, gulping. “How do you know him and me?”

“Oh I know him.” The Trickster replied to her. “And I know the Time Lords.”

“That’s not really answer.” Maddie exclaimed. “How do you know the Doctor and what do you want from him?”

“I tricked him and it went bad and what I want from him is to disappear.” The Trickster replied to her.

“You can’t let him disappear!” Maddie shouted. “Now what about the Time Lords, what have they done to you?”

“What have they done?” The Trickster asked back. “You can better ask what they haven’t done to me yet?”

“Right.” Maddie replied to him. “Do I look like I care.” She comment. “I ask what they had done to you, not what they hadn’t done yet?”

“Sassy.” The Trickster looked at her. “I like it. They stripped me of my rights and the Doctor was there as well. I’m a half Time Lord.” He revealed.

“What?!” Maddie exclaimed.

Just then the Doctor burst through the door with Arah. “Get the hell away from her!” He shouted to the Trickster.

“I haven’t done anything to her, yet.” He smirked like crazy.

“Oh you son of…” The Doctor walked forwards to him and punched him in the face as then he was on the ground. Then he freed Maddie.

“Is he really a half Time Lord? That’s what he told me and that you were there, when the Time Lords stripped him of his rights.” Maddie told him.

“It’s all lies.” The Doctor told her. “He is a alien, but not a Time Lord or a half Tome Lord. He’s something else, something that they created.”

“What?!” Maddie exclaimed.

“He is calling himself the Trickster to foul people into doing something that they don’t want to.” Arah revealed the information.

“And who the hell are you? Are you an alien as well with your magic?” Maddie asked angry.

“No.” She shook with her head. “I’m human and I was tricked by him.”

“Right as if I believe that.” Maddie scoffed.

Just then the building they were in went crumbling don. The Doctor noticed first. “We need to get out of here!” He shouted to the women.

“Oh, now you are taking her with you.” Maddie was grumpy.

“Yes.” The Doctor nodded.

“Fantastic.” Maddie comment, sarcastically as then they all ran out the building. The Trickster was still in there and didn’t make it out.


When they were safe, Maddie turned to look at Arah. “Now that we are safe and sound, can you proof to me that you are real? What you are claiming?” She asked to her.

Arah grabbed her hand and took off the ring. She put it around a small rope and began to swing it on her hand. It swings on it’s on, in circles as Maddie and the Doctor watched her. “You are pregnant with a boy. So yeah I’m real as I claim it.” She told them.

“What?!” They both exclaimed.

“You haven’t noticed?” Arah asked to them.

“Nope.” Maddie shook with her head.

“I was busy to notice it.” The Doctor groaned.

“Really?” Arah asked them.

Maddie sighed. “Yeah.”

“Okay.” Arah blinked at her.

Just then the Doctor exclaimed. “I need to take you to the med bay, to take a scan.”

“Okay, Sweetie.” Maddie nodded.

“I guess this is goodbye.” Arah guessed.

“It is, goodbye.” Maddie told her.

“But we will be coming back soon.” The Doctor added.

“What he said.” Maddie added as well.

Arah laughed at them as they rushed to het back to the Tardis. Arah swirled with a ball in her hand. It was in the air. “We will see.” She muttered as then she walked away as well.


When they were back in the Tardis, the Doctor practically dragged Maddie to the med bay and scanned her. Moments later they results were back and it said: Pregnant on it. The Doctor blinked. “You are really pregnant.”

“Really?” Maddie asked skeptically.

“Yes.” The Doctor nodded, pointing on the screen. “It says here.”

Then, Maddie stood up and looked at the screen as well. “Oh, wow. Arah was telling the truth.”

“She was.” The Doctor nodded.

“Okay.” Maddie began to smile. “We are going to be parents.” The Doctor smiled back, but was worried. Maddie sensed him. “What’s wrong, sweetie?”

“I’m worried.” He replied.

“Why are you worried? It’s a good thing.” Maddie told him.

“Yeah, it is, but the people that took Amy are still out there and I don’t want something to happen to you or our baby.” The Doctor replied to her.
“I understand, but can we just have this moment? And forget the other worries for a bit?” Maddie asked to him.

“Okay.” The Doctor nodded to her.
Then Maddie looked at him. “Are we gonna tell Amy and Rory?”

“Later, right now as you said it, ‘can we have this moment?’” He asked to her.

“We can.” Maddie nodded. Little did they know that something big was about to happen, something bad!


Author’s note: I hope you liked this chapter!

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