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You stood in front of the police station, your uniform neatly pressed and your badge shining in the morning sun. It was just another day on the job for you, or so you thought. Little did you know that today would change your life forever.

As you sipped on your coffee, the radio crackled to life. "All units, we have a 10-90 in progress at the Central Bank. Suspect is armed and dangerous. Proceed with caution."

Without hesitation,you sprinted to your patrol car, sirens blaring as you sped towards the scene. you could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins, your training kicking in as you prepared for whatever awaited her.

Meanwhile, Jungkook, with a mask concealing his face, was inside the bank, chaos unfolding around him. He had meticulously planned this heist, and nothing was going to stop him. The bank's alarms blared as he stuffed bags with cash, the thrill of the crime fueling his actions.

As you arrived at the bank, you quickly assessed the situation. you tightened her grip on your gun, heart pounding in her chest. you took a deep breath and entered the bank, your eyes scanning the room for the criminal.

Spotting Jungkook, you shouted, "Freeze! Drop your weapon!" But Jungkook was quick to react. He turned and fired at you, the bullet narrowly missing your as you ducked for cover.

You returned fire, hitting Jungkook in the stomach. He winced in pain, but his determination to escape was stronger than ever. He managed to stagger out of the bank and into the waiting getaway car.

You pursued him, firing shots in an attempt to stop him. In the chaos, Jungkook's car swerved, crashing into a nearby building. you approached cautiously, gun trained on the damaged vehicle.

Jungkook stumbled out, blood staining his clothes. He glared at you, a mixture of anger and pain in his eyes. "You won't get away with this," he hissed before collapsing to the ground.

You called for backup and an ambulance, ensuring that Jungkook was taken into custody. Little did you know, this encounter would be the catalyst for a series of events that would change both of their lives forever.

Months passed, and you continued with your life, putting the bank robbery behind your. However, unbeknownst to your, Jungkook was biding his time in prison, nursing both physical and emotional wounds. Revenge consumed him, and an unexpected plan formed in his mind.

One day, you received a letter at the police station. It was unmarked, and curiosity got the better of your as you opened it. The neatly written words inside sent shivers down your spine.


"Dear Officer Y/N,

You may think you've won, but the game has just begun. I'll make you pay for what you did to me. Watch your back.

A Friend"

The mysterious letter left you unsettled, but you brushed it off, assuming it was just a sick prank. Little did you know, Jungkook had devised a plan to make her fall in love with him before revealing his true identity.

Weeks passed, and you found herself receiving flowers and gifts anonymously. At first, you was flattered, thinking it was a secret admirer. you began to question herself, wondering who could be behind these gestures.

One day, as you left the police station, you found a note on her car windshield. "Meet me at the park tonight. Wear something nice." Intrigued and a bit cautious, you decided to go, your detective instincts on high alert.

As you arrived at the park, you spotted Jungkook waiting under a dimly lit lamppost. He was dressed in a suit, a charming smile on his face. you couldn't help but feel a strange connection, a spark that ignited within you.

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