5.22 - Ruined a good boy

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  Cheng Kaixin found that since he got together with these two people, his lower limit was often refreshed. It feels a lot like finishing one thing by chance and seamlessly transitioning into the next one.

  Lance handed the cup to him slowly, looking a little aggrieved.

  Cheng Kaixin: "...Tsk."

  Under such expectant eyes, he really couldn't lift the cup to rinse his mouth.

  He raised his eyes and blinked at Lance, "I didn't say no."

  Lance's eyes were instantly lit up and he rushed over. With a "bang", the cup in his hand was knocked to the ground.

  The moment Cheng Kaixin's attention was attracted by the crisp breaking sound, he was bitten by him.

  Lance tried to bite his lower lip gently, his face flushed with excitement, his black eyes seemed to be shining with starlight, and then he buried his head and licked his lips.

  We kissed for a long time. It's just that for Cheng Kaixin... it's a bit too pure.

  He touched Lance's hanging long hair and chuckled: "You..."

  Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened his lips, the other party reached in.

  The silky touch made Cheng Kaixin unable to react for a moment. Lance's initial reaction was still a bit green, but he soon became proficient and gradually deepened.

  Cheng Kaixin leaned back slightly, and because he didn't use any force, the back of his neck curved into a slender arc. Although he was extremely strong, he couldn't hold on for a while and simply fell on his back on the bed.

  Lance supported him with one arm, and his long black hair fell down, covering his face densely. The black hair blocked the light, and the color of his eyes also darkened, giving off a rare aggressive look.

  Cheng Kaixin gasped for a moment, a little surprised, "How could you?"

  "Why not?" Lance asked doubtfully: "I was awake just now, and I can also feel Lancet's feelings."

  In other words, he had already learned it once when he had a kiss with Lanster.

  Cheng Kaixin: "..." Ah this.

  He suddenly felt like he had brought a good boy to ruin.

  Well, maybe it was Lanster who brought it up.

  "Then you just licked me like a puppy?" Cheng Kaixin said with a smile.

  Lance thought for a moment and said, "If you like something, you should save it for last and eat it slowly."

  "If you do it like this from the beginning, it will go by too fast." There was a look of satisfaction in his eyes, "Take your time and the kiss will last longer."

  But he still looked serious when he said this.

  Cheng Kaixin suddenly covered his face and let out a long breath like a sigh.

  "What's wrong with you?" Lance leaned closer, as if he wanted to observe his expression through his fingers.

  The warm breath fell on the back of the hand, bringing a tingling sensation.

  "I was defeated by you." Cheng Kaixin really had no resistance to this natural element. She raised her hand and hooked the back of his neck, raised her eyes and said with a smile, "Here, let's kiss him enough."

  After a while, the sky became dark. Someone knocked on the door. Lance was not suitable to appear in front of others. Cheng Kaixin got out of bed and opened the door. The housekeeper was outside the door.

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