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A/n: Hello everyone, a special surprise for my followers on Valentine's day💜. It is not that sexual so.. I Hope you enjoy it.


Y/N was a diligent young woman who dedicated herself to her studies and work. She lived in a cozy apartment in the heart of Seoul, surrounded by books and plants that brought her joy. Despite her busy schedule, Y/N always found time to pursue her hobbies, whether it was painting, writing, or exploring the city with her friends.

One afternoon, as Y/N hurried through the bustling streets of Seoul, her mind abuzz with thoughts of deadlines and projects, she collided with someone, her papers scattering to the ground.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Y/N exclaimed, bending down to gather her things. As she looked up, she found herself face-to-face with a handsome stranger, his warm brown eyes filled with concern.

"It's okay, my fault entirely," the man replied with a sheepish smile, extending a hand to help her up. Y/N felt a flutter in her chest at his touch, but she quickly composed herself.

"Thank you," she murmured, taking the proffered hand and standing up. Their eyes met for a brief moment, and Y/N felt a strange sense of connection before she hastily gathered her belongings and hurried away.


Jungkook was a hardworking young man who juggled multiple jobs to make ends meet. He lived in a small apartment on the outskirts of Seoul, his walls adorned with posters of his favorite bands and musicians. Despite his busy schedule, Jungkook always found time to pursue his passion for music, spending hours composing songs and practicing his guitar.

One day, as Jungkook strolled through a peaceful park, his mind lost in thought, he collided with someone, sending them both stumbling backwards.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Jungkook said, reaching out to steady the person he had bumped into. When he looked up, he found himself face-to-face with a beautiful woman, her eyes wide with surprise.

"It's okay, no harm done," she replied, her voice soft and gentle. Jungkook couldn't tear his gaze away from her, captivated by her presence.

As they parted ways, Jungkook couldn't shake the feeling that their encounter was somehow significant. He made a mental note to try and find her again.


Days turned into weeks, and Y/N couldn't stop thinking about the handsome stranger she had collided with on the sidewalk. She found herself daydreaming about their brief encounter, wondering if fate would bring them together again.

Meanwhile, Jungkook roamed the streets of Seoul in search of the mysterious woman from the park. He hoped to catch another glimpse of her, to perhaps have the chance to speak to her again.

One day, as Y/N sat in her favorite café, lost in thought, she looked up to see Jungkook walk through the door. Their eyes met, and a spark of recognition passed between them.

"Hey, it's you!" Jungkook exclaimed, a smile spreading across his face as he approached her table.

Y/N's heart skipped a beat as she returned his smile. "Yes, it's me. What a coincidence to see you here!"


Over coffee, Y/N and Jungkook shared stories, laughter, and dreams. They found themselves engrossed in conversation, forgetting about the world around them as they delved into each other's lives.

As they talked, Jungkook couldn't help but admire Y/N's intelligence, wit, and beauty. He felt drawn to her in a way he had never experienced before.

Y/N, too, found herself captivated by Jungkook's charm, humor, and kindness. She felt a connection to him that she couldn't quite explain, a feeling of comfort and ease in his presence.

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